Please email a similar message to the one below to the following email addresses at the Green Investment Bank...

Shaun Kingsbury the CEO ( via his assistant)

Bruce Duguid, Head of Sustainability

Sara Arhaim, Head of Compliance.


For the attention of Mr Shaun Kingsbury

Dear Mr Kingsbury,

The GIB should not invest in Big Biomass Power

Scientists have shown, beyond any doubt, that burning trees to generate electricity produces more climate changing gases than the current carbon-heavy fuel mix of UK power. It can even be worse than burning coal. Even David MacKay, DECC's chief scientist agrees with this. You have given massive loans to Drax who are proven to be burning pellets made by clear-cutting old-growth forests in the USA. This is a travesty of sustainability.

The whole concept of big biofuels being sustainable in a closed carbon cycle is based on a double-counting misunderstanding, which scientists world-wide have proven to be false. Governments and the EC are out of date and out of touch with the truth that burning forests is a non-sensical way to attempt to save the climate. The former Government Chief Scientist Prof. Sir John Beddington was among the first to point this out.

At Avonmouth, near where I live, you are considering loaning to Helius Energy. DECC already admit that 80 percent of the fuel burnt by such power-plants must come from abroad. It is not true to say that they will only burn forest residues and scrap wood. Scrap wood is already fully contracted for locally. The UK already depends on 80% net imports for all of the wood used in this country. Pushing up the demand further will mean more forest destruction and more biodiverse forests being turned into monoculture tree plantations worldwide. The UK policy is driving Europe into a catastrophic travesty of sustainable development.

Bristol is to be the European Green Capital next year - just think about what you are leaving on our doorstep!

Helius Energy plan to burn 850,000 tonnes of trees a year. You are already doing terrible damage to forests world wide by your loans. Please stop.

Yours Truly