The mentor faculty of the Carolina Consortium on Human Development (CCHD) are pleased to announce a call for applications for predoctoral fellowships at the Center for Developmental Science. This is a very competitive program and only those applications that are submitted with a CCHD faculty nomination will be considered. We request that you bring this notice to the attention of highly qualified graduate students at our constituent universities whom you are willing to mentor during the fellowship.

Please note that this is a 2 year training opportunity.

In Year 1 of the predoctoral program(2016-2017), trainees will receive training in Developmental Science through the CCHD program and have the opportunity to complete an Individual Development Plan (IDP), participate in the CCHD consortium and class, and prepare and submit a focused research paper (not the dissertation, comps or MA) that will involve collaboration with two CCHD mentors. Trainees in the first year will have access to CDS resources to support their work and receive a modest travel and research award.

In Year 2 of the program (2017-2018), the predoctoral trainees will carry out their dissertation work, continue participation in the CCHD consortium series, and become involved in our professional development training series as they prepare for postdoctoral training or the job market. In addition, trainees in both years are invited to participate in CCHD training opportunities in targeted methodologies and topics as relevant to their IDP. Given acceptable progress in the first year, second year predoctoral trainees will also receive an NRSA stipend as they expand their work and training in Developmental Science (in addition to a travel and research stipend).

We expect that candidates should be post-MA (or the equivalent) but not yet in the dissertation phase of their program of studies.We anticipate that the funded second year will support students during their dissertation work and likely last year on campus.

Predoctoral trainees have mentoring teams that are comprised of a primary mentor as well as two additional CCHD faculty members. The primary mentor should be a CCHDmentorfaculty member (not affiliated faculty) engaged in an active line of research; this mentor may be an assistant, associate or full professor/research scientist and will often be the dissertation advisor for the fellow. The role of each mentor in the fellow’s training should be described as part of the application.Also solicited as part of the application process will be a brief statement from the proposed mentors that indicate their support for the proposal and the resources that will be made available to the fellow.

An online application is available at

The online application requires basic information along with a letter of interest, a 1-2 page summary of proposed research and training activities during the fellowship period, and a curriculum vitae. The research proposal should outline the applicant’s research interests and program as well as provide a description of a possible collaborative project with two CCHD mentor faculty members (one of whom may be the applicant’s mentor) and a description of their anticipated dissertation projectand career goals.

Additionally, one letter of nomination from a CCHD faculty member and a copy of the student’s graduate transcripts should be sent to the attention of Jennifer Coffman at the Center for Developmental Science ().

Materials will be reviewed beginningApril 26, 2016.

Applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents in accordance with NIH regulations.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact Jennifer Coffman regarding their research plans and applications.


Andrea Hussong

Director, Center for Developmental Science