From: Stephen Ives [mailto:
Sent: 12 August 2009 08:51
To: Richard Capp
Subject: Kipling Road Alley Gates
Rich as discussed I send this message by way of explaining our previous operational issues in the area and current perspective on the proposed Alley Gates.
We feel the effect of these lanes on a weekly basis, in that the ASB and crime that they facilitate causes a significant draw on our resources. The crime figures in the area demonstrate that the lanes are used by the criminal element to access the more vulnerable rear of the properties. Local youths also cause residents problems by committing lower level ASB and criminal damage to fences etc..
The residents have suffered for a long time in relation to ASB, burglary, arson, criminal damage and motor vehicle crime to name a few.
We in the local Neighbourhood Policing have continued to try and resolve these ongoing issues with limited success. This is generally down to the difficulty of effectively policing a rear lane system such as the one in Kipling Road. We have carried out several specific operations in the area over a number of years, such as directed patrols by plain clothes officers in relation to car crime, District Proactive teams have targeted certain individuals know to be committing crime in the area. We also have regular foot patrols in the lanes to identify those causing the ASB problems. We have carried out crime prevention activities with other agencies such as the Fire Service to reduce the opportunity for crime.
All of the above work is of course our job to do, and we will continue to provide support for all our communities to allow them to feel safe wherever possible. The problem we face in this instance is the secluded nature of the back lanes enables criminal activity and ASB to continue. The imposition of an Alley Gating system would put an end to the great majority of problems in the lane system. We have experience in similar situations in the Filton area where crime and ASB problems have virtually stopped as a result of gates. They allow residents to go about their business safely, stop criminal actively using the lanes and promote a greater sense of community in the area.
I believe this particular area would benefit hugely from the gating of the lanes.
For your consideration.
Sgt Steve Ives
Neighbourhood Policing
Filton & Patchway
Int - 64888
Ext - 01179454888
Mobile - 07919697693