Notice of Public Meeting
Sedona-Oak Creek Joint Unified School District #9
Strategic Development Team Committee
Community Forum
Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 5:30 p.m.
1. Welcome Scott Keller
Mr. Keller welcomed the audience of citizens, and introduced Mr. Groves as the facilitator for our second community forum.
2. Call to Order Don Groves
Mr. Groves called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m.
3. Members Present Don Groves Carolyn Fisher Cindy Hauserman
Jennifer Chilton Kathy Featherstone
Deana Dewitt Scott Keller
Melissa Cristallo Clair Ramos
Cindy Ramirez Katie Chorlton
Members Excused Darrin Karuzas Randy Hawley Karl Wiseman
Susan McGuire Heather Minter Debbie Jones
Heather Isom Jay Litwicki
Board Members Present Heather Hermen Karen McClelland
4. Approval of Minutes from November 15, 2017 Don Groves
Motion made by Carolyn Fisher/Seconded by Melissa Cristallo: A motion to approve the minutes from November 15, 2017 carried unanimously.
5. Overview of the Strategic Planning Process Don Groves
Mr. Groves gave a brief overview of this collaborative strategic planning process including: history of the committee's formation, identifying goals and objectives, and timelines for implementation. Subcommittees have been formed to evaluate community input, general demographic data, and education futures forecasting, and a strategic plan will be developed and presented to the board for approval and implementation by the incoming superintendent. Mr. Groves explained the SWOT process that will be used to identify district strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
6. Public Input and Discussion All
Those present were asked to identify SWOT''s, and common themes were identified. Strengths included: great staff, students, and principals, junior high tutoring, cohesiveness, the STEAM program, and technology advances. Weaknesses included: funding, recruiting and retention, and the perception of other schools being better than ours, lack of board focus, cultural insensitivity, lack of communication, lack of professional development, facility cleanliness, and animosity in the district. Identified opportunities included: parent and community support, attracting teachers, operating more efficiently, bilingual enrichment, growing the curriculum, and improving junior high. Threats included: decreased enrollment, funding, teacher pay, cost effectiveness of IB, stress, Red Rock News bias, testing bias, and families moving away from the area.
Discussion topics also included: leadership, lack of trust in superintendent and school board, general declining enrollment, funding equalization and equity, unfunded state mandates, current vs. future needs, vouchers, Prop. 301 funding, advertising, legislative issues, affordable housing, 501(c)(3)'s, marketing, and the need for change in order to maintain public education.
7. Summary Remarks Don Groves
Mr. Groves thanked those in attendance for their valuable input and commitment. Information gathered will be used to develop a plan to raise the bar and create exceptional educational opportunities for all students in our district. Mr. Groves noted that this process is all about best preparing our students for an ever-changing and challenging world. Two more forums are scheduled in December.
8. Adjournment Don Groves
Mr. Groves adjourned the meeting at 6:58 p.m.
Submitted by:
Sally Cadigan