Anemostat West Sales Assistant Helppage 1

Anemostat West Sales Assistant Help (06/26/2001)

Sales Assistant is a product of our parent Mestek Corporation, which provides our Order Status information via the Internet. This preliminary manual addresses use of Sales Assistant only for the business partners of Anemostat West, but the system can provide order status information for all divisions of Mestek with whom you may be a business partner. See the Check Order Status page described below about an online version of this manual, or obtaining a more printable help manual file from our website.

Please contact your product line administrator if you have any trouble registering, logging in, obtaining a printable help manual (which can be emailed), or normally using this system. Please use our Technical Emergency contact only when normal use of Sales Assistant is unworkable.

(click or use browser menu BACK to return to Contents)




HOME page & Site Navigation

ORDER SUMMARY search page

ORDER SUMMARY search results

ORDER SUMMARY search results for partly shipped orders


ORDER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT shipment tracking.

SHIPPER WEBSITE shipment tracking




Start your Internet access and browser, click the address field at the top, replace the address with and press ENTER. This should browse the web page shown within thirty seconds (appearance may differ).

Our Order Status system is called Sales Assistant. It is under field test with selected business partners, and not visible on Please retype “ each use, or have your browser “Favorite” (remember) this page and return to it by using your browser as follows:

  • MS Internet Explorer
  • Favorite: click menu >Favorites >Add To Favorites >OK.
  • Return: click menu >Favorites >Anemostat- Check Order Status
  • AOL
  • Favorite : click the heart at top of the current window, and save.
  • Return: click >Favorites on the top AOL menu, then Anemostat.


From the start page above, click WEB LOGIN, see below

If you have an Anemostat West user id and password already enabled, type them and click SUBMIT or press ENTER. See HOME page 6 next.

If you do not have a user id, click “New Users, Click Here to Register” below the SUBMIT button and see next page.

If you forget your user id or password, contact your administrator (see page 1).


This page can only add a new user id. More than one is allowed per organization.

  • Your Name: with your name please include your title, such as “CEO”, “Purchasing”, etc. This will enable us to address your needs better.
  • eMail:Input your email address correctly or we can’t contact you!
  • Comment:include phone so we can confirm your identity & support you!
  • Username: must be at least 6 letters or numbers but no more than 10. We recommend something easy to remember with only lower case letters, possibly with a extra digits to make it 6 long.
  • Password: This is obscured to keep an onlooker from seeing it, and must be typed twice for confirmation. We recommend all lower case letters with at least one digit at the beginning or end to make it harder for someone to guess or to reach the minimum of 6 long. REMEMBER your password please, or our administrator will have to assign you a new password.
  • In the example, Anemostat West Door Products has been checked. An Air or Security Air user must check Anemostat West Air Products instead.

BE SURE you’re done, because only our administrator can correct this later. Click SUBMIT near the bottom of the page. This will return you to the WEB LOGIN page. When the proper Air or Door administrator emails to you that you are enabled, see WEB LOGIN below.


If you have an Anemostat West user id and password already enabled by one of our administrators, type them and click SUBMIT or press ENTER. See HOME next page.

If your browser is idle for about 20 minutes, the login screen will reappear to ensure an unauthorized person does not view proprietary information.

If you do not have a user id, see NEW USER REGISTRATION page 3.

If you forget your user id or password, contact your administrator (page 1).

HOME page & Site Navigation

On the HOME page are recent news and bulletins regarding about the website. Under “Recent Order Activity” at the bottom are two of the searches also possible from the Order Summary page (next page).

Site Navigation. Above at the top is the dark “navigation bar” which shows
Home | Order Summary | Bulletins | Contact Us | Links. This appears at the top and bottom of every actual page of the Sales Assistant system. See:

  • Home for the above list of recent news & bulletins.
  • Order Summary to search for factory orders of interest. Results include Invoices, Order Acknowledgements, and aid for shipment tracking.
  • Bulletins to view recent information of interest in your relationship with Anemostat West.
  • Contact Us for a contact list of each department.
  • Links for other divisions of Mestek Corporation.

Near the top of each page are the Log Out and User account information links.

When the Air or Security Air product line is involved “Air” will appear where “Door” is shown. “Representative” will appear as needed where “Customer” is shown.– such as under “Registration Status” at lower left.

ORDER SUMMARY search page

In this example, the partial PO “00-08” has been typed. Pressing ENTER or clicking SEARCH shows the matching Order Summary search results (next page).

Details of Order Summary search methods are as follows:

  1. Order Summary page can search by all or part of a value. Type in the value then press ENTER or click “SEARCH” at right. This can be done by
  • Anemostat Factory Order,
  • Anemostat Factory Invoice,
  • Customer PO. This is the PO number of the placing organization (which may be a Representative’s PO). NOTE: all PO’s that include the typed value will be shown. A “missing” PO may be spelled differently and often can found by using a shorter part of the PO number or viewing All Orders).
  1. To Search for Recent Shipments or Recent Entered Orders,
    enter the count of days desired (including non-working days).

3. To search by Order Status using choices click “View by Order Status”.

  • Choices present if they apply to your orders are :
  • Pre-Production: an order line is not scheduled
  • Production: an order line is in fabrication on the plant floor
  • Shipment Pending: an order line is in the warehouse
  • Shipped: these lines have shipped but not yet invoiced
  • Shipped/Invoice: these lines are shipped and invoiced.
  • Shp Ptl. Shows shipment transactions by invoice number and anything remaining on-order as transaction Invoice “N/A” (see ORDER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT below).
  • Order Status search notes:
  • An unshipped Order takes the status of its slowest line. One Pre-Production order line makes all the order that status.
  • If there are no orders of a specific status, that choice does not show. “Shp Ptl” won’t show as a menu choice unless there is at least one order which was partly shipped.
  • Shipments of a partly shipped order appear as one or more invoices of status Shp Ptl. Details of anything remaining on order are under an “N/A” invoice transaction.
  1. To sort All Orders click “View All Orders” to choose among:
  • All Orders by Customer
  • All Orders by Order Status
  • All Orders by PO

5. To View by Customer

  • Clicking on Customer name shows all Orders by PO.
  • Representatives with several customers may browse by name (using “More Customers” links that appear when needed).

ORDER SUMMARY search results

After a search on the Order Summary page, a results page shows a list of Order transactions similar to the above. Results include all orders or invoices that match the chosen search, but may be in different sort orders depending on the type of search chosen. All orders & invoices that match the search appear, but when multiple pages are needed, a list of pages will appear by “Go To Page” above and below the list of transactions for the current page. When Factory Invoice is “N/A” the transaction is on order. ) or “TO INVOICE” (unbilled shipment).

Clicking on the Factory order Number of a transaction causes the detailed Order Acknowledgement page to appear. See next page.

When searching by PO, all orders shown include the value typed within their PO number – this may include multiple Factory Orders or multiple invoices for a partly shipped order. For Representatives, multiple Customers with similar PO’s may also appear.

When a PO seems missing there may be a misspelling between what the placing organization intended and what was entered. Try using a shorter version of the of the PO number, refer to a printed order acknowledgement, or try View All Orders sorted by PO.

ORDER SUMMARY search results for partly shipped orders

A partly shipped order will show as two or more transaction lines. The entire order often shows as one transaction per shipment invoice, plus one line with invoice “N/A” for what remains on order. Clicking the Factory Order Number of a transaction line will show the detail lines, quantities, and shipment tracking.information of that shipment invoice or on-order remainder (“N/A” invoice). See below.


ORDER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT page refers to Anemostat’s Factory Order. Part or all of the order has shipped, then the Carrier & Carrier Pro Number appear above order lines. Note also order status “Shipped/Invoice” at the top right.

Tracking this shipment is shown on the next pages.

  • An unshipped Order takes the status of its slowest line. One Pre-Production order line makes whole order that even if the rest is done.
  • Details of shipments or the on-order remainder of a partially shipped order include only quantities of that transaction. The “N/A” invoice, if any, shows what is left on order (see Order Summary search results above).

ORDER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT shipment tracking.

To find out the status of the shipment (track your order):

  • highlight exactly the “Pro” by clicking at the right edge of the “Pro” and dragging the cursor to the left edge (that is easiest way);
  • Right click the “Pro” to popup the “right click” menu, then select >Copy from the popup menu (as shown above), so your browser can retype it.
  • Next Left click the “Pro” to browse the shippers website (next page) so that can be used for tracking (NOTE: a few shippers may not be supported for Left clicking like this. Ask your Anemostat administrator or otherwise browse the shipper’s website – see next page).

SHIPPER WEBSITE shipment tracking

The shipper website may be browsed any way desired, including:

  • by left click of Anemostat’s “Pro” from our Order Acknowledgement page;
  • by starting another browser window with browser menu >File >New >Window, then typing in the address (in this case) then holding the cursor over Online Services (which drops down a menu not shown) and clicking >Shipment Tracking on the drop down menu.
  • by using a Favorite or an address in an email about that shipper.

On the shipper website Right click where the Tracking (or Pro) Number should be typed, then select >Paste on the right click popup menu (shown). See below.

SHIPPER WEBSITE shipment tracking .

Using the Right click popup >Paste makes the browser type what was >Copied from the Anemostat Order Acknowledgement page into the Pro or Tracking number field as shown above.

Press ENTER or click the SUBMIT or TRACKIT button of the shipper, and see below.

SHIPPER WEBSITE shipment tracking

Above is the result of tracking the Order on this particular Shipper’s website. Not shown is the fact this shipper supports clicking on the Pro Number above, to see further details (shipper and consignee addresses, shipment date, weight, and pieces).

This window can be closed by clicking the X at the far top right of the window frame, because a new window for the appropriate shipper website will start when another “Pro” number is left clicked.

For a UPS shipment each package has a separate Tracking (or Pro) number, but the status of the entire shipment can be seen by tracking only one package.

Shipment tracking by PO number as mentioned on this shipper website is not yet working in Sales Assistant.


Browse to our Check Order Status page which is not visible from during field test – so make it a Favorite. Please see our user manual for more detailednew user registration notes.

  • Online help is at the bottom of the Check Order Status page.
  • On Check Order Status, click “WEB LOGIN” near the top.
  • On Sales Assistant login page, click “New Users, Click Here to Register“ under the SUBMIT button.
  • On Sales Assistant Registration page:
  • BE SURE your email address is correct.
  • Include your Phone number in the Comments so we can confirm access and better help you.
  • Type a user id and password you can remember that is at least 6 letters and numbers and no more than 10 long. Pad it with numbers to make it hard to guess. If you forget, our administrator will have to find the user id or change the password for you.
  • Check Anemostat West Air Products or Door Products as needed.
  • Type everything carefully, only our adminstrator can correct it.
  • Click SUBMIT.
  • We will phone you to confirm access and email you when it is done.


Browse to our Check Order Status page which is not visible from during field test – so make it a Favorite. Please see our user manual for search methods and a shipment tracking example.

WEB LOGIN with your user id & password, which will show you the Home page.

Use navigation bar ( Home | Order Summary | Bulletins | Contact Us | Links )

  • Home for news and recent bulletins about our system or products.
  • Order Summary for searching your orders many ways. This will search by partial PO (but expand your search if a PO seems missing).
  • Order Summary search results lists Orders and Invoices. Partly shipped orders have an invoice transaction per shipment, plus possibly an “N/A” invoice about what remains on order.
  • Order Acknowledgement page details any Order or Invoice, including shipment tracking info to be used as follows:
  • Highlight exactly the Pro from the right edge (easier)
  • Right click >Copy the Pro so it can be pasted later.
  • Left click Pro to browse the shipper’s tracking page.
  • Right click >Paste the Pro (or Tracking number) where it should be typed.
  • Bulletins for all system bulletins.
  • Contact Us for Sales & Customer service contacts.
  • Links for information on other Mestek Corporation divisions.

See Anemostat West Sales Assistant Help on