Fig 2. Assessment grid for use on work based learning and profession-related modules and programmes in the Centre for Lifelong Learning at HE level 2

To be used in conjunction with specified learning outcomes & Framework for HE Intermediate level descriptors as a guide to the interpretation of levels and criteria

Reference to FHEQ Levels / Knowledge of module content / Application of knowledge / Evaluation through reflection, analysis and critique / Personal and Professional Development Planning
Eg. / Eg. Policy, theory, method, models, technique, debate, ‘good’ practice. / e.g. to personal and/or professional performance and work based practice. / e.g. evaluation of inter-relationship of practice, policy and theory / Academic, personal and professional attributes, qualities, skills & devnt (self, others, org)
High Firs
85-100t / Marks in this range may be used for work which could be published and/or could be submitted for awards at M level / Is able to bring appropriate understanding beyond that covered in the module, to bear on the module content. / Seminal choice of work based performance or practice to which innovative applications of knowledge are indicated. / Excellent critical evaluation of inter-relationship of policy, practice and theory, indicating ability to extend knowledge in this field. / Excellent academic, pers & prof attributes indicating consistent and enduring contribution to devnt of self/others/organisation.
Superb articulation of core & negotiated skills and how develpd
70-84 / Work achieving marks in this range meets standards at (I) level very well indeed and is likely to include elements appropriate at (H) Level / Indicates authoritative and detailed command of all key subject matter/ topics/ material / themes and issues addressed in the module. / Selects highly relevant aspects of work based performance or practice and demonstrates creative ways module knowledge has improved performance in a most professional manner. / Offers a highly coherent and cogently argued critical account of how changes in own performance or work based practice have been informed by theory and/ or a critique of how new understandings of practice have led to a critique of current literature in the field. / Demonstrates v.strong ability to negotiate / manage/ implement/ impact on improved personal performance and or work based policy/ practice
Highly professional articulation of core & negotiated academic, personal and professional skills and how developed.
60-69 / Work achieving marks in this range meets standards at (I) level very well. / Shows confident and very well marshaled appreciation of key subject matter. / Selects very appropriate aspects of work based performance or practice and demonstrates relevance of module knowledge to work place problems and issues. / Evaluates relationship between theory and practice in a manner that demonstrates moving beyond analysis to a reasoned critique of different perspectives and interpretations. / Demonstrates thorough approach to the negotiation/ management/ implementation of improvements in personal perf & /or work based practice. Well-structured presentation of core and negotiated skills.
50-59 / Work achieving marks in this range meet standards at (I) level adequately. / A fair range of knowledge demonstrated including core theories, policies, concepts & issues. / Chooses relevant examples of work based performance and practice and applies module knowledge adequately to these. / Demonstrates ability to evaluate to a certain extent through reflection and analysis of some key themes and issues and shows some awareness of different perspectives and interpretations. / Covers core and negotiated aspect of professional performance &/or work based practice adequately with some, though limited, insight.
Presentation adequate though contains flaws in certain aspects.
40-40 / Meets the minimum threshold standard for Intermediate level / Demonstrates some familiarity with module knowledge. / Some evidence of application to work based practice but discussion is rather under-developed. / Carries out some reflection and makes some analysis leading evaluative comments but critical perspective is either very basic or under-developed. / Core and negotiated aspects of professional / work based practice mentioned but not dealt with in sufficient depth.
Presentation reasonable but could be much better organised.
20-39 / Doesn’t meet minimum standards for (I) level though appropriate for credit at C level / Basic module knowledge but either poorly expressed, inaccurate or not comprehensive / Little evidence of application to work based performance/ practice or weak example(s) chosen. / Reflective and evaluative comments but little evidence of analytical process or critical perspectives. / Some core or negotiated aspects are absent.
Presentation of above difficult to follow and somewhat disorganised.
Low Fail
0-19 / Falls below standard required for C level / Knowledge demonstrated sparse and / or too simplistic / Inappropriate application to work based performance/ practice or none. / Descriptive and simplistic account that does not move beyond initial reflection to analysis or critique. / Core & negotiated skills developt inadequately addressed/absent & poorly presented..