Student Government Association

2014-2015 Senate Meeting

Minutes for February 3, 2015

Madison union Ballroom

Beginning 5:15 pm

Call to Order at 5:20

Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence


Guest Speaker: Alicia Pettis

·  Student Giving related to the Centennial Celebration

·  February 27-28, 2015

·  Centennial Year of SGA

o  Reestablishment of the SGA scholarship

o  100th SGA Student Leaders

o  Alumni Reunion Committee set a goal of 37% giving

o  Only 3 more years to get the endowment of $25,000

o  Gift as a voice for support of SGA

·  Go MAD & SAA

o  University focus on student giving

o  SAA Membership

·  60% student participation (50 donors)

·  30% participation in SAA

·  As a leader we need to be the role models and reinforce giving. We need to educate members on the importance of giving and secure SGA as the organizational leader in giving.

·  What can we do?

o  Post in online groups. Reinforce giving to your friends. Talk about giving in emails. Personally solicit members. Remind members and follow up with them. Say THANK YOU!

o  Go to Taylor, Dan or Ryan to get the packet.

o  Giving options: All donations need to be at least $5.00.

§  Mail in check or cash.

§  Credit Card

§  Call

§  Reoccurring credit card

o  SAA Membership is $25.00

o  Centennial Donor/President’s Council - $100.00

·  Your gift is your voice!


·  Approval of the Minutes

o  Meeting Minutes for February 3, 2015 were passed by unanimous consent by the Student Senate.

·  Contingency

o  Best Buddies

§  International organization to establish a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment and leadership development for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

§  Best Buddies 26th International Leadership Conference in Bloomington, Indiana. It is four days in length, filled with guest speakers and other events to better understand the Best Buddies group.

§  Therefore it be resolved by the Student Senate of James Madison University that the Student Government Association allocate $650 in contingency funds to Best Buddies.

§  Finance Report: 8-0-0

§  Read aloud and debated.

§  This resolution is passed by unanimous consent by the Student Senate.

o  Destination Imagination

§  Focuses on critical problem solving, while incorporating the STEM as well as service learning and the arts. During competitions, team members participate in a series of challenges.

§  Global Finals is held at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, TN. 1,276 teams from 45 states compete.

§  Therefore it be resolved by the Student Senate of James Madison University that the Student Government Association allocates $2,150 in contingency funds to Destination Imagination.

§  Contingency funds will be going toward supplies expense ($750) and conference fees ($1400).

§  Finance Report: 7-1-0

§  Read aloud and debated.

§  This resolution is called to a vote and passes by the Student Senate.

o  Madison Marketing

§  Provide opportunities for students of all majors to learn and implement marketing principles through fundraisers, event advertising and case competitions while developing professional skills through speaker events and workshops.

§  International Collegiate Conference that typically yields 1,100 students from 150 different colleges. Madison Marketing Association consistently places within the top 15 chapters in the nation.

§  Therefore it be resolved by the Student Senate of James Madison University that the Student Government Association allocate $1500 in contingency funds to Madison Marketing Association.

§  Finance Report: 7-0-0

§  Read aloud and debated.

§  This resolution is passed by unanimous consent by the Student Senate.

o  U.S. Institute for Theatre Technology

§  Works to create well rounded theatre technicians by giving opportunities through workshops.

§  National Conference is in Cincinnati, Ohio this year for professional development.

§  Therefore be it resolved by the Student Senate of James Madison University, that the Student Government Association allocates $2,150 in contingency funds to USITT.

§  Finance Report: 6-1-1

§  Read aloud and debated.

§  This resolution is passed by unanimous consent by the Student Senate.

o  Madison Investment Fund

§  Gives students opportunities to integrate financial theory with the application of real investment strategies and function as a money manager for a portion of JMU’s Foundation’s endowment.

§  ENGAGE is an international investment education symposium where students can participate in both a portfolio competition and stock pitch competition.

§  Therefore it be resolved by the Student Senate of James Madison University that the Student Government Association allocates $2,150 in contingency funds for MIF.

§  Finance Report: 7-0-0

§  Read aloud and debated.

§  This resolution is called to a vote and passes by the Student Senate.

Motion to table RISE from the agenda due to lack of knowledge. Called to a vote and passes.

o  Health Administration Student Association

§  A student organization that promotes the profession of health services administration.

§  The American College of Healthcare Executives Annual Congress during March 16-19.

§  Therefore it be resolved by the Student Senate of James Madison University that the Student Government Association allocates $2,150 in contingency funds to HASA.

§  Finance Report: 6-1-1

§  Read aloud and debated.

§  This resolution is passed by unanimous consent by the Student Senate.

·  100 Years Resolution

o  Therefore it be resolved by the Student Senate of James Madison University that the Student Government Association recognize the support of and collaboration with the James Madison University administration, staff and faculty during our 100 years on this campus.

o  Read aloud and debated.

o  This resolution is passed by unanimous consent by the Student Senate.

·  Constitution

o  Veto is explained. No amendments will be accepted.

o  Motion to table this document fails by the Student Senate.

o  Quorum is called.

§  Roll called is requested.

§  42/50 senators are present. 33 senators need to be present for quorum.

o  Debate

o  Constitution is voted on as a whole, with a vote of 20-12-9 the veto is approved and the Constitution will go back to how it was before. We needed 27 for it to pass.

Senate Reports

·  Speaker Nick Maggio

o  Thank for keeping Elections out of the office.

·  Committee Chairs

o  Academic Affairs: Robby Smith

§  Senate was a passport event today!

§  Madison Vision Teaching Excellence award was passed and SGA will be in charge of that.

§  Changes being made to the policy regarding graduating with honors.

o  Community Engagement: Maddie Cairns

§  This Sunday visiting food bank at UVA.

§  Sign up on the Google Doc for SPCA.

§  Pen Pal letters will be picked up at Senate and then dropped off again at Senate.

§  Sent out over 200 emails for the Big Event.

§  Relay for Life update

·  So far $700.00 have been raised. We are at 36% of our goal.

·  8 weeks and 2 days left to achieve our goal.

·  Facebook for donations!

o  Membership: Meredith Parker

§  Reminder to please drop off your name-plates with membership. Pick up Valentines in the back.

§  Thank you to everyone for coming to retreat.

§  Tubing is Wednesday, February 25th from 7:00-9:00PM at Massanutten. It is $11.00 with your student ID.

§  Representative of the week is Jenn Asbell.

§  Senator of the week is Sachin Sundar.

o  Legislative Action: Josh Humphries

§  Richmond Lobbying is a week from tomorrow.

§  Yesterday there was a meeting with Charlie King.

§  Zan has been collaborating on making amendments to the noise ordinance.

§  City Council meets tonight.

§  Still working on the voting precinct effort.

o  University Services: Ryan Windels

§  Drink it Your Way is February 27th and will be partnering with SafeRides.

§  Meeting with Towana Moore this week.

§  Now a bike pump behind Shenandoah hall.

§  Going on a lighting tour, let USERV know if you know a spot that needs to be fixed.

·  Directors

o  Communications: Michael Comer

§  No report

o  Finance: Casey Donnelly

§  Thanks for being critical with contingency.

·  Class Council Presidents

o  Senior Class President: Lauren Holder

§  Not present.

o  Junior Class President: Dan Brezinsky

§  Today I Learned is March 2nd.

o  Sophomore Class President: Tory Atkins

§  Continue working on ring premiere.

o  Freshmen Class President: Sean Button

§  Working on bigger events to come this semester.

Advisor Report: Kristin Muncy

o  Not present.

Executive Council Reports

·  Student Body President: Taylor Vollman

o  We are not trying to bash class council for the veto, this was made for the whole of our organization.

o  Town and Gown meeting was today.

o  Working on a task force to change the advising website.

o  Sexual Assault Coalition meeting this Friday.

o  PSA first meeting with the whole group happened earlier this week too.

·  Executive Vice President: Kaitlin Thomas

o  Thank you Aaron for taking over Gold Rush.

o  Banquet sign ups are still available! Please sign up!

·  Executive Treasurer: Aaron Brown

o  New shirts are created for SGA 100 Years of Serving You. $15.00 per person. Sign up on the google doc.

o  Next Wednesday is the Madison Union Open house from 2:30-5:00.

o  We need people to work tables outside, sign up on the google doc.

o  Look out for dates on Purple Out Take 2.

Executive Staff Reports

·  Executive Assistant: Julie Hirschhorn

o  No report

·  Administrative Officer: Kiersten Schierenbeck

o  Share the meet and greet graphic

§  Wednesday at D-Hall from 5:30-7:00.

§  Thursday at E-Hall from 5:30-7:00

o  Come support the candidates at the Debate on Monday 7:00-8:30 in TDU.

o  Campaigning has officially begun. Reminder to keep elections talk out of the office and other SGA events, besides me.

o  Begun working on changing the elections policy so if you have ideas let us know.

o  Minor elections applicants should be getting an email from me later tonight to ensure that all of your paperwork is correct.

·  Parliamentarian: Matt Mueller

o  No report

Motion to Adjourn at 7:15 PM