State License Number: CDC 1414
Federal I.D. Number: 86-0226972
Ascension Lutheran School
1220 W. Magee Road
Tucson, Arizona 85704
Phone: (520) 742-6229
FAX: (520) 742-4781
School CalendarInside Front Cover
Spiritual Beliefs1
Worship Opportunities1
Parent Involvement2
Parent Conduct2
Preschool and Pre-kindergarten Curriculum3
Entrance Requirements and Enrollment Policies4
Tuition Programs and Tuition4
School Hours5
Discontinued Enrollment5
School Dress6
Behavior and Discipline6
Extended Day Child Care Program7
Insurance Liability7
Extended Child Care Fees7
and Sign-Out Procedures8
Snacks and Lunches8
Birthdays and Other Celebrations9
Personal Items at School9
Sick Children9
“Growing Children . . . God’s Way!”
The purpose of Ascension Lutheran School is to provide educational excellence in a
Christ-centered environment.
Ascension Lutheran School will strive to promote the academic, emotional, physical
and spiritual development of each child. The school wishes to partner with parents in
“training children in the way they should go.” (Proverbs 22:6)
Spiritual Beliefs
Ascension Lutheran Church & School is affiliated with the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. Ascension School is a ministry of this congregation. Ascension Lutheran Church and School is committed to the beliefs and truths revealed in God’s inerrant Word, the Holy Bible and the following scriptural truths:
1.That the Bible is the inspired Word of God.
- That there is only one true God, eternally existing in the three persons of the Holy Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- That forgiveness of sins and salvation has been won for all men through the life, death, and resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ. This forgiveness is freely given to all who believe in Christ’s atoning work, as a result of God’s Grace, without any merit or worthiness on our part. (1John 2:2; Romans 3:22-28; Acts 16:30-31.) As a result, we can confidently look forward to spending eternity with God in heaven.
4.That Baptism is a means of grace that the Holy Spirit uses to bring us to faith and grants us salvation.
5.Life itself is a gift from God and that we are to live our life totally committed to Him and in loving service to our neighbor.
6.Sharing the Good News of salvation with children prepares them to lead a life to enable them to also share this Good News.
Worship Opportunities
Christian worship is included in each school day's activities. There are morning devotions, Bible studies, mealtime prayers and weekly Chapel services. Students are expected to participate in school worship.
If you currently do not have a church home, Ascension invites you to join us for worship and to consider becoming a member of the Ascension Lutheran Church family. Weekend worship services are held on Saturday evenings at 5:00 p.m. and on Sunday morning at 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 a.m. Childcare is available during worship services. Sunday School classes for children are available at 9:30 a.m. and Adult Bible classes at 9:30 and 10:45 a.m. Going Beyond Bread (formerly Family Night) takes place on Wednesday evenings, beginning at 5:30 pm with a meal, followed by devotional worship, classes for adults and activities for children. Fundamental Christian Beliefs classes are offered on a regular basis to inform about the Christian faith and membership at Ascension. There are numerous opportunities for Bible Study, worship and activities throughout the week. Feel free to speak with the school administrator, school staff or pastors about attending Ascension and know that you are always welcome.
Parent Involvement
Excellence at Ascension Lutheran School can best be achieved when the
relationship between school and home is excellent. Opportunities to
support Ascension Lutheran School with your time, talent, and treasure
are available. Your continued prayers are also important.
Parents may visit classrooms during the school day but must check in
at the school office to receive a visitor’s badge.
The parents of Ascension Lutheran School are the school pals! You provide volunteer participation that creates and forges a strong partnership that blesses the school community. Your involvement is essential.
The School Advisory Board, school office staffand school volunteers organize the Community Education Programs. These include local grocery stores, department stores, office supply stores and eScrip matching funds for schools. Go to the web site: and select retailer list, to find places where you can shop. Participating in these programs supports the school and your child as well.
In addition, PALS also provide support during school functions, school activities and classroom activities. School functions might include: the ice cream social, the book fair, the Christmas Program, Field Day, the Annual Fundraiser and Spring Program. Each activity needs volunteers willing to assist with planning, organizing, set-up, serving, and clean-up. These events give you an opportunity to connect with the other families at Ascension.
Parent Conduct
The conduct of our school parents makes an important impact on our school environment. Parents are significant and powerful role models to all of our students. Accordingly, it is expected that parents follow these guidelines when interacting with teachers, students and other parents:
*Treat all staff, students and property with respect, as you can expect in return. (Philippians 2:3-4)
*In expressing questions, concerns and suggestions, speak calmly and listen with an open mind to
responses.Stay focused on the shared desire to meet the Christian educational needs of all students. (Colossians 3:12)
*Teachers can give you their full attention when you make an appointment to discussyour
issue. Approaching them immediately before or after school, in the midst of a crowd of students or people or during other school activities is not optimum.
*Remember that everyone makes mistakes. Kind understanding of staff errors will always be
appreciated and you can expect the same treatment in return. (Ephesians 4:32)
*Never directly confront or challenge a child (other than your own) while the child is under school
supervision, unless as a volunteer you have been so empowered (such as chaperoning a field trip). If you observe or hear about behavior that you believe should be addressed, inform the proper school authority (such as the child’s classroom teacher), and then trust the staff member to take action, as he or she believe appropriate to the situation.
*Please keep to the same standards of decent language to which the students are held. (Exodus
*Inappropriate parent behavior or a disregard for school authority can be grounds for student
dismissal. (Romans 13:1-2)
Ascension staff will communicate with families in person, through email, notes, phone calls and newsletters. Staff will not communicate about your child with other people. Classrooms will also have postings with information about upcoming events. Licensed rooms will also have schedules, lesson plans and upcoming lesson activities.
If you have a question or concern about a classroom issue, please contact the classroom teacher directly. (Matthew 18:15-22) If you believe administrative attention would be helpful, feel free to contact the school officeafter you’ve spoken to your child’s teacher. Please do not hesitate to contact the teacher or administrator with any general questions or concerns.
Curriculum refers to all educational experiences the children at Ascension Lutheran School receive. Spiritual growth, creative expression, social, emotional, physical and cognitive development is addressed within each aspect of learning.
Jesus is our Savior Exploring Expression
Learning Building Confidence
Building Muscles Learning Interactions
Preschool and Pre-kindergarten Curriculum
At this level, children are introduced to a structured and nurturing school
environment. The children learn to know Jesus as their friend and Savior.
Thishelps them learn to build relationships with other adults and friendships
with other children.
Preschool curriculum materials include One in Christ,Handwriting Without
Tears, and thematic units that begin with a Bible story and incorporate math,
science,drama, music, craftsand play around that story. Thematic units
include subjects such as space, colors, shapes, animals, and insects;
that change in topic on a weekly basis.
The focus in the Pre-Kindergarten classroom is academic components that encourage effective transition into kindergarten. Students practice letter and number recognition, matching, cutting and writing through the use of Everyday Math and Handwriting Without Tears, and One in Christ.
Due to the young age of these children, field trips will not be taken with the exception of school chapel. Regular efforts to enrich learning experiences, such as guest speakers, demonstrations and special activities will occur on-site.
Entrance Requirement and Enrollment Policies
Ascension Lutheran School practices a non-discriminatory admission policy. Programs and opportunities are open to all children regardless of gender, race, color or ethnic origin. These practices are founded on the teachings of Jesus Christ and are in compliance with Federal and State laws.
Please speak with the school administrator if your child has special needs (for example: mental or emotional handicaps, behavior problems or other special needs) to discuss appropriate accommodations to be made for the continued safety and health of the child.
For enrollment, each student must have completed the following items:
- Registration and Enrollment Form
- Emergency Information and Immunization Record Card
- Photocopy of a Immunization Record for the Student
- Paid the annual registration fee and school fees
Students entering preschool must be age 2 by September 1 and no longer in diapers or pull-ups. They must be able to take care of their own toileting needs and be able to verbally express their needs to staff. Students entering pre-kindergarten must be age 4 by September 1 and planning to enter kindergarten the following year.
Classroom assignments are at the discretion of school staff and administration.
Monthly Tuition Schedule 2016-2017 / ENROLLMENT OPTIONSDay Length / M-F / M/W/F / T/TH
PROGRAMS OFFERED / INFANTS / School Day / 750 / 450 / 300
12-24 MONTHS / Full Day / 900 / 540 / 360
Half Day / 435 / 260 / 175
Half Day w/ Lunch Bunch / 515 / 310 / 205
TODDLERS / School Day / 600 / 360 / 240
2's / Full Day / 750 / 450 / 300
Half Day / 345 / 205 / 140
Half Day w/ Lunch Bunch / 425 / 255 / 170
PRESCHOOL / School Day / 485 / 290 / 195
2’s and 3's / Full Day / 635 / 380 / 255
Half Day / 280 / 170 / 115
Half Day w/ Lunch Bunch / 360 / 215 / 145
PRE-KINDERGARTEN / School Day / 485 / 290 / 195
4's / Full Day / 635 / 380 / 255
Half Day / 280 / 170 / 115
Half Day w/ Lunch Bunch / 360 / 215 / 145
Day Length / Discounts
School Day / 8am-3pm / Sibling / 10%
Full Day / 7am-6pm / Member / 10%
Half Day / 8am-11am / Pre-payment:
Half Day w/ Lunch Bunch / 8am-12pm / Annual 5% / Semi-Annual / 2%
All students are enrolled in tuition programs during the 8:00 am – 3:00 pm time period each day. Tuition for each program may be paid annually, semi-annually or monthly which is an annual amount divided into ten equal payments beginning in August and ending in May. Tuition statements are given and tuition is due on the first school Monday of each month. Payment may be made by check or cash and given to the School Administrator or placed in one of the black lock-boxes. Cash payments are accepted.
Membership status indicates an active and official membership at Ascension Lutheran Church. Attending the Fundamental Christian Beliefs Class and joining the congregation activates official membership. To maintain membership status, weekly worship and Bible study attendance is expected.
Payments made after the 15th of the month will be assessed a late fee of $20.00. Should tuition be more than one-month delinquent, the parent will be notified and the child dropped from the program. If there is a financial problem, please contact the school administrator so payment arrangements can be made. All returned checks will be assessed a $25.00 charge.
Tuition is not adjusted for days missed due to illness or holidays. No make-up days/refunds are offered.
Students are expected to be in their classrooms promptly at the time their classes begin.
Parents should sign in using legal signature and accurate arrival/departure time. Please call the school office if your child is sick and won’t be attending: 742-6229
If you wish to change your child’s tuition program day, time or program selection, pleaseprovide a two-week notice to the school office, requesting the change. Tuition program changes must occur at monthly intervals to accommodate monthly tuition billing cycles.
Discontinued Enrollment
If you are removing your child from enrollment, please give a two-week notice, in writing, to the School Administrator or classroom teacher. Please include a forwarding address if you are moving so records can be released to a new school. All financial obligations must be paid prior to any release of student records.
A two-week notice will ordinarily be given to the parent if your child is dismissed from Ascension Lutheran School. If you have paid the annual or semi-annual tuition, following withdrawal, the unused prepaid amount will be refunded minus one full month’s tuition. Monthly tuition refunds will not be given. Reasons for dismissal include:
1.Child’s inability or refusal to adjust to the program;
2.Excessive disruptive behavior;
3.Child repeatedly harms other children, staff or self;
4.Inappropriate use of technology and/or technology equipment;
5.Parent’s unwillingness to cooperate with school staff or school policy;
6.Parent’s inappropriate interference or inappropriate behavior;
7.Failure to pay tuition or fees.
School Dress
Parents are responsible for dressing their children appropriately for school, using the general guidelines of safety, cleanliness, modesty and decency for appropriate choices. Fashion, fashion accessories, make-up, jewelry and societal pressures about what students should be wearing are inconsequential to what students are learning in school.
General dress guidelines are as follows:
- Sneakers are required foot wear and safest for playground use. Other shoes may be worn to
to school, but once a student arrives, sneakers must be worn. Do not wear sneakers with
- Thin strap shirts or mid-riff shirts are not to be worn to school.
3. Shorts under dresses are necessary for modesty.
4. Shorts and skirts should be longer than fingertip length as arms fall to the student’s side.
5. Jewelry is discouraged and may be taken away if used as a distraction. Dangle earrings are
not safe during recess play and physical education and may not be worn at school.
6. Make-up and false fingernails should not be worn to school.
Behavior and Discipline
Good behavior is a prerequisite for good learning. Children learn best in a safe environment that has boundaries. Class rules are determined and implemented by the teacher and provide consequences for both appropriate and inappropriate behavior. When a child is corrected for his or her misbehavior, teachers, children and other adults always extend forgiveness following the example of Christ Jesus.
The purpose of discipline is to help children learn self-direction and self-discipline as they mature in their relationship with the Lord and their neighbor.
Behavior expected of students is as follows:
- Students are expected to be cooperative, dependable
and honest. (Proverbs 12:13)
- Students are expected to demonstrate good stewardship.
(1 Corinthians 4:1-2)
- Students will treat classmates and staff with respect.
(Philippians 2:3-4)
- Students will respect the authority of God, parents, teachers
and other adults in positions of authority. (Romans 13:1-2)
- Students will conduct themselves in a manner that brings
honor to God, their families, the school and themselves. (Proverbs 17:17)
Some guidelines of unacceptable behavior include:
1.Fighting or inflicting bodily harm to another child, or staff member.
2.Profanity, spoken or gestured.
- Defiant behavior or language.
- Disrupting learning.
- Willful destruction, theft or misuse of property.
- Conduct, language or attitudes unbecoming a Christian.
- Truancy.
The staff will make an effort to use positive reinforcement, verbal counsel and alternative choices presented by the classroom teacher. Time-out or forfeiture of privileges may be necessary. Contact with parents will occur if further intervention is necessary. It is the goal at Ascension to make learning a positive experience.
Extended Day Child Care Program
Ascension Lutheran School is licensed by the State of Arizona to provide Child Care services that includes Ascension Lutheran preschool, pre-kindergarten and childcare programs. The public case records regarding Ascension are available for inspection pursuant to A.R.S. 39-121 at:
Arizona Department of Health Services, 400 West Congress, Suite 100,
Tucson, Arizona 85701(520) 628-6540
or by appointment, in the school office.
Insurance Liability
A general liability insurance policy, that meets the Department of Health Service’s mandate, is maintained by Ascension Lutheran Church and School. It is intended to supplement the health coverage already maintained by each family and is applicable should a student require medical attention due to injury during school hours or at a school sponsored activity.
Extended Child Care Fees
All Preschool students enrolled in Ascension School full dayprograms are eligible for extended care. Extended care is available Monday – Friday, 7:00 – 8:00 am, 3:00 – 6:00pm.Kindergarten students are eligible for extended care at a rate of $4.00 for each hour of a time used.
Students are allowed to arrive 5 minutes early and may be picked up 5 minutes after the close of their program at no additional charge during tuition program times. Morning students remaining after 11:05 am will be charged $3.00 per minute for late charges. Childcare is not offered or available during the regular school day.
Reservations are required for childcare during school vacation times. This is done to plan what staff is needed. If you reserve time, but your child does not attend, you will be billed for the time you reserved.
If there is an emergency and you will be late, contact the school immediately. If your child is not picked up by 6:05 pm and the childcare staff has not heard from you, the procedure is as follows: