Guiding Principles of Trinity College Policy and Procedures
Trinity College is an educational institution committed to the encouragement and achievement of excellence.
It aims to offer its students, in all parts of the College, the best all-round educational experience in an Australian university, and to make that education comparable with the best in the world.
Trinity College believes that all decisions, such as selection of students and staff, should be on the basis of individual merit, taking account only of the qualities and circumstances relevant to the particular decision.
Trinity College is strongly committed, in principle and practice, to encouraging the celebration of diversity in its community, and the understanding and tolerance of differences, whether they be racial, cultural, physical, or other.
Consistent with the principle of selection on merit, it aims to encourage a diverse community of students and staff.
It strongly encourages the development of inter-cultural awareness and understanding.
It is keenly committed to providing the best education it can to students from all nations and all parts of Australia, including indigenous Australians.
In order to ensure that all members of the Trinity College community may reach their full potential, the College recognises the importance of access and equity in all areas of education and support services.
The College endorses the principles of the University of Melbourne’s policy on cultural diversity:
Respect and Consideration for Others
Trinity College is an educational community in which all conduct should be based on respect and consideration for others.
Conduct not consistent with respect for others may be the subject of disciplinary proceedings, consistent with the seriousness of the alleged offence. Details of disciplinary provisions and procedures may be obtained in the residential College handbook and the Trinity Foundation Studies diary.
Women in Leadership
Consistent with the principles stated above, Trinity College is dedicated to encouraging, preparing, and promoting women - students and staff - to undertake positions of leadership within the College and in the wider community.
Equal Opportunity and Anti-Discrimination
Trinity College aims to promote and provide opportunities for the fullest achievement by all individuals, regardless of their gender, racial or national origin, or any other factor.
Consistent with the principles stated above, Trinity College is committed to the principle of equal opportunity and to the prevention of discrimination.
Any person believing they are the victim of a breach of these principles should either
· consult the College’s Director of Human Resources, Ms Amanda Crawley, or
· pursue procedures set out elsewhere in this document or connected documents for dealing with sexual harassment or handling other grievances.
Trinity College will not tolerate harassment of any kind - sexual, racial, or other.
The College will do all it can to minimise the likelihood of harassment of any kind, and will respond with all appropriate vigour to any cases of harassment.
A person believing herself or himself the victim of harassment of any kind should consult a Harassment Adviser. Their names and contact detail will be advertised, or can be obtained from
· the Director of Human Resources, Ms Amanda Crawley,
· the Director of Student Services in Foundation Studies, Ms Ashwinny Krishna Singam,
· the Academic Registrar and Student Adviser in the residential College, Dr Leanne Habeeb, or
· the IT&T System Administrator, Mr Tim Bell.
Sexual Harassment
Trinity College endorses the principles of the inter-collegiate policy and procedures on sexual harassment.
Allegations of sexual harassment within any part of the College - including the residential College, Trinity Foundation Studies, the Trinity College Theological School, and all parts of College administration - should be referred to a Harassment Adviser. Their names and conduct details will be advertised, or can be obtained from
· the Director of Human Resources, Ms Amanda Crawley,
· Ms Ashwinny Krishna Singam (Foundation Studies),
· Dr Leanne Habeeb (residential College) or,
· Mr Tim Bell (IT&T).
Allegations of sexual harassment within the residential College and Foundation Studies will be handled in line with the principles and procedures of the inter-collegiate policy, copies of which may be obtained from
· the Director of Student Welfare in the residential College, Mr Jon Ritchie (telephone: 9348 7223. Email: ), or
· the Director of Student Services in Foundation Studies (Ms Ashwinny Krishna Singam (telephone: 9348 7040. Email: ).
Wherever appropriate, allegations of sexual harassment in other parts of the College will be handled in line with the principles and procedures of that inter-collegiate policy.
Allegations of harassment arising in connection with any classes of the United Faculty of Theology would be handled in accordance with the UFT’s policy on sexual harassment.
Grievance Procedures: Staff and Students
Trinity College recognises the importance of sound and fair procedures in dealing with disputes that may arise within the College.
In the belief that, wherever possible, grievances and disputes should be prevented from happening, Trinity College also promotes an environment in which due process, good management and communication skills are fundamental to any interaction with and between students.
The College upholds and complies with the requirements under State and Commonwealth law, including the requirements of the Educational Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2001, which mandates the provision for international students of clear avenues for resolving grievances.
Grievances by staff will be handled in accordance with the procedures set out in the provisions on grievances and dispute resolution in the ‘Terms and Conditions’ document applying to all College staff. Staff are encouraged in the first instance to contact the Director of Human Resources, Ms Amanda Crawley, who can assist with further information about these procedures and other staff entitlements.
Any member of staff may also seek confidential counsel from Chaplains as part of the informal process of resolving difficulties.
Grievances by students (except in the case of sexual harassment, which are handled under policies mentioned above) will be handled in accordance with the policy and procedures outlined below, which reflect the expectations and responsibilities of the College to all of its students.
The intention at all times is to consider a range of options for the resolution of the grievance and to approach the issue in good faith.
· Wherever possible, informal means will be used to resolve any dispute.
· Resolution of any dispute will be accomplished as close as possible to the source of the student’s dissatisfaction.
· In the resolution of a dispute, respect for all parties’ confidentiality will be paramount.
· Students should feel secure in the knowledge that they will not suffer any form of disadvantage as a result of making the complaint.
· Where a dispute remains, the student shall have the right to approach a senior administrator within their respective section of the College, such the Director of Student Welfare in the residential College, the Director of Academic Advice in Foundation Studies, or the Dean of Students in Trinity College Theological School.
· If resolution of the dispute is still not found, the parties to the dispute are able to refer the matter to the Head of the relevant section - the Dean, the Director of Foundation Studies, or the Director of the Theological School.
· If the grievance is not resolved at that stage, the Warden will be the final arbiter, or will determine the process for final resolution.
· At any stage in the process, either party will have the right to go outside the College for advice and action.
· Foundation Studies students also have the right to take the matter to the TCFS Ombudsman (details in diary).
Due process and Confidentiality
Principles of due process and confidentiality will be observed at all times in the handling of any complaints of harassment or other inappropriate conduct, or any grievances.
The staff member responsible for overall implementation of this policy is the Director of Human Resources, Ms Amanda Crawley. Inquiries may be addressed to her. Telephone 9348 7152
Review and Improvement
This policy is under review, and suggestions for improvement are invited. They should be addressed to the Director of Human Resources, Ms Amanda Crawley, at Trinity College (contact details above).
September 2004