AP World Summer Packet
Thank you for accepting the exciting challenge of AP World History. To better prepare you for WHAP, we have created a summer packet to get you acquainted with some of the theme topics that we will be exploring in this course.
Mrs. Farrow and Mr. Lasko
AP World History: The AP World History course requires students to engage with the dynamics of continuity and change across the historical periods that are included in the course. Students will learn toanalyze the processes and causes involved in these continuities and changes. In order to do so, we will focus on FIVE overarching themes which serve throughout the course as unifying threads, helping students to put what is particular about each period or society into a larger framework. The themes also provide ways to make comparisons over time and facilitate cross-period questions. We will study 8,000 BCE up to the present.
- Interaction between humans and the environment
- Demography and disease
- Migration
- Patterns of settlement
- Technology
- Development and interaction of cultures
- Religions
- Belief systems, philosophies, and ideologies
- Science and technology
- The arts and architecture
- State-building, expansion, and conflict
- Political structures and forms of governance
- Empires
- Nations and nationalism
- Revolts and revolutions
- Regional, trans-regional, and global structures and organizations
- Creation, expansion, and interaction of economic systems
- Agricultural and pastoral production
- Trade and commerce
- Labor systems
- Industrialization
- Capitalism and socialism
- Development and transformation of social structures
- Gender roles and relations
- Family and kinship
- Racial and ethnic constructions
- Social and economic classes
Due Date
This assignment is due on September 8th and will be graded as your first assignment of the quarter. No late assignments will beaccepted. You will be required to submit the completed maps with questions answered, and a brief essay about yourself as outlined on the following page.
If you have any question you can e-mail:
·June or August: Ms. Farrow
· July: Mr. Lasko
** Keep in mind that you may not get an immediate response**
Continuity and Change over Time Essay
OneofthethreeessaysthatyouwillbeaskedtowriteontheAPWorldHistoryExamisa ContinuityandChangeoverTimeessay(CCOT).Thisis astyleofessaythatexamineshowsomethingchangesandstaysthesameovertime.Forexample,wecouldlookathowworldtradepatternschangedfrom1450to1750,orhowtheroleofwomenchangedintheMiddleEastfrom1900topresent.Thisessayforcesustoexaminethebeginningsituation,whatcausedittochange,anditsending condition.However,wemustalsoconsiderwhatstayedthesame.
Thissummerwe’dlikeyoutowriteyourownCCOTessayaboutyourself.Youshouldpickanareatospecializein: education,friends,responsibility,religiouslife,family,athletics,music,oranothertopicofyourchoosing.Inregardstoa timeframe,starttheessaywhereverit’sappropriateforthetopic.Moreadvancedessayswilllookat3‐4different specialtyareas(1paragraphforeach)andwillbeabletotiethemalltogethertogiveamorethoroughanalysisofyou.
Thechartbelowshouldbecompletedtohelpyouplanbeforeyouwriteandtoprovideanorganizationalstructurefor youressay.Youwillusea similarplanningchartthroughouttheyearaswewriteotherCCOTessays.Ifyouarestriving foramoreadvancedessay,youwouldhave3‐4differentcharts(1foreachcategory).
Wedon’texpectperfectessaysbutI doexpectyouto giveita try.Basicessayswillhavea minimumofthreeparagraphs witha clearthesis.A basicessaywillearnamaximumgradeofa B.InordertoearnanAforthispartofthesummer assignment,youwillneedtoattemptthemoreadvancedessayandhavea logicalthesistyingittogether.Bycompleting thisessay,wewillhavea chancetounderstandyourwritingabilityaswebegintheclassandyouwillhaveachanceto practiceoneofthethreeessaystructureswewillfocuson(andtheonethatistypicallythehardestforstudentsonthe
Final essays should be typed (single‐spaced, 12 pt. font) or hand‐written and will be turned in separate from the rest of the summer assignment on the first day of school.