Write a multiplication and division fact family for 5, 6, and 30. / 2
Find items that are multiples of 3 outside. Record how many you found of each item.
Estimate how long it will take you to run around your house 5 times. Do it. How much of a difference was there? / 4
Read for 15 minutes. How many pages did you read? What is the difference between the number of pages you read and 100? / 5
Estimate how many jumping jacks you can do in one minute. Do it. How much difference was the estimate and the actual? / 6
Practice your 2x tables (have an adult quiz you). Try for 4 seconds or less on each fact.
/ 7
Find 5 items in the refrigerator. Put them in order by weight from the heaviest to the lightest. / 8
What is the sum of all the Friday dates in this month? Check your work carefully.
/ 9
Go outside and roll a die 25 times. Which number came up the least? Which came up the most?
Find 5 things outside your house that are longer than 6 inches and shorter than 1 foot. / 11
Look at a clock right now. What time is it? What time will it be in 3 hrs. 25 minutes? / 12
Solve 23x3 using any method you choose. / 13
Draw a square that is 3 inches on each side. What is the perimeter? What is the area? / 14
Write one story problem for each operation. Have someone solve them. Did you set them up correctly? / 15
I have 5 coins in my pocket that equal $0.17, what coins do I have? / 16
Go outside and collect “things” Make a graph of what you collected.
Count by 10s from 260 to 410. / 18
Measure the length of your shoe in centimeters. Find 3 other items about the same length. / 19
Make a list of at least 10 jobs that adults have that require math. / 20
Estimate how many times heads will come up if you toss a coin 50 times. Do it. What was the difference between estimate and actual? / 21
What is the difference between 305 and 258? / 22
Name 5 different quadrilaterals and then find one of each. / 23
Find some flowers. Count the number of petals on each. Write 5 true statements using <,>,=
Roll 2 dice at a time, 25 times. Find the product each time. Did you have more odd or even products?
Show the number 18 five different ways. / 25
Make $2.57 using the fewest coins possible. What coins are they and how many total coins did you need?
/ 26
Stretch out your arms. Have someone measure your “wing span”. Compare it to how tall you are. / 27
When you watch a 30 minute TV program, count the number of commercials. If this continues, how many commercials would we expect to see in 2 hrs.? / 28
Choose a 4 digit number. Write it down. Add 30 to it, subtract 250 from that, and then add 128. What number do you get as a result? / 29
Practice multiplication by rolling 2 dice and multiplying the numbers together. / 30
Estimate how long your bed is (in feet). Measure it. How close were you?
Killingly Public Schools – July 2016 (Entering 4th grade)
Killingly Public Schools – August 2016 (Entering 4th grade)
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday1
Run around the house
3x4 times. Are you tired yet?
/ 2
How many words can you make with the letters from the word mathematics?
Ex: cat, sit, etc…ask your family to work with you. / 3
How can you solve 7x6 if you aren’t sure of it right away? Tell someone a strategy. / 4
Tell someone three activities you could do in the a.m. and three you could do in the p.m. / 5
Use any small object and make an array for 4x7. How many is that? / 6
Bounce a ball for 3 sets of 12. How many bounces is that?
Find objects outside that make up two 2-digit numbers and then add them together. How did you add them? Ex: I found 23 pebbles and 18 sticks. 23+18= 41 Then explain your adding. / 8
Play a card game with an adult. Keep score and see who wins. How much did the winner win by?
/ 9
Estimate how many pennies will fit on the perimeter of an envelope. Try it! How close were you? / 10
Draw and label 4 different 2 dimensional shapes. Then do the same with 3 dimensional shapes. / 11
Use a calculator to add all the numbers on the calendar. How far away from 300 is it? / 12
If it is 10:10, what time will it be in 42 minutes?
/ 13
Take a walk outside. Write a list of all the math you see outside.
How many times can you hop on one foot? Try it! Challenge a friend or family member. Who had more jumps? By how many? / 15
Write a story problem for 18-7 = ____. Share it with someone to solve. / 16
Write the fact family for 5, 40, 8. / 17
Study your 3 times table. Have an adult quiz you. / 18
If I found 6 coins on the ground that equal $0.28, what coins do I have? / 19
Count by 10s from 28 to 148. / 20
Go outside and see if you can guess the temperature. Do this 3 times today. How accurate were you each time?
Go outside and find 3 flowers. Count all the petals. How many would I have if I had 4 times that amount? / 22
Cut out 4 numbers from a newspaper and put them together to make the greatest number you can and the smallest number you can. / 23
Using the numbers you made yesterday, what is the sum of the greatest and smallest? What is the difference between them? / 24
Write all the equations you can think of that have an answer of 24. Try to use all 4 operations. / 25
Get ready…how many more days before school? How many more hours before you wake up for your first day of school? / 26
Lay out your clothes for the first day of school. How many articles of clothing do you have? / 27
Enjoy the next few days. We are so excited to see you next Wednesday!
28 / 29 / 30 / 31