Performance Report Guidance
February 2017
Market and Operational Performance Standards represent the defined levels of performance expected of Trading Parties in respect of the obligations and services detailed under the Market Terms, Operational Terms and Code Subsidiary Documents.
CMOS produces five reports based on the Market Performance Standards using transactional data. On the tenth Business Day of each month, MOSL publishes these five Market Performance Reports which detail Trading Party performance for the previous month. These reports are:
- SPID Data Related Report (MPS SPID Report): details the SPIDs for which Trading Parties have incurred a Market Performance Standard Charge;
- Meter Reads Related Report (MPS MTR Report): details the meters for which Trading Parties have incurred a Market Performance Standard Charge;
- Monthly Market Performance Standard Report (MPS Report): summarises Trading Party Performance against each Market Performance Standard, including the number of failures, successes, and charges incurred;
- Market Performance Standard Charges Report (MPSC Report): breaks down the Market Performance Charges incurred by each Trading Party into, capped, uncapped, Retailer Credited, and Market Operator Credited charges;
- Market Performance Peer Comparison Report: compares Trading Parties in terms of their performance against the Market Performance Standards, using percentage compliance and the sum of incurred Market Performance Standards Charges.
CMOS also produces a single Operational Performance Peer Comparison Report for publication on the 15th Business Day after the end of each quarter, which compares Trading Parties in terms of their performance against the Operational Performance Standards.
The first four reports above are produced for and distributed to each individual Trading Party. The Market Performance Peer Comparison Report and Operational Performance Peer Comparison Report are published directly on the MOSL website to provide transparency and to encourage continuous improvement of data quality and services.
Understanding the Performance Reports
This guide summarises the information that is provided in each of the Performance Reports. The tables below describe the columns in each report, to provide an understanding of the meaning of the data in each column. Detailed information about each Market Performance Standard and their success criteria can be found in Table 1 of CSD 0002 (Section 4). Information about the about the Operational Performance Standards can be found in Table 2 of CSD 0002.
SPID Data Related Report (MPS SPID Report)
Column Name / Description of ColumnMarket Performance Standard No. / The Market Performance Standard Number to which the following columns are referring. The standards are described in detail in Table 1 in CSD 0002.
Retailer ID / The Retailer for the relevant SPID.
Wholesaler ID / The Wholesaler for the relevant SPID.
SPID / The SPID which has incurred a Market Performance Charge. Please note that a single SPID may appear multiple times in the report, if multiple Market Performance Standard Charges are incurred.
Market Performance Standard Context / The context of the relevant Market Performance Standard Number within the Market Codes (i.e. Partial Registration, New Connection Notification).
Date Market Performance Standard success criteria failed / The date that the success criteria for the relevant SPID was not met. The success criteria for each Market Performance Standard are outlined in Table 1 in CSD 0002. Please note, there is a known error in this column which will be fixed by 14 February.
Current Business Days over the success criteria / The number of Business Days that have passed between the ‘Date Market Performance Standard success criteria failed’ and either:
- the date that the late responding transaction was received or;
- the end of the reporting period, if the transaction was not received by the end of the month.
Market Performance Standard Charge incurred (£) / The Performance Standard Charge that was incurred for the relevant Market Performance Standard No. and SPID combination. The formula for charges incurred for each Market Performance Standard is detailed in Table 1 of CSD 0002.
Meter Reads Related Report (MPS MTR Report)
Column Name / Description of ColumnMarket Performance Standard No. / The Market Performance Standard Number to which the following columns are referring. The standards are described in detail in Table 1 in CSD 0002.
Retailer ID / The Retailer for the relevant meter.
Wholesaler ID / The Wholesaler for the relevant meter.
SPID / The SPID to which the relevant meter is associated. For a Non-Market Meter, this column will be blank.
Meter Serial Number / The meter which has incurred a Market Performance Charge. Please note that a single meter may appear multiple times in the report, if multiple Market Performance Standard Charges are incurred.
Meter Manufacturer / The manufacturer of the meter which has incurred a Market Performance Charge
Market Performance Standard Context / The context of the relevant Market Performance Standard Number within the Market Codes (i.e. Partial Registration, New Connection Notification).
Date Market Performance Standard success criteria failed / The date that the success criteria for the relevant meter was not met. The success criteria for each Market Performance Standard are outlined in Table 1 in CSD 0002. Please note, there is a known error in this column which will be fixed by 14 February.
Current Business Days over the success criteria / The number of Business Days that have passed between the ‘Date Market Performance Standard success criteria failed’ and either:
- the date that the late responding transaction was received or;
- the end of the reporting period, if the transaction was not received by the end of the month.
Market Performance Standard Charge incurred (£) / The Performance Standard Charge that was incurred for the relevant Market Performance Standard No. and meter combination. The formula for charges incurred for each Market Performance Standard is detailed in Table 1 of CSD 0002.
Monthly Market Performance Standard Report (MPS Report)
Column Name / Description of ColumnMarket Performance Standard No. / The Market Performance Standard Number to which the following columns are referring. The standards are described in detail in Table 1 in CSD 0002.
Market Performance Standard Context / The context of the relevant Market Performance Standard Number within the Market Codes (i.e. Partial Registration, New Connection Notification).
Number of failures against standard in Month / For the relevant Market Performance Standard, the total number of performance failures that have occurred within the relevant month. A failure against a Market Performance Standard occurs when the defined success criterion has not been met. The success criteria for each Market Performance Standard are detailed in Table 1 of CSD 0002.
For clarity, the performance failure will only be counted if the date of the failure is within the relevant month. For example, MPS 1A will only appear in the month when the Market Operator does not receive a T103.R transaction within 10 Business Days of sending a T102.M transaction. MPS 1B and MPS 1C may then appear in the following months if the Market Operator continues to not receive the T103.R transaction.
Number of successes against standard in Month / For the relevant Market Performance Standard, the total number of performance successes that have occurred within the relevant month. The success criteria for each Market Performance Standard are detailed in Table 1 of CSD 0002.
Market Performance Standard Charge incurred (£) / The total of the Market Performance Standard Charges that were incurred for the relevant Market Performance Standard Number. The formula for charges incurred for each Market Performance Standard is detailed in Table 1 of CSD 0002.
Market Performance Standard Charges Report (MPSC Report)
Column Name / Description of ColumnTotal Market Operator Credited Charges incurred in Month prior to cap being applied / Sum of all Market Operator Credited Charges incurred within the reporting month for the relevant Trading Party. The reported number is not capped.
Market Operator Credited Charges payable in Month after cap applied / The sum of the Market Operator credited charges incurred within the reporting month for the relevant Trading Party. This sum is capped is using the formula set out in section 3.4 of CSD 0002:
Market Operator Credited Performance Standard Charge= min (PSCMOuncapped, 0.15% × R)
PSCMOuncapped= the uncapped Market Operator credited Market Performance Standard Charges payable in respect of the Month
R= the sum of the R1 Primary Charges payable to the Wholesaler for the Month as determined at the date of the invoice for the Market Performance Standard Charges for that Month
Total Retailer Credited Charges incurred and payable in Month / The sum of the Retailer credited charges incurred within the reporting month for the relevant Trading Party. This sum is not capped, in accordance with section 3.4 of CSD 0002.
Sum total of Market Performance Standards Charges payable in Month / The total incurred sum by the relevant Trading Party.
Sum total of Market Performance Standards Charges payable in Month =
Market Operator Credited Charges payable in Month after cap applied +
Total Retailer Credited Charges incurred and payable in Month
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