The marks scheme for the Year13 A2 coursework is as follows.

I am expecting the current Yr12 students to complete Criterions 1 and 2 ready for the start of term in September

Students have started to access this work and have an A* graded PowerPoint of a previous student to use as a bench mark for their work.

The key to a high graded coursework project is to use an external client or end user throughout the designing and making process

AQA Product Design
A2 Coursework Outline Unit 4 Design and MakingPROD4

Approx 60hrs

85 marks

25% of A level

Criterion 1 Context and Objectives(5marks)
The differences with A2 are:
  • Design objective clearly and independently identified
  • Detailed understanding of the context and clearly outlined objectives of the design & manufacturing task
Recognition of a need (a clear statement of intent).
The environment of the finished product must be clearly identified-photo/plan/image)
Target Users (A clear end user/client must be outlined and identified)
Where will you gain your inspiration? (Have you looked at existing products, any famous designer or a period in the history of design?)
Market potentialOpportunities for product outlined (Brainstorming/mind mapping/spider diagram who-what-why-where-when-how?)
Is there a market need for this product? (This needs to be established by researching the problem). Primary sources of information need to be identified.

Design brief. A brief statement of intent. (This may alter after research is analysed).

(Primary/Secondary information collected)
Response from research in the form of data collection and representation.
Questionnaires summarised, interviews documented and assessed, any responses from external contacts. Graphs, charts, diagrams. (Good use of ICT).
ObjectivesClearly outline the design objectives and manufacturing constraints (What do you and you client what to make/How do you intend to make it? What is available to you in school or by an outside company?)
Criterion 2 Plan of Action and Clarification of Problem(8marks)
The differences with A2 are:
  • Comprehensive range of primary and secondary information, well organised and taking into account market needs/trends and demands
  • Perceptive analysis of information
Comprehensive and detailed plan for all stages of designing and making
  • Able to adapt the work schedule in the light of changing circumstances and ongoing developments whilst still meeting realistic deadlines.
  • Comprehensive, well reasoned and explained specifications taking full account of the research information collected

Analysis of the problem. Notes-photos-systems flow diagram of problem.

The following points investigated:

Function, size, weight, materials, safety, shape, cost, environment, portability, maintenance, power requirements, manufacturing needs, ergonomics, aesthetics, manufacturing processes available.
Summary of the analysis. The source of the information; Internet, Interview, disassembly.What was found and how it will help you design your new product.
How could this product be manufactured commercially? (Ask companies; letter drafted, questionnaires designed, interview questions drawn up).
Product AnalysisLook at similar or existing products (Disassembly). Photographic evidence with questions being asked about the product. (who-how-why-when-where-what).
Timescale outlined. Gantt chart outlining key dates and deadlines or done in a tabular format.
A time plan Gantt chart can be included or you could design your own chart to visually illustrate your plan of attack.
Specifications Produce a fully justified and detailed specification list that focuses closely on the brief and analysis of the research. It is the Productnot the Process that needs to be justified. Using some of the following prompts:
MaintenanceTarget MarketReliabilityPackaging
Quality/ControlEnvironmental issuesAestheticsLife in Service
WeightTestingPower sourceAssembly
Instructions Social issuesRegulationsRestrictions

Updated Design brief? Any alterations to the brief now research has been analysed?

Criterion 3 Development of design Proposal(26marks)
A2 differences:
  • Comprehensive and imaginative range of feasible ideas and approaches which show flair and ingenuity:
  • Sophisticated/elegant solution which satisfies all of the requirements
  • Clear and full explanation of all decisions taken
  • Explores different proportions, material combinations, technologies and methods of production
  • Detailed Plan of Manufacture
A wide and varied range of design proposals that satisfy the specifications. Each design proposal must be annotated and evaluated with the reasons for its inclusion. Its strengths and weaknesses listed against the specification points. This could be done in a chart format or next to each design idea. Good use of graphical communication and a variety of drawing styles. CAD must be included at some point in this section.

One or more initial idea developed altered and justifications annotated. Not just a better drawing of an earlier design proposal!

Modeling 2D/3D, PCB, sketch models, block models, and thumbnail models with photographs of any model produced. Test jigs, formers, nets or bread boarded circuits photographed.
Evidence of any developmentalwork must be documented. Stage by stage photos with notes is the best way to log workshop progress.
Plan of Manufacture is what is also needed for every stage of the making of the product. Itwill include: activities that need to take place, risk assessments, estimated time considerations and costings. Represented in a flow diagram format or an illustrative or in a digital photographic way. Cutting lists and component details will be mentioned. This is where an orthographic drawing or final circuit diagram will be produced……If things change (as they are sure to do), your plan will allow for alterations to be made.
Criterion 4 Manufacturing/Modelling(26marks)
A2 differences:
  • High level of makingskills using appropriate methods, technologies and materials and using a wide range of skills that demonstrate a high level of accuracy
  • Ability to adapt original design, where appropriate, whilst still working with precision and accuracy.
  • Detailed quality assurance and quality control checks built into the manufacturing process to ensure consistency when items are manufactured in quality, demonstrating a very clear understanding and application of commercialand/or industrial practices.
Quality Assurance & Quality Control. Standards and procedures outlined to ensure high quality product manufacture/ Checks put in place to assure highest quality
Industrial Processes Clearly explained processes whether in the school workshop or external companies. Photos of any jigs and formers used. If externally manufactured, names and photos of the companies and their machines/equipment used.
Health & Safety evidence of appropriate health and safety and quality checks throughout the making process to ensure consistency.
Specifications outcome satisfies all major points of the specification.

Criterion 5 Conclusions,Evaluations and Recommendations(12marks)

  • A critical analysis of the design process and final outcome
  • Highly detailed and comprehensive testing strategy used to make perceptive and critical comments that go beyond the original specification.
  • Such comments used to suggest ways to improve product
  • Very detailed judgments made throughout designing process based on personal and expert opinion.
  • Views of consumers and others used to develop and refine the product.
  • Detailed and perceptive judgments related to commercial and/or industrial practices
  • An excellent understanding of the ways the outcome could be improved or extended
Formative-Throughout the project in ideas and development section in the form of annotations.
Summative- Final judgment made after the production and testing has taken place.
Evaluated against the specifications, a personal account of the whole process, the view of the end user and other people’s opinions stated.
Photographs of testing. Results recorded.
Changes made to the final product. Any changes to the planned design must be noted and photographed.
Modifications/Future improvements Any further alterations to the design or recommendations from others need to be mentioned.
Scales of production. How would or could this product be manufactured on a much larger scale? How might this differ from a one off prototype manufactured in school?

Criterion 6 Communication and Presentation(8marks)


  • Excellent levels of communication and presentation, including competent use of appropriate technical language
  • Wide range of appropriate materials, techniques and media which conveys the details of design and manufacture
  • Complex ideas expressed extremely clearly and fluently in a structured and relevant way with few, if any, errors of grammar, punctuation and spelling
Presentation High level of presentation, communication and modelling skills showing a sensitivity and high degree of accuracy. A wide range of appropriate materials, techniques and media used to convey all details necessary for third party manufacture to proceed smoothly at every stage. Clear and articulate verbal explanation about all aspects of the work.

Total 85marks