Speech 6
Speech Communication
COURSE OVERVIEW: Speech Communication 6 is an exploratory class, which falls into the 6th grade foreign language/exploratory rotation. Therefore, your child will take a quarter of Speech 6 then he/she will take Spanish, French, German or Chinese during the three other quarters. The quarterly averages from Speech 6 and from the three foreign language classes will be averaged together at the end of the year to determine your child’s yearly exploratory average.
COURSE PHILOSOPHY: The purpose of this course is to learn about a very important life skill – communication. This course is an introductory course which is designed to help develop students’ oratorical and communication skills. Students will participate in a variety of in-class speaking activities. In this course, students will analyze themselves as communicators, will learn about communicating with others, and will become more confident in their ability to communicate.
TEXT: Speech for Effective Communication (Class set housed in classroom.)
REQUIRED MATERIALS: A section in the larger binder for Speech 6, heavy-pound colored paper that I will give you to sub-divide the Speech 6 section of your larger notebook, loose-leaf paper, dictionary, and a blue or black pen.
Evaluations: Oral Speeches/Presentations………………………………….………60%
Alternative Assessment: Written assignments, tests, pop quizzes, outside projects,
class work, notebook checks, and class participation……………………..….30%
Homework: assignments returned/other……………………………………..…..10%
GRADING POLICY: There will be no points given for work left in lockers, at home, etc. YOU are responsible for obtaining and making up work. Students who miss assignments due to an excused absence will have the number of days missed plus one additional day to make up missed work. Major projects, speeches, and tests assigned prior to absences are due on the day the student returns to school. Late assignments due to unexcused absences cannot be made up. Students who have not prepared a presentation (unless due to an excused absence) or who refuse to participate, receive a zero. (See Student Handbook as needed).
TESTS/QUIZZES: Tests on chapters from the textbooks, class notes, and/or handouts will be given periodically. Pop quizzes may also be given.
SPEECHES: The speeches listed below will be delivered throughout the quarter. (Dates and times will be announced later). Speeches will be presented via Extemporaneous Delivery and Manuscript Delivery. Other oral presentations may be included.
Speech 1…….……………………………….100 points
Speech 2…………………………………..…100 points
Speech 3…………………………………....100 points (PRN)
ORGANIZATION: Organization is stressed as students move into 6th grade. Keeping up with paperwork, maintaining an organized notebook, having materials in class daily, and meeting “due dates” is vital to the success of each student. Sixth grade is a time for students to take on more personal responsibility for their academic success.
- Enter room quietly and go straight to assigned seat.
- Be in assigned seat when tardy bell rings.
- Get materials out and begin “bell work”.
- Stay in seat until you get permission to sharpen pencils, throw away paper, etc.
- If permission is granted to leave room, take a pass.
- Only three passes are given to each student, each quarter.
- Keep hands and feet to self.
- Only one person speaks at a time.
- Listen to others’ presentations
- Do not ridicule/make fun of others
- Silence between speeches
- Textbooks should remain in class and your assigned number used
Note: Positive class participation is required. Students are expected to listen to the presentations of the teacher and of other students.
Student’s signature:______
Parent’s signature:______
Parent’s email: ______; cell phone #:______
Robin Whitney - (email)
Speech Communication Teacher