Conservation Activity Plan
(112) Prescribed Burning Plan
- Definition
A prescribed burningconservation activity plan is asitespecificplan developed fora client which addresses oneormore resourceconcernson land through the use of fire for any of the following purposes:
- Control vegetation on rangeland, pastureland, forest land, hayland, and wildlife land.
- Prepare sites for harvesting, planting or seeding.
- Control plant disease.
- Reduce wildfire hazards.
- Improve wildlife habitat.
- Improve plant production quantity and/or quality.
- Remove slash and debris.
- Enhance seed and seedling production.
- Facilitate distribution of grazing and browsing animals.
- Restore and maintain ecological sites
ThePrescribed Burning Plan will:
- Meet NRCSqualitycriteria for, rangeland/pasture/grazedwoodland health and productivity, and otheridentified resource concerns.
- Complywith federal, state, tribal, and local laws, regulations, and permit requirements regarding outdoor burning, fire control, smoke management, and air quality.
- Follow any additional criteria established in NRCS State specific standards and specifications for CP 338 Prescribed Burning for the State in which the CAP 112 is planned.
- Meet theclient’s resource objectives.
- Prescribed BurningManagement Plan Technical Criteria
Thissectionestablishesthe minimumcriteriato beaddressedinthedevelopmentofPrescribed Burning Plan.
- GeneralCriteria: APrescribed Burning Plan shallbedevelopedbycertifiedTechnicalServiceProviders (TSPs).In accordancewithSection 1240 (A), theEnvironmentalQualityIncentiveProgram (EQIP)programprovides fundingsupportthrough contractswith eligibleproducersto obtain servicesofcertifiedTSPsfordevelopmentof (112)Prescribed Burning Plan.ThespecificTSP criteriarequiredfor Prescribed Burning Plan development islocated on theTSP registry (TechReg)websiteat:
B. Background and siteinformation
- Landownerinformation– name, address, operation, size
- Approved Signature and date of the Client, TSP, and NRCS concurrence
- Location, plan map and description ofthe burn area
C. IdentifyResource Management Objectives
D. ExistingConditions
- Identify the ecological siteor forage suitability group for referenceconditions where ESDs or FSGs are available
- Pre-burn vegetation cover: vegetativespecies, diversity,and condition byland use, ecological siteand/or foragesuitabilitygroup.
- Existing fence locations, watering sources, location of utilities such as electric power lines and natural gas pipelines, existing barriers such as lakes, streams, wetlands, roads and constructed firebreaks
- All resource concerns(not meetingQualityCriteria)
E. DesiredFutureConditions
- Post burn vegetative cover
- Plant species composition
F. Prescribed BurnPlan Documentation
- Conservation plan map –
- scale
- north arrow,
- planned and existingboundaries, fields, paddocks,
- locations of physical resources such as wateringsystems, fences and gates,
- land use
- appropriatemap symbols,
- identification of foragesuitabilitygroupsand/orecological sites byfield
- Soils– legend
- Burn plan map
- Burn ignition point delineated
- Burn prescription- wind direction with firing sequence delineated
- Location of crews, equipment
- Safety zones
- Resourceconcerns addressed by the prescribed burn plan
- Required weather and environmental conditions for burn prescription, including but not limited to temperature, relative humidity wind speed, wind direction, and soil moisture.
- Description of the burning method to be used.
- Pre-burn preparation.
- Ignition methodand firing sequence.
- Notification check list of adjoining neighbors, local fire departments and public safety officials as appropriate.
- Equipment and materials checklist/personnel assignments and needs/safety requirements.
- Smoke management plan.
- Post –burn evaluation criteria
- Post- fire vegetative monitoringplan with methods and frequency defined.
- Operation and Maintenance Planfor all practices
- Copy of a current certificate or license by the designated agency in States where certification or licensing is required for prescribed burning activity.
- Approval signatures
- Conservation plan(recordofdecisions)(MsWord Document)to addresstheresourceneeds for the“Prescribed Burning Plan”.The record ofdecisionsshall include theplanned practice, scheduleforimplementation, and site-specificspecificationsto applythe conservation practice.Thesite-specificspecificationscan beon an NRCSJobsheet availablefortheconservationpracticeorin anarrativeform. Theplanmay include,butarenotlimitedtothe conservationpractices listed below:
* Practices requiring site-specific specifications:
Code / Practice Name394 / Fire Break
383 / Fuel Break
384 / Woody Residue Treatment (when fire is used)
8. Additional facilitating or accelerating practices to assist in meeting the resource objective(s)forplanning consideration but notrequiring site-specific specifications include:
Code / Practice name528 / Prescribed Grazing
314 / Brush Management
315 / Herbaceous Weed Control
550 / Range Planting
644 / Wetland WildlifeHabitat Management
645 / Upland WildlifeHabitat Management
659 / Wetland Enhancement
342 / Critical Area Planting
647 / Early Successional Habitat Development
460 / Land Clearing
643 / Restoration & Management of Rare and Declining Habitats
666 / Forest Stand Improvement
595 / Integrated Pest Management
3. DeliverablesfortheClient– a hardcopy of theplanthatincludes:
- Coverpage– name, address, phoneofclientandTSP;TotalAcresof thePlan, signatureblocks fortheTSP,producer, andasignatureblockfortheNRCS acceptance.
- All the items listed in F. 1 thru 15 of this document.
- Soilsmap and appropriate soildescriptions
- Ecological Site description map where available
- Resourceassessment resultsif applicable (wind and watererosion, and othersthatmaybeneeded)
- Forthe practices 338, 383, 384, and 394require site-specific specifications be prepared and document thesite-specificspecificationson how each practicewillbeapplied;whenthepracticewillbeapplied,andtheextent(acresor number) thatwillbeapplied.
- For all other planned practices identify in the plan whenthe practice willbeapplied, the extent, the practice location, and for structural practices locatethe practice ontheconservationplan map.
3. DeliverablesforNRCSFieldOffice:
- CompleteHardcopyand Electroniccopyof theclient’splan(MsWord copy) and other appropriate digital supporting documents.
- DigitalConservation PlanMap withfields, features, and structuralpractices located.
- DigitalSoilsMap.
- Digital Ecological Site Description mapif ESDs are available.
August 2017
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