Medicine Through Time
20 Questions Revision Booklet
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Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3:
Week 4:
Week 5:
20 Questions: 1
- What time period is Harvey from?
- When was Germ Theory published?
- Name the 4 humours
Blood phlegm yellow bile black bile
- What animal did Galen dissect publicly to prove the brain controls the body?
A pig
- Which war did Florence Nightingale go to to help the soldiers?
The Crimean War
- Who made their development first- Lister or Simpson?
- Which disease did Koch first investigate and identify the specific germ for?
- Which organisation was the most powerful in the Middle Ages?
The Church
- Which problem of surgery wasn’t solved by the end of the C19th?
- Who was Aneurin Bevan?
Minister for Health- set up the NHS
- What did Bazelgette build?
- When was the first Public Health Act?
- Name one thing they though caused the Black Death
Miasma planetsor Godor Jews or 4 humours
- What was Jenner’s development?
The first vaccination- for small pox
- Who proved that the heart was a pump and blood circulated around the body?
- Which factor helped Fleming discover penicillin?
- When did cholera first hit Britain?
- What was a urine chart used for?
- Painful disease of the Middle Ages where body parts drop off?
- Set of instructions/advice used by medieval physicians on how to maintain good health?
Regimen Sanitatis
20 Questions 2
- What time period is Mary Seacole from?
- Who produced books in the Middle Ages?
Monks/ the Church
- How did religion help Florence Nightingale?
She believed God wanted her to be a nurse
- What did William Harvey dissect to prove about the circulation of blood?
Cold blooded animals e.g. reptiles
- Which street did John Snow carry out his investigation on?
Broad Street
- Which group of people whipped themselves in an attempt to stop the Black Death?
The flagellants
- Which war highlighted the poor health of the British population?
The Boer war
- What did the 1867 Reform Act change?
Gave working men the vote
- What was painted on the door of a plague house?
A red cross
- What did they think caused cholera before Snow’s work?
- What did Galen say about the jawbone?
It was made of two jaw bones
- How did X-Rays help medicine in WW1?
Could see shrapnel/ bullets so they could be removed
- Who was the first female doctor to qualify in Britain?
Elizabeth Garrett
- In towns, who would you go to for unusual herbal ingredients and remedies?
- In the Middle Ages, what were ‘stewes’?
Public baths
- What were the three common treatments used to ‘balance the humours’?
Vomiting, purging and blood letting
- When did the Black Death first arrive in Britain?
- Term used for the practice of separating the sick from the healthy to stop the spread of disease?
19.English physician who rejected the Theory of the four humours and said illness was caused by
‘external factors’?
Thomas Sydenham
20 . When did he publish his theories?
20 Questions 3
- What was the name of Vesalius’s book?
Fabric of the Human Body
- What factor is the printing press an example of?
- Who discovered penicillin by chance?
- Name two anaesthetics used in the first half of the C19th before chloroform
Ether and laughing gas
- What nickname was given to politicians who opposed public health reforms in the first half of the C19th?
The Dirty Party
- Who first brought the smallpox inoculation back to Britain?
Lady Mary Wortley Montague
- When was the National Insurance Act?
- Who developed penicillin?
Florey and Chain
- What nationality was Pasteur?
- Was Koch a scientist or doctor?
- Why did the Catholic Church support Galen’s work in the Middle Ages?
It fitted in with the Bible’s teachings
- What did Galen say about the blood that Harvey disproved?
That the liver constantly burnt up and remade blood
- What year was the NHS founded by the government?
1946 (it opened 1948)
- Which politician (Chancellor) brought in the Pensions and National Insurance Acts?
David Lloyd George
- What year was the Great Plague?
- What year was the Black Death?
17.Name for a love of learning and interest in classical studies in the Renaissance?
18.Name for an unqualified person who sold their services as a doctor or apothecary?
Quack doctor
19.Early 18th century theory that microbes were the result not the cause of decay
Spontaneous generation
20London doctor who discovered cholera was a water borne disease?
John Snow
20 Questions: 4
- When was the second Public Health Act?
- Name for the branch of science that is the study of bacteria?
- What does anatomy mean?
The structure/ make up of the body
- Which disease was the biggest killer of children in 1800?
- Why was chloroform eventually accepted?
Queen Victoria used it for the birth of her 8th child
- Who used carbolic acid as an effective antiseptic?
Joseph Lister
- How did barber surgeons train?
They had an apprenticeship
- What did rakers do?
Clean up the streets and get rid of the filth
- How did people combat miasma?
Burning things like tar/ sweet smelling wood/ herbs or hold sweet smelling herbs/ flowers to their nose
- What are buboes?
A symptom of the bubonic plague- a painful pus filled boil on the neck/ armpit/ groin
- Which hospital did Nightingale work in in the Crimean War?
- What happened to Hannah Greener?
Died from an overdose of chloroform during a routine operation
- What job did James Simpson have?
Professor of midwifery
- What does physiology mean?
The study of how the body works
- Which disease did they think the ‘King’s Touch’ cured?
Scrofula (the King’s evil)
- What did Seebohm Rowntree do?
Carried out a survey in York 1899 and found ¼ of people lived below the poverty line
- When was the Great Stink?
- What did the Greeks believe the four humours fitted in with? (2 things)
The elements and season
- What is the Hippocratic Oath?
An oath doctors have to swear which makes clear they are not magicians, will uphold high standards keep confidentiality, work for the benefit of the patient rather than to make themselves rich
- English scientist who theorised that dust particles carried the germs that caused disease?
John Tyndall
20 Questions: 5
- Name for the group of scientists who discussed and promoted science?
The Royal Society 1660
- What was the zodiac man?
A chart used in the middle ages which gave details about when each part of the body was affected by the planets and stars (to guide treatments)
- Surgeon who discovered chloroform was a good anaesthetic?
James Simpson
- When was the first public health Act?
- Who wrote ‘Fabric of the Human Body’?
- Who discovered Salvarson 606?
Paul Ehrlich
- Pasteur’s first vaccine?
Chicken cholera
- What was used an antiseptic by surgeons on the middle ages?
- Scientists who discovered the human gene /DNA?
Crick and Watson
- Who published the first report into the living conditions of the working class?
Edwin Chadwick
- When was the ‘Great Stink’?
- When was the NHS set up?
- Why couldn’t women become doctors until the C19th?
They couldn’t attend university
- Who found out how vaccination worked?
Louis Pasteur
- What is aseptic surgery?
Germ free- instruments are sterilised, surgeons wear gloves/ masks etc
- Name one reason Lister’s carbolic spray was not accepted by other surgeons?
Slowed surgery, carbolic acid crack the skin, unpleasant to breath in, Lister was seen as aloof and arrogant, Lister was constantly changing his methods
- How did the printing press help medicine?
Spread ideas quickly and cheaply
- Who successfully developed Penicillin after Fleming?
Florey and Chain
- Who ran most of the hospitals in the middle ages?
The Church
- How do we know that in the Black Death of 1348, there was some understanding of the link between dirt and disease?
The king issued orders to clean the streets in London