Summer Curriculum Overview
Year 2 Julia Donaldson
Our story for this half term is ‘The Bird in the Forest’ and tells the story of a courageous little bird desperate to save her home in the Rainforest. We will be going on a trip to Pensthorpe, where we will be learning about other tropical birds from around the World. We will be linking our topic to geography and being explorers, learning about different continents, rivers and seas. Our topic in science is animals and living things where we will be researching food chains in different environments around the World. In literary we will be covering the following genres: explanation writing, persuasive writing, poetry and we will be continuing with our creative writing. This half term the children will be taking their KS1 SATs so we will be having some revision sessions to help support them.It is also important that your child continues to read with someone every night to improve their reading and understanding of language. I will also continue to send homework including spellings on Mondays for the Friday.
In Maths, we will follow the National Curriculum objectives with a focus on number, multiplication and division, fractions and time. We will be we doing weekly tests on a Friday to develop their mental maths skills.
This term we have linked our topic to art, we will be learning about carnivals in South America and designing our own carnival headdress and learning about Henri Rousseau and his famous jungle paintings.
This term we are linking our PSHE sessions to our Learning Behaviours and this half term we will be focusing on the Julia Donaldson character ‘Gruffalo’s Child’, and how he challenged himself. Will we be linking this to our class Dojo where they can receive points for challenging themselves. We will also be continuing the Gruffalo teddy which the children can be nominated to take home if they are seen to be acting as a good friend. They will take the Gruffalo home and write in the book all about how they taught the Gruffalo to be a good friend.
This term our PE sessions will be gym and take place on Tuesdaysand our NCFC session will be on a Friday where the children will be learning a variety of games skills. Please make sure that your child has shorts, tracksuit bottoms or leggings and a warm top to wear for PE.
If you have any concerns about your child’s learning please don’t hesitate to contact me or see me after school. Thank you for your support.
Miss Phayre