Medical Anatomy and Physiology
Instructor: Brenda Cook
RoyHigh School
Health Science2015-2016
I would like to welcome you to Medical Anatomy and Physiology (MAP). The purpose of MAP is to help students develop an interest in the medical and health related fields. Become more familiar with medical terminology diseases, systems of the body and the body functions.
At the completion of the year, students will be able to understand and apply medical terminology and abbreviations, identify the anatomy and physiology of the human body.
Points will be given for work completed, quizzes, tests and lab participation.
95-100 = A+
90-94 = A-
87-89 = B+
84-86 = B
80-83 = B-
77-79 = C+
Rules of the class
-RESPECT: Accept different techniques of learning from instructor and peers.
-BE PRESENT to absorb learned information. Walkman, game boys, or cell phone use, are not allowedin class.
-HONESTYis the first chapter in the book of WISDOM
Class Outline
- Intro to human body, medical terminology and abbreviations
- Chemical level of organization
- Cellular level of organization
- Tissue level of organization
- Anatomy and physiology for eleven systems/CPR
- Diseases
- Development and inheritance
- Aging and death
Bell Quizzes’ will be given randomly on topic(s) discussed in class. Each quiz (written/oral) will vary in points. Quizzes may be given at any time, attendance is very critical. Daily preparation is necessary and 5 points will be given for preparedness.
Written test will be given after each body system unit of study. All materials will be taught and reviewed before the test is given.
We are excited to initiate the followingRoyal R & R – (Review & Reward): School-Wide Program, Policy and Procedures:
Review & Reward: Throughout the week, students may earn the opportunity to leave class early during review & reward time. Students with a grade of C+ or higher will be given the option of leaving class, while students with a C grade or below will be required to use the time to review, make-up, or re-learn material. Students with a C+ or higher may choose to remain in class for review as well. All students who are tardy to class that day or have lost attendance credit in the class will not be released during the review time. Students are required to use the review time effectively, so students who are current on all assignments for the class will be required to bring other course work, a book, or provide help/tutoring to other students reviewing material. Time spent as a “peer tutor” is viewed favorably on college scholarship and job applications! Grades determining the release of students during Royal R & R time will be based on the current gradeposted on Friday of the previous week. A great “rule of thumb” is to attend each class regularly and stay current on class work and tests. Furthermore, students should take advantage of the extra time made available with each teacher, especially if they are struggling in the class. Occasionally, students will turn in large assignments such as portfolios and projects. These assignments require a longer period of time for grading and may not be included on the upcoming Friday grades determining a student’s release for review time. Late assignments will be used to update students’ grades, however, teachers will determine the timeline for assessing and including late work on the grades. Students should not expect late assignments to be given priority over current classwork.
Enrichment: This year, the Health Science department will be offering several enrichment options for students on Fridays. Students are expected to take advantage of these college & career readiness opportunities, as well as those offered on a school-wide basis. Students who are off-line to graduate due to academic credit deficits and/or accrued attendance credit are required to use enrichment time to make-up credits needed to become online to graduate (via supervised APEX, credit recovery and school/community service projects). Students may also use enrichment time to make up larger assignments or get extra help from one of the Health Science teachers. Since most students will be allowed to choose the enrichment activity they attend, students should make sure to choose based on academic needs and interest level. The health science department would like to help prepare college or technical school bound students by giving them opportunities to visit local medical facilities and Universities. Attendance is required for the Friday Enrichment activities. Attendance will be recorded by the student’s homeroom (1st or 5th period) teacher and absences/tardies will count against attendance credit for homeroom classes. Additionally, enrichment time may be used for assemblies, clubs & organizations activities, and a myriad of college & career readiness opportunities throughout the year.
Required materials, report assignments & Fees
Students are required to have three medical clinicals each year outside of school.
There is a $10.00 lab fee for this class and $20.00 fee for joining HOSA which covers local, state, and national fees.
Students are highly encouraged to join (HOSA) Health Professionals. If students are planning on attending the cadaver lab in the spring and participate in other medical activitiesHOSA has abundant opportunities. Competing in state HOSA is a requirement if they plan to letter in Health Science.
Colored pencils, RED and BLACK PEN REQUIREDfor notes, flash cards,and various labs.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Brenda Cook-
Name of Student:______
Parent Signature:______
Class Fee $10.00 pd. Yes______No______
HOSA Fee- $20.00 pd. Yes______No______
Cut along dotted line below and return top portion.
It’s what youlearn after you know it all that counts
‘John Wooden’
Medical Terminology
Recommended for juniors and seniors
Medical terminology is an “international language” that has been used to build a foundation for communication among the health care teams in the world. This “language” is very logical and rational.
Introduction to Health Science and Technology
Recommended for sophomores
This class may be used as a preparatory class for the medical anatomy and physiology class. The MAP class is designed for college bound student who want to pursue a career in the health field that requires college training. This class also prepares the student for vocational training provided by the district or an applied technology center.
Exercise Science
Recommended for juniors and seniors
Prerequisite MAP
The purpose of this class is to help student develop an interest in the sports medicine and health related fields. Students will become more familiar with medical procedures and practices.
Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
This semester course provides students with advanced emergency medical information and skills. The course introduces students to a variety of career options in emergency medicine.
Please visit our HOSA (Health Professionals) Website.
Facebook: Roy High HOSA