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Marketing and Management II: Advanced Strategies
Class Syllabus
Instructor: Mrs. Tiffany Cain School Phone: (615) 890-6450 Ext. 23555
Email: Room: K-4
Instructional Strategies
Marketing IIwill be taught using a variety of instructional strategies including, but not limited to, cooperative learning teams and class lectures. Projects in this course will include both individual and group projects and presentations are typically required with each.
Grading Scale
A=93-100B=85-92C=75-84D=70-74F=69 & Below
- Demonstrate Organizational and Leadership Skills
- Identify Forms of Business Ownership and Compare Advantages and Disadvantages of Each
- Analyze and Apply Personal Traits Associated with Successful Managers
- Create and Developa Company Orientation Manual
- Create and Develop a Six-Month Marketing Plan
- Examine Various Situations where Ethical Dilemmas can be Encountered Internationally
- Create, Distribute, and Analyze Surveys
- Examine Various Types of Business Risk and How to Manage It
- Identify Types of Financial Documents Included in a Business Plan
- Compete at the DECA District, State, and ICDC Level
Student Expectations and Requirements
The students are expected to:
- Be punctual and come to class prepared.
- Participate in class discussions, group activities, project presentations, etc.
- Develop oral and written projects to be presented to the class.
- Develop professional leadership and teamwork skills.
The student will be required to bring to class each day:
- Agenda (Assignments are written here everyday and you can’t leave without it!)
- Standard notebook paper (8.5 x 11)
- Pencil and pen
- Flash Drive (not required but HIGHLY recommended!)
Attendance Policy
In Case You Are Late or Absent: It is your responsibility to get the course notes, handouts, and project assignments should you miss class or be late (Note: If a child is more than 5 minutes late without a proper note, they are considered skipping class and will be written up as so!)
The make-up policy will be in agreement with Rutherford County Schools Attendance Policy. An exceptional note: Students are strongly encouraged and recommended not to schedule appointments and/or miss school habitually.
Failure to turn in the missing assignment within the five days will result in a zero for the assignment.
Additional Assistance
Students may request or be requested during RTI time if they are not already requested by a teacher. I strongly encourage students to take advantage of RTI, if they need additional assistance or have been ABSENT.
RCS Email Accounts
Each student is provided with an Office 365 email address through their school login. ALL STUDENTS are REQUIRED to utilize their school email account for communication with the teacher.
All students will receive an Edmodo account within the first two-three weeks of school. This is a website that allows students to access assignments, tests, shared folders, links, etc. We will use Edmodo almost every day in and out of the classroom. The website address for Edmodo is: Students are able to access this application online from any computer or by downloading the app to their phone.
Dress for Success Attire (Dress for Success Day is one time per nine weeks, wearing the same outfit each time is acceptable!)
Males wear dress shirt, tie, slacks, belt, dress socks, dress shoes, (suit jacket optional) NO SPERRY’S/DECK SHOES
Females wear dress shirt, knee length or longer skirt, slacks, professional dress, dress shoes, dress socks/hosiery, (suit jacket optional)
DECA Membership Dues:$30 by September 23 (checks made payable to RHS or cash accepted) (For more info check out
DECA is co-curricular and an important part of the marketing curriculum- all marketing students are strongly encouraged to join. As a second or third year marketing student, DECA is an expected part of the course. DECA Dues are $30, which includes your national, state, and chapter fees. RHS has always prided itself in being the largest chapter in the state of Tennessee with 100% membership.
DECA prepares a student to be a leader in marketing, management, and entrepreneurship. DECA stresses leadership, community service, and excelling in competitive events. By being a part of DECA, a student is given the opportunity to receive thousands of dollars in college scholarships. DECA is an organization that promotes innovation, competence, integrity, and teamwork. DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management in high schools and colleges around the globe.
DECA prepares the next generation to be academically prepared, community oriented, professionally responsible, and experienced leaders.
Please write legibly so that I can make sure I have the correct email address.
Student Name ______Grade ______
Parent/Guardians Name # 1 ______
Email Address ______
Phone Number ______
Parent/Guardians Name # 2 ______
Email Address ______
Phone Number ______
Does the student have access to a computer with Internet at home or outside of school? Yes ______No ______
Does the student have a smart phone?Yes ______No ______
By signing below, I am agreeing and saying that I have read and understand the syllabus for Marketing II. If I have any questions or concerns I will contact Mrs. Cain by the school phone or email listed on page 1 of the syllabus.
Parent Signature Student Signature
For teacher use only:
Date Received: ______
Grade Given: ______