School of Education
Professional Experience OfficeMurdoch WA 6150
P: 08 9360 7477 | F: 08 9360 7545 | E:
This Agreement outlines the key outcomes, facilitators, participants, funding and roles to be assumed between Murdoch University and NAME School for the duration of the 2016 School Year, commencing February and concluding December 2016.
Nominated Partnership Type:
1. Murdoch Pre-Service Teachers (PST) Professional Learning School:
Where mentoring PSTs is a whole school priority and part of the school plan
§ Will take PSTs from all cohorts – first year, second year etc.
§ Will take internship PSTs. Guaranteed interns if an application for internship PST is received
§ Recognised Partnership School
2. Murdoch Collegiate School:
Where there is a strong commitment to mentoring PSTs; the placements will be cohort specific
§ Will take PSTs from some cohorts – first year, second year etc.
§ Possibility to be offered internship PSTs if an application for internships is received. This is NOT a guarantee.
§ Strong commitment between School and Murdoch University
3. Murdoch Experiential Schools:
Where the school is happy to have students, but mentoring PSTs is not a whole school priority
§ Happy to take PSTS at various levels
§ Relationship with Murdoch University as required
Key Stakeholders:
· : Principal
· : School Professional Experience Coordinator
· Sue Ledger: Director of School of Education Professional Experience
· Kathryn Dehle: School of Education Professional Experience Partnerships Officer
School Profile/Special Interests/Projects/Programs/Needs
· [Insert based on school]
Target Pre-Service Teacher Groups:
Tick boxes for preferences/capacity:
Primary1st Year
2nd Year
3rd Year
4th Year
Graduate Diploma
Early Childhood Education
Inclusive Education
Master of Teaching / Secondary
1st Year
2nd Year
3rd Year
4th Year
Graduate Diploma
Refer to attached Calendar & Pledge documentation
Key Outcomes:
Pre-Service Teachers
· Are able to apply theory to a school context
· Observe the scope of the teaching profession and experience life as teacher for the length of their professional experience
· Learn classroom management and pedagogical strategies from an experienced educator and practise them in a classroom context
· The PST Agreement Form specifically details expectations of the PSTs on placements
· PST roles and responsibilities are detailed in the Placement Guidebook and specific unit information in relevant Unit Information and Learning Guide
· Strengthen the partnership between the university and school
· Draw from the expertise of the university and the professional development opportunities provided
· Have access to a supportive context for PSTs to apply theory
· Explore research opportunities
Key Responsibilities:
Responsibilities of Partnership School
School Coordinator
§ Select a School Coordinator who is responsible for the logistics of placing PSTs in their schools and who will liaise with the University Placement Officers in regard to submitting necessary reports and paperwork.
§ Select an experienced Mentor Teacher to guide and support the PSTs and, in so doing, provide scope for the PST to trial new, reasonable ideas and strategies.
§ Provide an orientation to the school for PSTs, such as layout, location of classrooms, keys, staff, canteen, resources, parking, photocopying and any other relevant information.
§ Provide on-going constructive feedback to Mentors, PSTs and University.
§ Promote and support the partnership between Murdoch University and the school.
Mentor Teacher
§ Support preservice teachers and provide on-going support and advice.
§ Stresses the importance of lesson preparation, providing feedback about planning and evaluation
§ All Murdoch Mentor teachers are encouraged to complete the AITSL supervising preservice teacher modules: The modules provide ongoing professional development and access to a wide range of resources specific to the needs of the mentors. AITSL Certificates are awarded once each module is completed
§ Provide a supportive learning environment where PSTs are a valued member of the teaching staff. Please refer to the Framework of Conditions Supporting Early career Teacher (ECT) Resilience or building teachers resilience
Responsibilities of Murdoch University
University Representatives - (Academics from Murdoch and external staff)
§ Contact the school coordinator during placement and record any updates on the placement review sheet and arrange a time to visit.
§ Seek information from the School Coordinator about the progress of the PSTs.
§ Conduct a meeting with all PSTs including verbal feedback.
§ Notifies Professional Experience Office and/or Academic Coordinator of PSTs who are at risk of failing.
External Mentors
§ A team of external mentors and moderators will be available during each placement. During all two week placements, which are pass/fail units, this team will be called on when PSTs are identified as ‘at risk’. During final graded placement the team will be called on to support schools in confirming grades. This will be during Professional Internships or final PI placement.
Unit Coordinators
§ Responsible for the overall conceptualisation and management of the unit aims and outcomes as well as the submission of results for school placement units
Placement Officers
§ Responsible for the overall administration and management for school placement units.
NAMEPrincipal, School / Date
School Professional Experience Coordinator, School / Date
Dr Susan Ledger
Director, School of Education Professional Experience, Murdoch University / Date
Kathryn Dehle
School of Education Professional Experience Partnerships Officer, Murdoch University / Date
Primary School Partnership Agreement 2015 Page 2 of 3