University ofHannover
Welfengarten 1
3rdFloor, Sector G
Germany / Questionnaire
Quality Gates and
alternative Concepts /
Hint: Please mark the checkboxes by double-clicking on them, selecting the active state and confirming the dialog.
1.Which are your fields of activity within your company? (Multiple choice)
Project ManagementQuality Management
Further activities:
2. Does your company use a Quality Gate approach?
yes no
In case there is no such approach in your company, which one of the approaches below exists in your company to ensure that entry criteria for phases or iterations are formally accomplished?
Management Review Milestone Review
QA Milestone Stage-Gate
Quality Gateway(Project) Decision Point
There is no concept like this within our company
We use a concept like this but it is not listed above, namely:
Please answer the following questions only if you marked or mentioned an approach in the 2ndquestion. If not, you can send back the questionnaire now.
3.Please describe shortly the core concepts of your approach being applied in your company:
4.At which points of a project your approach is conducted and what is the trigger?
5.Please describe shortly the sequence of actions taking place within your approach:
6.Which documents are checked within your approach and what are the criteria?
7.Which roles are involved in your approach and what are their tasks and attributes?
8. Please describe shortly the relation between milestones and your approach:
9.Are there any project attributes relevant for the decision, whether your approach has to be conducted or not (e.g. size or risk of a project)?
10.Are there any synonyms for your approach being used within your company?
11.Which outcomes can your approachpossibility have? (Multiple choice)
Project can be aborted
Proceed to next phase / iteration
Project can be put on hold
Additional submission of required documents after revising activity
Further outcomes:
12.Does yourapproach bases upon a prevalent reference process model?
yes, our approach bases upon ______
no, we use our own approach
If you answered no: Is there any formal documentation for your approach?
13.Projects are based upon process models. In which process models is your approach utilized? (Multiple choice)
sequential / waterfall process models
iterative processes
14.What are the intentions of your approach in your company? (Multiple choice)
Quality Assurance
Project Management
Risk Management / Identification of risks and potentials
Further intentions and supplements:
15.In which types of projects your approach is used? (Multiple choice)
Standard Software
In-house development
Projects involving an external customer
Additional typesof projects:
16.Which types of software are developed in your company? For which types your approach is used? (Multiple choice)
Type of Software / Approachis used?
Application Software
Embedded Software
Distributed Software/Web Applications
System Software
In case your approach is not used for all (applicable) types of software, what are the reasons for this?
17.Is your approachdefined for each project individually oris it defined identicalfor all projects?Is there a difference depending on the project regarding the number of executions, the criteria and the involved roles?
The approach is defined identical for all projects
In case your approach is not defined identical for all projects, which of the following statements are true? (Multiple choice)
The number of executions is defined individually for each project
The criteria are defined individually for each project
The involved roles are defined individually for each project
Moreover, the approach can be defined more individually in the following way:
18.In which form check criteria are documented?
Check criteria are not formally documented
Further forms:
19.Does your company use a software tool to support your appoach at least to some extent?
In case you answered “yes”: which software tool is used to support the approach in your company. How does the tool provide support?
In case you answered “no”: does a software tool might provide some support for your approach and how this support could look like?
20.Are there any known shortcomings of your approachwithin your company?
21.Is your approach continuously improved within your company?
22.Are there any further aspects about your approach being not covered by the previous questions?
Thank you very much for filling out this questionnaire. Based on our experience a questionnaire could not cover all the questions we have. For this reason we would be very pleased, if you would allow us to contact you by telephone or e-mail. If so, you can insert your name, telephone number and e-mail address below.
Telephone no.: