Lisa Pomponi
Partner: Patrick Klein
Movement Analysis Project
Dr. Uygur
Section 2
Name: Lisa Pomponi
Sex: Female
Age: 25
Height: 62 inches, 157.48 centimeters
Weight: 140 lbs, 63.6 kg
Body Mass Index: 25.6
Medical and Physical History
Do you have any bone or joint problems? No
Have you had any surgeries? Yes, lower back surgery
Are you currently suffering from any pain? No
Have you or anyone in your immediate family have a knee replacement, if yes what age? Yes, grandfather, both knees at age 70.
Have you or anyone in your immediate family have a hip replacement, if yes what age? No
Have you or anyone in your immediate family have shoulder surgery? No
Have you or anyone in your family have problems with bone spurs, plantar fasciitis? I have bone spurs
Do you or anyone in your immediate family suffer from arthritis? Yes, grandfather
How many times a week do you exercise? What type of exercises do you do? I exercise every day. Swimming, biking, running, walking, elliptical training, and weight training
Did you ever play any sports? Yes, Karate for 11 years
Have you suffered from any type of sporting injuries? No
Is your job physical or sedentary? Physical, standing for 10-14 hours a day, constantly lifting heavy items, walking back and forth.
How many hours a day do you spend driving in a car? About 2-3 hours a day
How many hours do you spend sitting at a desk? A few hours if any
Have you or anyone in your immediate family suffer from a heart disease? No
Have you ever been in an accident that sent you to get medical treatment? No
Have you ever broken a bone, if yes what bone? No
Have you ever sprained a bone, if yes what bone? No
Have you ever suffered from tendonitis, if yes where? Yes, feet
Movement Goals:
- Increase flexibility in my hamstrings and hips so it will help me when lifting weights and when running. Loose hamstrings will help me get a better stride on my run which will help me become faster and will also assist my hips when doing squats so I can go down deeper.
- Build up enough upper body strength so I can do a proper pull-up with full range of motion instead of only going a quarter of the way and do it without swinging.
- Build up core strength. By building up my core strength I will be able to sit up straight and have good posture. Bad core strength effects my posture which makes me tight in my shoulders and when I have tight shoulders it effects my range of motion in my neck and in my shoulders.
Initial Summary
In my finding, I have found out that I have a pretty healthy family. We haven’t really had any serious health issues that causes issues with moment, besides my grandfather on my mother’s side who has suffered from two knee replacements and arthritis. I think out of everyone in my family I have had the most issues with problems that can affect my movement. I have had back surgery which made my hamstrings worst, I have bone spurs and tendonitis which causes problems in my foot and ankle and I have issues running or walking.
Things I need to work on during this semester is work on my flexibility. I have been trying to work on it, but it is a struggle for me because I do not enjoy stretching even though I know when I do it I feel better. I am doing well with my upper body strength and working on my pull-up and trying to go down a little farther each time I do them. What I can do now that will help me with my goals is set aside 10 minutes each day to stretch and increase it over a period of time.
Range of Motion Assessment
Neutral Position Neutral Position/ Sagittal ViewExtensionFlexion
Rotation to the leftRotation to the rightLateral FlexionLateral Flexion
Neutral PosistionInteral Roation Exteral Rotation
Neutral PosistionInternal RotationExternal Rotation
FlexionExternalRotationInternal Rotation
FlexionExternalRotation Internal Rotation
Sit and Reach:
Straight Leg Raise:
Left LegRight leg
Thomas Test:
Left LegRight Leg
Summary on Range of Motion:
I have noticed during my range of motion analysis is my hamstrings are extremely tight. This causes lack of flexibility in my legs and causes me not to be able to touch my toes during the sit and each. I also noticed, without having someone hold down my knee while doing the straight leg lift, doing it on my own my knee would not touch the ground. As shown in the pictures, my knee is lifted slightly, that is because there is no way it stay on the floor not even when I lower my leg.
When doing the internal and external rotation with my hip, I could not hold it for more than three seconds at a time without having a cramp in my hip. I think it is because my muscles in my hip are weak, which can cause it to not proper motion or can cause and injury and then really limit my range of motion.
In my degree of motion, everything was normal except for my straight leg raise and my sit and reach. I think I have limited range in those areas because I had back surgery a year ago and I haven’t gained all my flexibility back.
Postural Analysis
Frontal View
Eyes Aligned: No, left eye is slightly higher
AC Joint Aligned: No, left shoulder is higher
ASIS Aligned: No, Right hip is slightly higher
Patella Height Even: Yes
Patella Face Forward: Yes
Genu Valgum: No
Genu Varum: No
Feet Face Forward: No
Facing which way: out
Sagittal View
Head Protruded: No
Protracted Shoulders: No
Kyphosis: No
Excessive Lordosis: No
Reduced Lordosis: No
Genu Recurvatum: No
Posterior View
Winged Scapula: No
Feet Evert: Yes, Left
Feet Invert: No
My findings on my posture included my spine being a little shifted, which caused my shoulders and my hips to be uneven. I know this is caused by a problem I am having with my back. I am currently in the middle of a “flare up” and it causes my spine to be out of alignment. I did noticed in the pictures my left foot is externally rotated. This tells me that my lateral gastrocnemius is tight and needs to be stretched more. With my goal to become more flexible, I not only need to stretch my hamstrings, but also my calves. With my back being out of place, I need to stretch that as well.
Overhead Squat Assessment
Frontal ViewSagittal View Posterior View
In the frontal view, I noticed my left foot is externally rotated, which is from a tight lateral gastrocnemius. This may cause injuries and effect the way I run. In the sagittal view, I noticed I have excessive lordosis. I do not think this is a normal thing, I think it looks like I have excessive lordosis because my back is out and it was painful to even get into this position. To prevent excessive lordosis I need to stretch my back more and build of my core muscles. In my posterior view, I noticed my left foot eternally rotated again. I noticed some asymmetrical shift to the right side. This tells me that I have over activity in the adductor muscles on the ipsilateral side and the piriformis on the contralateral side. This can be because of a previous I have had in my back. With my goals in mind, I now see where I need to make improvements. I need to work on stretching my tight muscles so it doesn’t cause any damage anywhere else in my body.
Gait Analysis
Right Posterior Heel Strike Right Posterior Mid-stance Right Posterior Toe-off
Left Posterior Heel StrikeLeft Posterior Mid-stance Left Posterior Toe-off
Left Sagittal Heel Strike Left Sagittal Mid-stance Strike Left Sagittal Toe-off
Right Posteior Heel Strike Right Posterior Mid-stance Right Posterior Toe-off
Left Posterior Heel Strike Left Posterior Mid-stance Left Posterior Toe-off
Left Sagittal Heel Strike Left Sagittal Mid-stance Left Sagittal Toe-off
In my findings while looking at my gait while walking I noticed that I have an external rotation of my feet. (This is why I put an up close photo instead of full body) This could be from an over active soleus, and lateral gastrocnemius and an under active medial gastrocnemius and medial hamstrings. Also, while walking, I tend to look down. I think is more of a fear of tripping and out of habit, but could cause other issues if I don’t correct it, such as protracted shoulders.
While running, I noticed I tend to shift from side to side and in the swing phase I feel like arms aren’t swinging as much. The swinging could cause me to lose some momentum. I did not realize that when running, both feet actually do leave the ground. In class, we discuss that they do, but I had a hard time believing that until I looked at the pictures and actually saw both feet were off. I even noticed when running I still have an external rotation, but I feel like it does not externally rotate as much as when I walk.
To correct the external rotation, I would need to stretch my soleus and strengthen my medial hamstrings and my medial gastrocnemius. I need to stretch my hip flexors so I can get a better stride when running.
Corrective Exercise
Child’s Pose
The benefits of the child’s pose is it release tension in my back, shoulders and chest. This stretch helps lengthen and stretch the spine. It also stretches the hips, thighs, and ankles. This will help with my lower back pain.
Plank on stability ball
I chose this exercise because a basic plank was a little easy, so to step it up a step I used a stability ball to engage my core muscles more and for my balance. This will also increase the strength in my core which will help me perform my squat better.
A. B.
Stability ball hamstring Exercise
This exercise is a multiple exercise. It is strengthen my core muscles, my hamstrings, and it even works my core even more because I have to keep myself balance on the ball. By strengthen my hamstrings and keeping them stretched out, and working on my quadriceps in the wall sit, will help balance my strength out so I would not have any over active muscles in those areas. Stretching my hamstrings will help preform my squat better by giving me the flexibility to go down farther.
Hamstring Stretch
I performed a hamstring stretch with a band to help straighten my leg and gives me more of a stretch then when using my arms. By using a strap it allows my back to stay on the floor. This will increase my flexibility in my hamstrings and help give me a better range of motion with my squats and other exercises.
Hip & Glute Stretch (Pigeon Pose)
This is one of my favorite stretches. I am tight in my hips which can be the reason for my feet being externally rotated. I am stretching out my hip flexors, my glutes, my upper traps, and my deltoids. I feel like this pose has many benefits and I have seen an important in my range of motion by preforming this exercise on a regular basis.
- B.
External Calf RaiseInternal Calf Raise
These calve raises are beneficial in helping with my external foot rotation. I have over-active lateral gastrocnemius and an under-active medial gastrocnemius. By doing both of these exercises and rolling them out with balance them out.
Foam Rolling- Calf
With my over-active and under-active gastrocnemius, foam rolling is a great way to release the knots in them and stretch the muscles out. In my findings, I have noticed my lateral side is tighter then my medial side, which will be the reason that I need to strengthen them.
Protraction Push-ups
I decided to add this to my work out because I noticed I had a slight shoulder girdle. To fix the shoulder girdle I decided to try protraction push-ups. While doing them, I felt awkward, but after doing a couple of them I could feel it working.
Wall Sit
Wall sits is a great way to increase my muscular strength in my quadriceps. I did not find any imbalances that had to deal with my quadriceps, however I wanted to build them up and keep them strong so it would not cause any issues in any other parts of my body. This also works on my core as well.
V Sit Core
I noticed when doing several different exercises that my core is weaker than I thought. Having a strong core is beneficial when doing squats and other exercises. This exercise was probably the most challenging for me because I had a hard time getting my legs straight (tight hamstrings) and plus the weakness in my core.
- B.
Lower Back, Glute, and Hip stretch
This is another one of my favorite exercises. I do this exercise at least twice a day. This helps stretch out my glutes and my lower back. At times, I do feel a stretch in my rear deltoids. Whenever I do this stretch, my spine readjusts. I always feel better after doing this stretch. There are some days when I have a harder time doing this stretch, but I always feel better afterwards.
One Leg Medicine ball life
This is one of my newest exercises that I have been working on doing it daily. I have noticed that my balance isn’t as great as it used to be. I wanted to improve my balance and I wanted to strengthen my flexors, and my extensors. This exercise also helps me to engage my core. Once I am able to hold this position for 30 seconds at a time, I want to increase it by doing hip extensions.