How to open the 2017 Traditional / Collaborative grant application (PDF)
1. Click on either the ‘2017 Traditional grant application (fillable document)’ or ‘2017 Collaborative grant application (fillable document)’
This opens the document for you to view.
2. Click on ‘Open with different viewer’ at top, right of screen.
3. Select Adobe Acrobat and click on ‘ok’ to open the fillable document. If your computer is set to automatically select Adobe Acrobat, look in your download folder (arrow in top, right corner) to locate the file. Once the document has been opened in Adobe, you can save it to your personal device and begin to fill it out.
Ø If you have questions, please call or email the ACCF.
Ph: 260.724-3939 (M-Th, 8-4 and F, 8-1)
Ø Applications will be accepted beginning one month prior to each due date
If you wish to drop-off your application before or after hours, please secure all ten copies with a rubber band or in a large manila envelope, and place them in the mail slot on the Madison Street door below the window.
Good luck!