Warren Road Primary School

Friday 8th July 2016

Dear Parents and Carers,

Class Organisation – September 2016

End of term is fast approaching. Thank you to everyone for all your support at the sports days - lots of great action and competitive spirit! We look forward to seeing you at other end of term events, the triathlon is tomorrow with registration at midday, please come in using the Cloonmore entrance.

Please find detailed below the class organisation for the new school year. Children will be informed this afternoon about their new class teacher.

We are very sadly saying goodbye to Ms Millband and Mrs Dennehy who are retiring at the end of term.

We thank them both for all their fantastic work and wish them all the very best.

Mrs Read has been appointed as SENCo and will take up post at the start of the new school year.

We are delighted that Ms Millband will be coming back to work with us for a day a week to develop the brilliant sustainability work she has led regaining our Gold Eco Mark again this year. We welcome Miss Piper, Mrs Harrington and Mr Harrison who will be joining us in September who will be taking classes as detailed in the class organisation below.

Mrs Lancaster is also retiring at the end of term who has been a teaching assistant in Early Years and Key Stage 1 for 19 years. We are also saying goodbye to Mrs Young who has been such a valued member of our cleaning team for so many years. Again, we thank them for their hard work and wish them both all the very best in their retirement.

Both Mrs Miles and Mrs Read will be going on maternity leave in September. Mrs Butler, an experienced SENCo will be covering Mrs Read’s post until she returns.

On Monday children will meet their new class teachers. Miss Piper will not be able to attend but has sent her new class a welcome message. Mrs Harrington will be meeting her new class later this term.

Reports will go out next Tuesday 12th July with Open Afternoon on Wednesday from 4pm to 5:45pm when you are very welcome to come and look through your children’s work. Please note that Mr Bateson is currently away on jury service and will not be available. Parents are however very welcome to come and look at the children’s work and contact Mr Bateson on Class Dojo. Mrs Learmouth will not be available on Wednesday, parents are welcome to come in and look at children’s work, Mrs Learmouth will be available after school next Friday 15th July.


Class Organisation – 2016/2017

Class / Teacher / 2016/2017
Classes / 2016/2017
Class name
RA / Mrs Adamthwaite / RA
RB / Miss Brayley / RB
RM / Mrs Paczensky (3 days) /Mrs Butler (2 days) / RP
RJM / Mrs Jeffreys (4 days)/Mrs Rea (1 day) / RJ
1W / Miss Williams / RB / 1W
1C / Miss Chapman / RA / 1C
1K / Mrs Kirby / RM / 1K
1R / Miss Piper / RJ / 1P
2E / Miss Etherington / 1K / 2E
2A / Mrs Angell / 1W / 2A
2S / Miss Shanks / 1R / 2S
2H / Mr Harrison / 1C / 2H
3S / Miss Scott / 2A / 3S
3J / Mrs Jeremy / 2L / 3J
3B / Mr Bateson / 2S / 3B
3E / Miss Bray / 2E / 3E
4J / Mrs Learmouth / Class 2 / 4J
4C / Ms Cammies / Class 1 / 4C
4L / Mrs Lamprell / Class 3 / 4L
4G / Mrs Gallagher (4 days)/ Mrs Neville(1 day) / Class 4 / 4G
5K / Mrs Keene / 4C / 5K
5L / Miss Aldridge / 4L / 5L
5G / Mr Glenister / 4G / 5G
5A / Mrs Adams / 4J / 5A
6PT / Miss Palmer/Mr Thomas / 5G / 6PT
6M / Mrs McGeehan (4 days)/ Mrs Warren Axe (1 day) / 5A / 6M
6A / Mrs Harrington / 5M / 6H
6S / Miss Shah / 5K / 6S

PPA Cover: Miss Folkes, Mrs Greisen, Miss Langdon, Mrs Neville, Mr Rose, Mrs Smith, Mrs Williams

Yours faithfully,

Richard Edmonds - Headteacher