Meridian School
MYP Assessment Criteria
The assessment criteria for each subject group are shown below:
Language and Literature Criteria (English Classes)
Criterion A / Analyzing / Maximum 8Criterion B / Organizing / Maximum 8
Criterion C / Producing text / Maximum 8
Criterion D / Using language / Maximum 8
Language Acquisition Criteria
(Spanish or French Classes)
Criterion A / Comprehending spoken and visual text / Maximum 8Criterion B / Comprehending written and visual text / Maximum 8
Criterion C / Communicating / Maximum 8
Criterion D / Using Language / Maximum 8
Individuals and Societies Criteria (Social Studies)
Criterion A / Knowing and understanding / Maximum 8Criterion B / Investigating / Maximum 8
Criterion C / Communicating / Maximum 8
Criterion D / Thinking Critically / Maximum 8
Sciences Criteria (Sciences, Biology, Chemistry)
Criterion A / Knowing and understanding / Maximum 8Criterion B / Inquiring and designing / Maximum 8
Criterion C / Processing and evaluating
/ Maximum 8
Criterion D / Reflecting on the impacts of science / Maximum 8
Mathematics Criteria
Criterion A / Knowing and understanding / Maximum 8Criterion B / Investigating patterns / Maximum 8
Criterion C / Communicating / Maximum 8
Criterion D / Applying mathematics in real-world contexts / Maximum 8
Arts Criteria (Music, Theater, Visual Arts)
Criterion A / Knowing and understanding / Maximum 8Criterion B / Developing skills / Maximum 8
Criterion C / Thinking creatively / Maximum 8
Criterion D / Responding / Maximum 8
Design Criteria
Criterion A / Inquiring and analyzing / Maximum 8Criterion B / Developing ideas / Maximum 8
Criterion C / Creating the solution / Maximum 8
Criterion D / Evaluating / Maximum 8
Physical and Health Education Criteria
Criterion A / Knowing and understanding / Maximum 8Criterion B / Planning for performance / Maximum 8
Criterion C / Applying and performing / Maximum 8
Criterion D / Reflecting and improving performance / Maximum 8
Interdisciplinary Criteria (Two classes together)
Criterion A / Knowing and understanding / Maximum 8Criterion B / Developing skills / Maximum 8
Criterion C / Thinking creatively / Maximum 8
Criterion D / Responding / Maximum 8
Personal Project Criteria (10th Grade Students)
Criterion A / Investigating / Maximum 8Criterion B / Planning / Maximum 8
Criterion C / Taking Action / Maximum 8
Criterion D / Reflecting / Maximum 8
MYP Semester Grade Boundaries (will begin 2017-2018)
The final MYP grade for all subjects can be calculated from the scores in the individual subjects. Each subject has its own table of Grade Boundaries, showing how the level obtained (using all subject criteria A, B, C, and D) can
be converted into an overall MYP level from 1 to 7.
Grade / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7Boundaries / 1-5 / 6-9 / 10-14 / 15-18 / 19-23 / 24-27 / 28-32
NOTE: This will occur at the end of Semester 1 and at the end of Semester 2, once all criteria have been assessed. (After Meridian is an authorized MYP School)
IB MYP Achievement Grade Descriptors Achievement Grade Descriptors:
7 / Always produces work of an excellent quality by fully meeting specific subject criteria. A consistent and thorough understanding of the required knowledge and skills, and the ability to apply them almost faultlessly in a wide variety of situations. Consistent evidence of analysis, synthesis and evaluation where appropriate. The student consistently demonstrates originality and insight and always produces work of high quality.6 / Always produces work of high quality and meets subject specific criteria. A consistent and thorough understanding of the required knowledge and skills, and the ability to apply them in a wide variety of situations. Consistent evidence of analysis, synthesis and evaluation where appropriate. The student generally demonstrates originality and insight
5 / Usually produces work of a high quality and meets most specific subject criteria. A consistent and thorough understanding of the required knowledge and skills, and the ability to apply them in a variety of situations. The student generally shows evidence of analysis, synthesis and evaluation where appropriate and occasionally demonstrates originality and insight.
4 / Usually produces work of a satisfactory quality and meets some of the specific subject criteria. A good general understanding of the required knowledge and skills, and the ability to apply them effectively in normal situations there is occasional evidence of the skills of analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
3 / Produces work of an inconsistent quality but there is some attempt at meeting specific subject criteria. Limited achievement against most of the objectives, or clear difficulties in some areas. The student demonstrates a limited understanding of the required knowledge and skills and is only able to apply them fully in normal situations with support.
2 / Generally produces work of poor quality and does not meet specific subject criteria. Very limited achievement against objectives. The student has difficulty in understanding the required knowledge and skills, and is unable to apply them fully in normal situations, even with support.
1 / None of the standards above have been reached
MYP Grade Conversion for State of Texas Reporting
Please see the chart below to understand how teachers calculate numeric grades from MYP assessments. MYP assessments can have 1-4 criteria assessed, which dictates how the numeric grade is calculated.
Mark Conversion Table:
IB Grade / TX Conversion Range / MYP 32 Mark (4 criteria) / 32 Mark TX Conversion / MYP 24 Mark (3 criteria) / 24 Mark TX Conversion / MYP 16 Mark (2 criteria) / 16 Mark TX Conversion / MYP 8 Mark (1 criterion) / 8 Mark TX Conversion0 / - (Did Not Submit) / 0 / - (Did Not Submit) / 0 / - (Did Not Submit) / 0 / - (Did Not Submit) / 0
1 / 45-56 / 0 / 45 / 0 / 45 / 0 / 45 / 0 / 45
1 / 47 / 1 / 47
2 / 49 / 2 / 50 / 1 / 53
3 / 51 / 1 / 58
4 / 53 / 3 / 53 / 2 / 56
5 / 55 / 4 / 55
2 / 57-64 / 6 / 57 / 5 / 58 / 3 / 59
7 / 59 / 6 / 60 / 2 / 64
8 / 61 / 7 / 64 / 4 / 64
9 / 63 / 8 / 65
3 / 65-73 / 10 / 65 / 9 / 68 / 5 / 66
11 / 67
12 / 69 / 10 / 70 / 6 / 70 / 3 / 70
13 / 71 / 11 / 72
14 / 73 / 7 / 73
4 / 74-81 / 15 / 75 / 12 / 75
16 / 77 / 13 / 78 / 8 / 76 / 4 / 76
17 / 79
18 / 81 / 14 / 80 / 9 / 80
5 / 82-89 / 19 / 83
20 / 85 / 15 / 82 / 10 / 82 / 5 / 84
21 / 86 / 16 / 85
22 / 88 / 17 / 88 / 11 / 86
23 / 89
6 / 90-95 / 24 / 91 / 18 / 90 / 12 / 90 / 6 / 90
25 / 92 / 19 / 92
26 / 94 / 13 / 94
27 / 95 / 20 / 94
7 / 96-100 / 28 / 96 / 14 / 96 / 7 / 96
29 / 97 / 21 / 95
30 / 98 / 22 / 97 / 15 / 98
31 / 99 / 23 / 98
32 / 100 / 24 / 100 / 16 / 100 / 8 / 100