School of Mines and MetallurgyAlumniAcademy

Meeting Minutes of April 21, 2005

204 Havener Center, 1:00 p.m.


Chairman Kent Weisenstein opened the meeting by welcoming everyone to the meeting. He introduced Dr. Mariesa Crow as the new Dean of the School of Materials, Energy and Earth Resources. At this time he asked for introductions around the room.

Those attending were:


John Bartel

Del Day

Avery Drake

Ed Goetemann

Bud Hacker

Bill Horst

Wayne Huebner

Dick Hunt

Byron Keil

Dennis Kostic

Don Kummer

Bill Mount

Nez Mohajir

Norbert Neumann

Tom O’Keefe

John Remmers

Greg Skannal

Ted Ruppert

George Taylor

John Warner

Keith Wedge

Kent Weisenstein

Marvin Zeid


Representatives of UMR:

Jeffrey Cawlfield, Asst. Chairman, Geological Science & Engr.

Mariesa L. Crow, Dean

Larry Grayson, Chairman, Mining & Nuclear Engr.

Linda Guyton, Administrative Assistant

Ron Kohser, Asst. Chairman, Materials Science & Engr.
Robert Laudon, Associate Dean

Chris Ramsay, Dean’s Office

Joanne Zap, Development Associate


Review and approval of the past minutes from April 15, 2004, and October 15, 2004. A motion was made by Marvin Zeid to accept as submitted; it was seconded by Don Kummer and passed unanimously.


The next agenda item was a request for any changes to the agenda. A motion was made by Don Kummer to accept the agenda; it was seconded by Marvin Zeid and passed unanimously.


Joanne Zap announced that the Alumni Office has many OGS activities planned.

A get well card was passed around for Dick Bullock who could not attend the meeting today.


Dean Crow gave an overview of the State of the School and the UMR budget.

Her presentation is attached.


Joanne Zap, Development Officer, gave a presentation of the Fundraising Initiatives, UM Matching Programs, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Building Progress, the HavenerCenter, and the Campaign Progress 2010.

The scholarship and endowed chairfunds must be received by June 1 in order to take advantage of the system matching funding. In addition to the matching program, another development initiatives is to raise the funds to start construction on the Mechanical & Aerospace EngineeringBuilding addition and renovation project. To date they have $8M in private funds secured towards $11M that is required to authorize construction. By comparison, for the construction of the HavenerCenter, private gifts were $6.3M and the total project cost was $15M. However, much of the HavenerCenter funds were designated through student fees.

The Campaign period started July 2003 and will go through June of 2010. The quiet phase of the campaign is 2003 through October 2007. The public phase will begin in October 2007 and will go through June 30, 2010. The campaign to date has received $25.5M and is currently on track to meet its goals. The value of proposals delivered, but not yet closed is $91.1M. UMR has inducted 70 new OGS members.

Project 2010 provides the foundation for the current campaign. Each department and/or program has been asked to identify the vision of the unit for 2010 within the university context that states the objectives that will achieve that mission. Planning will involve faculty and key constituents to secure the financial support to propel each department’s progress and ultimately that of the university. Joanne uses the project 2010 document when she is representing SoMEER. She asked all Academy members to let her know if the 2010 document is compelling enough and if the goals are achievable and believable.


Marvin Zedgave the nominating committee report for Jim Spear who was not able to attend. He reported that the committee reviewed 14 nominations for induction. Of these, seven were recommended for membership.Additionally, two previous nominees were reinvited, and five new members will be inducted into the Academy. He asked the membership to nominate people for induction for next year and to send those names to Linda or to Jim Spehr.


Bill Horst reported on the progress of the Scholarship committee. He reported that Laura Castle and Craig Heimricks were the first inductees as Academy Scholars last May. This year, Michelle Schaeffler, Ceramic Eng., and Ashley Mertens, Mining Eng. will be inducted. Both of these students were nominated and selected by their fellow students. They both have outstanding leadership skills. Each scholar will receive a $500 scholarship and an engraved Tag watch valued at over $1,000.

The initial Academy Scholar awards were funded from annual contributions. For this award to be sustained, an endowment must be established. To maintain the current award level, the endowment must have at least $60,000. The current endowment balance is $36,000. Bill pledged $10K as matching funds if the Academy membership can raise an additional $10K to reach the $60,000 goal. The academy’s long term goals and meeting this endowmentthrough the participation from the academy membership was discussed. Contributions to the endowment will be counted towards your OGS commitment.

Bill Horst stated to those wishing to send donations to the scholarship fund should send them to the Dean’s Office, Academy Endowment, and account number 920659. A motion was made by Bill Horst that on July 1, $5,000 be transferred to the endowment account from the academy operating account. The motion was seconded by Dick Hunt, and the motion carried unanimously. Bill will prepare a letter to go to the membership with the minutes.


Perrin Roller reported on the Jackling Program. The fund endowment is running a little under $1M. The Jackling I & II programs are budgeted on 3.5 percent of the endowment balance. Last year Jackling I was combined with the School of Engineering’s Intro to Engineering to give us greater access to a larger number of students. Chris Ramsay said that by combining the programs, SoMEER gains access to over 400 engineering students. We are set to do the same thing this summer. After this summer, the committee will assess whether or not to keep the programs combined or to separate them again. The Intro to Engineering name has been changed to the Jackling Intro to Engineering Program.


Then mineral museum report was included in the packets as a handout and is attached to the minutes.


It was asked that there be a list made up of the membership that includes addresses, email addresses and phone numbers. This will be included with the minutes when they are mailed out.


Meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m.