Template one
Template One describes an assignment and its imbedding into instruction.The purpose of these Templates is to support the understanding of the assignment
Project number (e.g. SE 01 Physics): / De26bio
Project date (Start and End): / 3 weeks
Main objective of the assignment:
Learning about how various contraceptives work and their advantages and disadvantages
Section A:Formal aspects of the assignment:
A.1.a.Assignment name or activity assigned:
/A.1.b.Unit or project title:
Contraceptives / SexualityA.2.Assignments relation to curriculum:
/A.3.Assignments relation to national standards:
Grade 6: sexuality of humansA.4.Subject name or course title:
A.5.Grade or form level:
A.6.Age of students:
11-13 years
A.7.Main topic(s) of the unit, course or project:
- Puberty and growing up
- Partnership and love
- Pregnancy and birth
- Sexuality and contraceptives
A.8.a.How many minutes are in one lesson?
45 minutes
A.8.b.How much time altogether did students have to complete the assignment in hours and minutes)?
6 lessons
A.8.c.How much time did students have within the lesson(s) in order to complete the assignment?
45 minutes
A.8.d.How much time did students have besides lesson(s) in order to complete the assignment?
O minutes
Section B:Previous knowledge, expected learning outcomes and actual achievements:
B.1.Which (if applicable also technical) abilities must students previously have had in order to fulfil the assignment?
Dealing with specialized literature, rules for designing posters and presentations
B.2.What essential special knowledge does the assignment teach?
How contraceptive methods work: pill, condom, diaphragm, cervical cap, hormonal implant, temperature method, creams, suppositories, sterilisation of the woman and man (vasectomy)
B.3.What essential general skills and competencies does the assignment teach?
Teamwork, gathering and structuring information and presenting it in a meaningful way.
B.4. Which additional important goals did you pursue with the assignment?
B.5.How will students use the skills and competencies of this assignment in the future?
Technical knowledge: learning for their own life, protective of their own health
B.6.a.Which criteria are used for the evaluation of the student achievement?
Working methods, content and formal quality of the posters, summaries and reports
(Please attach all assignments and any scoring guides or rubrics you used along with an explanation of how you used them.)
Please, see attachment(s)
B.6.b.What did you tell your students about the evaluation of this work?
See above
B.6.c.When were your students given the criteria for the evaluation of the work?
(Please check the one that applies)
As they completed the assignment
After they completed the assignment
B.7.What essential attitudes are promoted by this assignment?
(Please choose the most important ones, check them and explain shortly)
Self-assessment / (e.g. ability to judge the own results and the own commitment within the team.)Self-esteem / (e.g. confidence into the own person, even when unsuccessful.)
Self-control / (e.g. demonstration of appropriate behaviour and responsibility, even in critical situations.)
Teamwork / (e.g. willingness to co-operate with others in teams.)
x / Distributing tasks amongst the group, specifying various roles
Sensitivity / (e.g. perception of others interests and needs.)
x / Sensitive approach to the feelings of one’s fellow pupils when talking about the subject
Creativity / (e.g. use of own abilities and own knowledge for the development of new solutions.)
Interest / (e.g. demonstration of interest and joy when completing a new task.)
Flexibility / (e.g. willingness to try different strategies if one selected is not successful.)
Openness / (e.g. willingness to ask others for strategies to complete the own task.)
x / Being able to communicate one’s own thoughts and feelings
Independence / (e.g. Learning processes are independently planned and accomplished.)
x / Working with specialist literature
Perseverance / (e.g. willingness to complete a task even if problems arise.)
Section CDetails of the assignment
C.1.What was the actual assignment?
The pupils had to decide on one form of contraceptive and deliver a report on it also making a poster and a written summary of the subject.
C.2.Which instruction and materials did you give the students for completing the assignment.
Specialist literature from the school library, posters and access to PCs (for the summary)
(Please attach clean copies of any material provided to students.)
Please, see attachment(s)
C.3.What teaching concepts and methods were used? Please justify all concepts and methods (e.g. use of computers caused the work in teams of two).
Example: Frontal instruction, team work, learning at stations, weekly plans, inter-disciplinary classes, project work.
Group work
C.4.Did you have any collaboration when designing this assignment?
Yes / NoWith whom: (other teachers, parents, administrators, students, local representatives) / x
C.5.Is this assignment related to an intern, extern or inter-disciplinary school assessment, or to any other comparison tests?
Yes / NoPlease explain: / x
C.6.Please note any information about literature or other media you were using when preparing and accomplishing the assignment, which you particularly would like to recommend.
Section DStudents’ support and time frame to complete the assignment:
D.1.What resources did students have available to complete the assignment and which did they actually use?
(Please check all that apply)
Resource / Available / Used / Additional information about the resource / how it was used.Library time / x / x / Specialist literature on health
Computers / x / x / For writing
Web access
Dictionary / x / x
Own class notes
Specialized literature / x / x
Encyclopedia / x / x
(e.g. museums)
Public authorities
Talk to the own teacher / x / x / Explanation of technical terms
Talk to other teachers
(Please specify other resources or persons)
D.2.a.Was software used for completing the assignment? If so, please specify the kind of software and its role for the success of the assignment.
D.2.b.Which difficulties had the students while using hard- or software?
D.2.c.Please state the actual advantage of the computer work for the assignment.
very low / low / average / high / very highInterest / x
Development of media competence / x
Progress in learning / x
D.2.d.Using the computers, how much time have
you approximatelyadditionally invested? / 0 minutes
saved? / 0 minutes
the students
additionally invested? / 0 minutes
saved? / 0 minutes
D.3.Conditions under which work was produced
(please check all that apply)
Students worked individually / x / All students worked in groups onthe same
x / a different
x / Work was produced during the lesson / Work was produced at home
x / All students in class performed the assignment / A select group of students in class performed the assignment
x / Students worked with teacher assistance / Students had to work without the help of the teacher
x / Work was submitted in stages / x / Students had the opportunity to revise their work
Section EAdditional information
E.1.Please include any further information or comments you feel pertinent and necessary in understanding the assignment, the project, the classroom context, the specific conditions of the school, your professional background, etc.
(Please attach any other information or material like curriculum’s, standards etc that might be helpful to assist in the understanding of the desired teaching objectives.)
Please see attachment(s)
Section FStudents Information
F.1.Number of students involved in the assignment:
F.2.Is the level of performance more homogeneous or heterogeneous within the group of students?
Heterogeneous / Homogeneousx / Different levels / High Level
Average Level
Low Level
Section GReflection
G.1.Please indicate below, of all the students who completed the assignment, how many met your expectations (Please check):
A xN
G.2.The assignment was orientated towards (Please check)
high level performance/average level performance/low level performance
++++ x----
G.3.According to the achievement of the class/group, what changes would you suggest?
Using the project form with the help of more adults
Section HTeacher Information
H.1.Subjects you teach:
Biology, technical studies, physics /H.2.Grades you actually teach:
5,6,7,8,9,10H.3.Your instruction obligations per week:
26.5 /H.4.Average number of students you teach per day:
75H.5.Your additional duties in your school:
Head of technical studies, maintaining media /H.6.Your professional experience in years:
8Section J:School Information
J.1.School Name:
Realschule Süderbrarup /J.2School Address:
Kappelner Str.J.3.Type of School
(e.g. primary, lower or upper secondary, comprehensive school)lower secondary
Which grades?
5-10 /
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