University of Edinburgh
College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine
Chancellor’s Building Management Committee
Minutes of meeting on 9th April 2008 @ 1000
Venue: SU209, Chancellor’s Building
Attended by: Ian Ansell, Roy Dawkes, Lorraine Dobbs, Cathy Doherty, Charlie Green, Lindsay Murray
Robin Barclay, Ruth Stewart, Alan Ross, Sharon Rossiter, Heather Warnock
Matters arising
Fixed Wire Testing
Ongoing with no problems reported. Library area will be tested this week. 2 out of 4 zones in the BRF to be tested.
Liquid Nitrogen
CO2 system has been serviced by BOC. New regulator has been fitted to back up cylinder supply. Faulty gauge will be repaired by BOC. Internal reservoir tanks are okay with no leaks. LGM has written to HBML to check that they have completed their aspect of the work.
Car Parking
Nothing to report.
Security – Action Committee
RD reminded committee members to inform staff not to use fire exit doors as exits from the building. This compromises security of the building. Security is aware of this problem and will investigate any misuse of fire exit doors. Goods door is faulty and will be reported to HMBL. HBML helpdesk implemented new system which will hopefully improve the helpdesk service.
On call – Action RD
HR have produced payment policy. CD organised an on-call rota for the Chancellor’s Building. Some groups have no-one on the rota but still get their interests attended to. A similar system will be created in QMRI. RD will meet with HR to discuss the policy. CD is holding a meeting next week with staff to discuss the call out system. Issues are Liquid Nitrogen and -80 freezer farm, -80 freezer room in QMRI isn’t alarmed. RD suggested site-wide call out system rather than separate rotas for each building.
AOCB – Action Committee
Cathy Doherty
Buckets for decontamination waste are too full or have no bags in them. CD will send an email out to the lab email lists.
System for managing the autoclaves is working.
Glass is broken on the front of safety cabinet. Should the repair cost be added to bench fees? LM – health and safety issue as glass could shatter on user.
Gas cylinder regulators are out of date. LGM will write to PIs about this.
Charlie Green
Malcolm Baldock has the only key for the gas alarm in GU501. Are there spare keys or can we get more cut?
Val Mann
Class I cabinet to be removed from GU502 Tissue Culture Lab. Get cost of removal (H&V). P Brophy will be bringing Class II cabinet, can units be rearranged to accommodate this?
Ian Ansell
IA noticed cups and mugs lying around labs from overnight workers. Managers should advise all staff to be more health and safety conscious.
More liquid nitrogen training will be given next week. CD suggested that Liq Nit certs should be issued and copies held centrally.
Roy Dawkes
Neuroscience will be moving to office space in ground floor at the end of the year. Refurbishment work will be managed by Consort – job going to tender middle of May. Work will commence beginning of June. Final drawings will be with RD this week. Completion scheduled for end of October 2008.
Date of next meeting
To be arranged.