(Revised 8/2013)
Part I – Philosophy
We, the administration, faculty and staff of St.TheresaMiddle School, are committed to the religious and academic education of each child to his or her full potential. We are in partnership with the parents, the primary educators of their child, to guide each child in experiencing instruction that promotes acceptance, tolerance, love, individuality, inquiry, and success.
The child should assume responsibility for learning-understanding that education is a lifelong process.
Our ultimate goal is to continue our faith in order to achieve eternal salvation. Our school community strives to live the gospel of Jesus Christ through worship and service.
The greatest strengths of the Catholic elementary and middle schools of the Diocese of Baton Rouge are the opportunity and responsibility of the administration of each school to consider and use the uniqueness of its circumstances to provide the best Catholic education possible for its students. Within this basic tenet, the first priority is the overall development and growth of each of their students – spiritually, socially, mentally, emotionally, and physically. School-sponsored intramural and interscholastic athletic programs shall provide a medium by which students can:
1. Develop an awareness of their abilities
2. Learn and improve athletic skills
3. Acquire the true meaning of and practice sportsmanship
4. Be part of a team effort
5. Enhance their self-esteem and feelings of belonging
6. Form foundations for a healthy adult life style
Such programs should emphasize the positive accomplishments of the individual through recognition, praise, and positive constructive criticism. Athletics should be a component of, and interact with, the spiritual, social, and academic components of the overall school program. Administration, faculty, staff, coaches, parents, and the fans are necessary components in nurturing a positive Catholic athletic experience. Schools with interscholastic programs should participate in leagues or programs consistent with this philosophy and that of the individual school.
Part II – Programs
St. Theresa Middle School Athletic Program operates under the rules and auspices of the Catholic School Athletic League of the Diocese of Baton Rouge. All rules of the CSAL/CYO are followed. The rules of the league are available for parental review upon request.
CSAL/CYO Programs offered to students are the following:
Boys - Two Divisions: CYO – 5th-8th GradeGirls – Two Divisions: CYO – 5th-8thGrade
CSAL – 6th-8th GradeCSAL – 6th-8th Grade
Boys – Two Divisions: Termites – 5th & 6th Grade
Seniors – 7th & 8th Grade
Girls – Two Divisions: CYO – 5th-8th Grade
CSAL – 6th-8th Grade
Track & Field*
Boys and Girls – Two Divisions: Junior Team – 5th & 6th Grade
Senior Team – 7th & 8th Grade
*Please note: Volleyball and Track seasons occur simultaneously. As a result, students may participate in only ONE (1) of these two sports.
Part III - Sportsmanship Code
St.TheresaMiddle Schoolexpects all coaches, players, parents, and spectators involved in
programs (including practice and games) to exhibit behavior based on Christian values at all times.
Any violation of sportsmanship shall be reported to the principal of the school in writing. Anyone
involved in a violation may also address the principal in writing. The principal shall consult all
parties and league officials involved before rendering a decision to settle grievances.
St.TheresaMiddle School shall designate a supervisor for all home games. The supervisor shall
maintain conduct at all home games. All home games shall begin with prayer. The “golden rule”
on sportsmanship should always apply, “it is not important to win or lose but how one plays the
Part IV – Administration
The principal of St.TheresaMiddle School is the ultimate authority in matters of athletics. The
athletic director, coaches and moderators shall be consultative to the principal.
All involved in the administration of programs are to use the chain of command as it relates to use
of facilities, equipment, practice, uniforms, scheduling and discipline.
The principal must approve all purchases. An annual budget shall be required for all sports.
Part V - Student Eligibility for All Sports
Academic Requirements – St.TheresaMiddle School requires that all students involved in athletics maintain a “2.0” overall grade point average and a C or higher in conduct on the report card prior to the participation in a sport season or activity. End of year GPA is never used to determine eligibility. Initial eligibility will last during the duration of the respective sport/activity. There is no appeal for waiver of the Academic requirement.
Physical Examination – Each student must have a current physical signed by a physician on file dated no earlier than June 1st of the current year. The physical must be on filein the school office prior to the first practice or sporting event. Physicals shall be the responsibility of the parent. Physicals are offered at school (for a nominal fee) for students wanting to participate in any sport during the month of August, date TBA.
Insurance – All students are included in the school accident and health insurance plan. Additionally each student must show written proof of family health insurance. There are no exceptions. Each parent must give a release for emergency treatment.
Age Requirements – All league age requirements shall be followed.
Part VI - Participation
Tryouts – Announcements for tryouts will be made to all students prior to the beginning of each sports season. A sign up form will be posted at school. See Academic Requirements.
Sports Packet – A sports packet will be sent out to each student who is selected to participate on a team. The packet will include a cover letter with due dates and athletic fees, CSAL/CYO Sport Programs Waiver Form, Physical Form, Athlete’s Pledge, Parent Pledge and Code of Conduct, Rules and Consequences for Player Absences, and an After Care Sports Drop-In Form. The sports packet must be filled out completely and returned to school by its DUE DATE.
Fees – Football $60.00 Basketball $60.00
Volleyball $60.00 Track $35.00
Schedule of Practice and Game Times – Practice times will be announced by the coach via announcements at school, phone, email and the St. Theresa Athletic Calendar located on our school website under Athletics. The game schedule will be made available to all players as soon as it is received from the league office. All games will be posted on the St. Theresa Athletic Calendar.
Attendance Regulations – Students absent from school, suspended, or checked out sick may not
participate in extra-curricular activities/sporting events on that day.
Uniforms – Players are responsible for the up-keep and return of all school equipment and uniforms. Any uniform or equipment issued by the school and not returned at the end of the season shall be paid for by the participant’s parent or guardian.
Football – School will supply a practice jersey, game jersey and pants. Parents must
supply their child with a helmet, shoulder pads, practice pants with pads
and football cleats.
Basketball & Volleyball – School will supply a game jersey and shorts. Parents must
supply their child with athleticshoes.
Track & Field – School will supply a uniform shirt. Parents must supply their child with
running shorts and shoes.
Time of Play – In keeping with the philosophy of the school to promote a child’s self esteem and athletic ability, a concerted effort will be made to play all players.
Commitment – A student’s first commitment to play must be to the St.TheresaMiddle School team over any other opportunities to play.
Field and Court – No one except the cheerleaders are allowed on the sidelines with leaders due to safety and liability issues.
Part VII - Parents
Parents are a vital part of the St.TheresaMiddle School’s sports programs. When a student commits to a sport, his/her parents share in that commitment. Parents should see that the student upholds his/her commitment to the St. Theresa team first over any other playing opportunity.
Parents are expected to:
1. Support the Christian nature of the program.
2. See that their child arrives on time and is dressed for practice, games and is
picked up on time after all practices and games.
3. Assist their child in maintaining academic requirements.
4. Assist the athletic program by volunteering their time.
Parent Requirement–All parents are required to work the gate, concessions, score table and clean up at all home games. After the game schedule is received, a work sign up form will be sent home and you will be given the opportunity to sign up to work an equal amount of games or you will be assigned to work where you are needed. If you are unable to work your assigned game, YOU are responsible for getting a replacement.
Part VIII – Coaches
Coaches are chosen from volunteers, parents and school staff when available. In order to coach you must meet the following qualifications:
1. Commitment to Christian values
2. Complete the Diocesan on-line Safe and Sacred Training
3. Have been fingerprinted and background checked
4. Commitment to the golden rule of coaching and be a Christian example at all times
5. Have practical experience in the sport/activity
6. Willingness to work as a team member in the chain of command
7. Attendance at all coaching clinics
8. Commitment to follow all CSAL/CYO rules and guidelines
9. Commitment to the philosophy of the school
10. Following the directions of the principal or designee
Part IX – Awards
An award will be given to each participating team member at the conclusion of each sport season. The awards will be given in conjunction with Morning Prayer and announcements. Eighth grade team members will be recognized at their last home sporting event.
Part X - Discipline
All students who participate in extra-curricular activities on or off campus are expected to adhere to all discipline rules and regulations set forth in the Parent and Student Handbook. Unacceptable behavior includes, but is not limited to the following:
-foul language
-abuse of officials – for any reason
-failing to follow directions of adults in charge
-destruction of property/equipment
-public display of anger
Any infractions of the above will not be tolerated and shall be reported to the athletic director and principal. The principal shall review and enforce discipline.