MEMBER STATE: United Kingdom …………………………………….

Yes No

1. Do you collect data on domestic energy consumption? ● O

1.1 If not, do you plan to start collecting such data? O O

When? ………

2. If you do collect data on domestic energy consumption, do you use:

·  survey(s) ● O

·  administrative sources ● O

·  modelling ● O

3. Please, give the name and a short description of each survey and administrative source used (include any planned survey, the description of which is already available). Include information on collected statistics and users at national level. Indicate how this information is used for policy definition / evaluation. Indicate additional priority user requirements and associated statistics which should be made available in future data collections to be carried out in your country.

Aggregate domestic energy consumption (collected as part of the energy balance process) A number of surveys are covered within this overall collection – as separate surveys are used for the different fuel types. The main fuels are gas and electricity – though there is also consumption of coal, petroleum products, wood etc. Details of questionnaires used to compile this data are available from the DECC web site:

English Housing Survey (which from 2008 includes the English House Conditions Survey) – This is a survey which measures the physical condition of the housing stock and the characteristics of households living in this properties. The resulting data provides information on heating systems, water systems and insulation levels. These data feed into the BREDEM/BREHOMES models described in part B. Similar surveys are also run for Scotland and, on a less frequent basis, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Meter point gas and electricity data collection – These data are used for the production of local area energy consumption estimates, and also feed the NEED framework outlined below. Local area data for solid fuels and petroleum products are modelled using greenhouse gas emissions data, no split by end user is available.

National Energy Efficiency Data framework (NEED) – Since 2011, meter point data for individual properties has been matched to data on energy efficiency measures installed in domestic properties (Home Energy Efficiency Database) and data on the characteristics of the dwellings and the households to provide a new source for analysis of UK domestic energy consumption and impact of energy efficiency measures. This source has been used in developing policy for the Green Deal and is planned to be used in a number of policy evaluations.

Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) database – this is not yet in use for work on energy consumption and energy efficiency analysis. However, work is underway for this source to be made available, and under the Green Deal, every property that takes out a Green Deal assessment will have an EPC before and after any installations. This will provide information on the characteristics of the dwelling, any energy efficiency measures installed, a banded SAP rating, and other information which can be analysed to better understand UK domestic energy consumption.


4. For each survey or administrative source identified in section 3, complete the following questions, please:

Source: Aggregate domestic energy consumption (collected as part of the energy balance process) A number of surveys are covered in the descriptions below – as separate surveys are used for the different fuel types. The main fuels are gas and electricity – though there is also consumption of coal, petroleum products, wood etc. Details of questionnaires used to compile this data are available from the DEC web site: .

Yes No

* Is it a survey? (If yes, go to point 1) ● O

* Is it an administrative source? (If yes, go to point 7) O O

1 Is the survey a panel? O ●

2 Is the survey obligatory? ● O

3 What is the sample size of the survey? Census of energy producers

4 What is the average response rate of the survey? 100%

5 What survey format do you use?

Interview O

CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interview) O

CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) O

Mailed/Emailed Questionnaire ●

Web Questionnaire O

6  What is the total cost of the survey in Euros?

Difficult to estimate as a range of surveys are covered here – each with their own costs - but the household consumption element is only one part of the results produced.

What part of the total cost is attributed to the energy section? 100%

7 Describe the main purpose of the collection:

To provide information on energy consumption for the compilation of energy balances

8 What is the frequency of the data collection? Monthly, Quarterly and Annual – depending on importance of fuel and availability of data – monthly estimates are produced of electricity consumption, whilst quarterly collection of gas, coal and oil data, whilst wood consumption is collected on an annual basis.

9 Since when is such data collected? About 1949

10 When is the next data collection planned for? Throughout 2012

11 Name of the service responsible for the data collection

Department of Energy and Climate Change

12 Who are the respondents of this survey?

Energy suppliers ● Importers O Traders O Households O

13 For which regional level (NUTS level) are the data significant? National level

Yes No Partly

14 Type of information collected

a) Housing Stock characteristics

Type of dwelling O ●

Age of the building O ●

Insulation (roof, wall, window) O ●
(If the answer is yes, please specify)

Heated floor area of the dwelling O ●

b) Household characteristics

Number of households O ●

Size (number of persons per household) O ●

Income O ●

c)  Energy Consumption / expenditure by energy commodity type

Type of energy commodities used ● O O

Quantities of energy commodities used by type ● O O

Expenditure of energy commodities by type O ● O

(If any of the answers is "yes" or "partly" please specify commodity types)

Coal, manufactured solid fuels and derived gases (by type), petroleum products (by type), gas, electricity, and renewables (by type) Additional surveys are conducted on prices – estimates of value of domestic expenditure on fuel are published annually in table 1.4 of DUKES.

d)  Fuel types used for

Space heating O ● O

Hot Water O ● O

Cooking O ● O

(If any of the answers is "yes" or "partly" please specify)

e)  Space heating system

Type of heating system O ●

Age of heating system O ●

f)  Availability of electrical appliances

Type/number O ●

(If the answer is "yes" please specify types)

g)  Penetration of renewable energy sources

Solar collectors (surface, type) O ● O

Photovoltaic (power) O ● O

Heat pumps (type, power, electricity consumption) O ● O

Wood (quantity) O ● O

(If any of the answers is "yes" or "partly" please specify)

h)  Penetration of energy efficiency technologies O ● O
such as high efficiency lamps, appliances, etc.

(If the answer is "yes" or "partly" please specify)

i) Please specify any other relevant statistics that are collected

and are not mentioned above:

15 Do you validate the data with external/additional information? ● O O
If the answer is "yes" or "partly" please specify (e.g. data from
energy suppliers, heating devices sold/ installed)

Data are compared with external datasets such as GDP and number of households. Data is compared with price surveys, including the domestic price transparency survey, which collect info on both volumes as well as values. Estimates of consumption are also temperature and seasonally adjusted and the resulting series is closely examined. Comparisons are also made annually with data from the household expenditure series described elsewhere in this note.

16 Do you apply automated plausibility checks? O ● O

Time series analysis is performed on both the macro data and the micro data with analysis performed on “unusual” data. The trends from the different fuels are also looked at together to see whether the data are presenting a coherent picture of the general trend and to assess levels of fuel switching.

17 Do you use these data for compiling national energy balances? ● O O

18 Do you publish the survey results separately? ● O

If "yes" how do you publish (internet, brochure, CD….) and
when did you publish the most recent figures? Book, with internet version published annually and quarterly. Internet only tables produced monthly.

19 Do you publish a Report of Methods? ● O
If "yes" when did you publish the most recent report? 2012

Methodology notes are updated on a regular basis and are published on the DECC web site, with separate notes produced for each fuel.

4. For each survey or administrative source identified in section 3, complete the following questions, please:

Source: English Housing Survey

Yes No

* Is it a survey? (If yes, go to point 1) ● O

* Is it an administrative source? (If yes, go to point 7) O O

1 Is the survey a panel? O ●

2 Is the survey obligatory? O ●

3 What is the sample size of the survey?

16,000 for interview survey, 8,000 for physical survey, falling to ~13,000 interview, 6,200 physical from 2011/12. Sample sizes are for a single year survey – in analysing the survey, two consecutive years of data are combined.

4 What is the average response rate of the survey? 53%

5 What survey format do you use?

Interview O

CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interview) ●

Followed up by a physical inspection of the dwelling

CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) O

Mailed Questionnaire O

Web Questionnaire O

6  What is the total cost of the survey in Euros?

Around €4million from 2012/13 excluding internal management, analysis and reporting costs

What part of the total cost is attributed to the energy section? Unsure, between 20-50%

7 Describe the main purpose of the collection:

To provide information about the type and condition of property, and enable this to be linked with information about the people that live there, the local neighbourhood, and the market value of the property. This allows a wide range of analysis to provide information on the housing stock, make comparisons and study trends and patterns, and monitor and evaluate the impact of government policies.

The data and findings contribute to the development, evaluation and monitoring of government policy and the allocation of resources. The EHS provides evidence that helps government identify and understand housing issues, investigate possible policy options and their potential effects, and monitor and evaluate policies and initiatives. With regards to energy policy, they are used to calculate statistics on the number of households in fuel poverty and to understand how the energy efficiency of the housing stock is evolving over time. They provide a base point for the calculation of quarterly data on levels of insulation in domestic properties.

8 What is the frequency of the data collection?

Continuous with annual results

9 Since when is such data collected?

1971 (five yearly), 2002 (annually)

10 When is the next data collection planned for?

The survey is continuous throughout the year, 2010 detailed results will be published in the summer of 2012.

11 Name of the service responsible for the data collection

Building Research Establishment under contract to the Department for Communities and Local Government. From the 2012/13 survey, the contract is between NatCen and DCLG.

12 Who are the respondents of this survey?

Energy suppliers O Importers O Traders O Households ●

13 For which regional level (NUTS level) are the data significant?


Yes No Partly

14 Type of information collected

a) Housing Stock characteristics

Type of dwelling ● O

Age of the building ● O

Insulation (roof, wall, window) ● O
(If the answer is yes, please specify)

Cavity wall, loft, double glazing, hot water cylinder

Heated floor area of the dwelling O ●

General floor area is collected

b) Household characteristics

Number of households O ●

Size (number of persons per household) ● O

Income ● O

c)  Energy Consumption / expenditure by energy commodity type

Type of energy commodities used O O ●

Quantities of energy commodities used by type O ● O

Expenditure of energy commodities by type O ● O

(If any of the answers is "yes" or "partly" please specify commodity types)

Commodities used for heating and hot water split by Oil, Gas, Electricity, Coal, Smokeless fuel, Anthracite and Wood

d)  Fuel types used for

Space heating ● O O

Hot Water ● O O

Cooking O ● O

(If any of the answers is "yes" or "partly" please specify)

Oil, Gas, Electricity, Coal, Smokeless fuel, Anthracite, Wood, and Communal

e)  Space heating system

Type of heating system ● O

Age of heating system ● O

f)  Availability of electrical appliances

Type/number O ●

(If the answer is "yes" please specify types)

g)  Penetration of renewable energy sources

Solar collectors (surface, type) O ● O

Photovoltaic (power) O ● O

Heat pumps (type, power, electricity consumption) O ● O

Wood (quantity) O ● O

(If any of the answers is "yes" or "partly" please specify)

h)  Penetration of energy efficiency technologies O O ●
such as high efficiency lamps, appliances, etc.

(If the answer is "yes" or "partly" please specify)

Presence of fluorescent/low energy lightbulbs, but no further details

i) Please specify any other relevant statistics that are collected

and are not mentioned above:

15 Do you validate the data with external/additional information? O O ●
If the answer is "yes" or "partly" please specify (e.g. data from
energy suppliers, heating devices sold/ installed)

Physical inspection of the property

16 Do you apply automated plausibility checks? ● O O

Automatic checks are built into the CAPI.

17 Do you use these data for compiling national energy balances? O ● O

18 Do you publish the survey results separately? ● O

If "yes" how do you publish (internet, brochure, CD….) and
when did you publish the most recent figures? Annual, a range of reports are available from the link below and all datasets are held in the UK data archive (2nd link)