Site Council Meeting
Scio High School
October 30, 2000
The following representatives were present:
Administration -Gary Tempel
Certified - Bob Croff, David Chrostek, Mark Looney, Tomilyn Quigley
Classified - Dani Morley
Parents - Larry Tucker
Students - Loren Wood, Jessica Stephenson
The minutes of September 25, 2000 were approved as written.
Old Business
It was decided by the district that we will continue to be members of the Oregon
Small Schools Association.
The Site Council membership change proposal was approved by the high school
staff. Mr. Chrostek has provided Mr. Tempel with a copy the law that gives guidelines for establishing membership. The proposed policy meets the criteria. Mr. Tempel will present it to the board at the next board meeting.
Jessica and Loren presented a proposal for parking for the seniors. Suggestions
were made as to how to number spaces and assign them to the seniors. Jessica
and Loren will now present the proposal to theStudent Senate for approval, then to the teachers for approval and finally to the school board.
The abstinence Ed Program still needs to be given to the STARS program to see
if they are interested in obtaining the program.
Still checking on the possibility of using the weight room as an eating facility. This is pending completion of the Stadium.
President Elect and Secretary positions will not be decided until the change in the membership policy is approved by the school board.
New Business
No new correspondence.
A motion by Dave Chrostek and seconded by Mark Looney to nominate Larry Tucker as a new parent member to the high school Site Council was approved by the committee.
Questions concerning the school atmosphere and attitude were discussed in response to the questionnaires discussed in a recent mentor/menthe session. The original summaries from each class will be available for the Site Council at the next meeting for further discussion.
Jessica will talk to Mrs. Weglin about the Peer Mediation Program and where it is to date.
Next Meeting will be held on November 27, 2000. Meeting was adjourned at 3:50 PM
Respectfully Submitted, TQ