April 19, 2011
The Scott County Commission met in a regular scheduled meeting on Tuesday, April 19, 2011, at the Scott County Courthouse. Members present were Chairman Dylan Spencer, members Jack Frick and James Minnix, and County Clerk Pam Faurot.
The Commission approved the mid-month bills as presented.
Jack Frick made a motion to approve the April 8, 2011 Commission Minutes as corrected. James Minnix seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
The Commission approved Zella Carpenter check # 532 in an amount of $3,756.00 payable to Park Lane Nursing Home, Inc. for March special assistance.
1:30 Stephanie Hornbaker representing the 25th District Community Corrections.
James Minnix made a motion to approve the Twenty-fifth District Community Correction’s 2012 Comprehensive Plan and Budget as presented reflecting an 11% reduction in fees from the State of Kansas. Jack Frick seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
1:45Stephanie Hornbaker left the meeting.
Jack Frick made a motion to approve the transfer of $27.44 in interest revenue from the general fund to the library building fund. James Minnix seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Jack Frick made a motion to approve the contract with Scott County Hospital and Health Facilities Group for architect fees and design plans in an amount of $1,277,132.29. James Minnix seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Jack Frick made a motion to approve the contract with Scott County Hospital and Nabholtz Construction for construction manager fees in an amount of $601,491.00. James Minnix seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
James Minnix made a motion to approve contracts with Scott County Hospital and approved construction bid packages in an amount of $19,955,192.00. Jack Frick seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
3:00Katie Eisenhour joined the meeting.
Katie presented the quarterly report for Economic Development. She updated the Commission on projects and other activities happening with Eco-Devo and the Chamber of Commerce. No action was taken.
3:15John Shirley joined the meeting.
Katie and the Commission discussed the Rural Opportunity Zone. The County is a member, but Katie wanted to make sure the County was willing to match any funds that may be awarded to individuals moving into Scott County. The County agreed that the Rural Opportunity Zone Program is a valuable asset to encourage new residents to move to Scott County and they are willing to pay the matching funds.
Katie asked if the Commission would donate to the annual fireworks display. The Chamber of Commerce needs approximately $700.00 to complete their fund raising. No action was taken.
4:00Katie Eisenhour left the meeting. Richard Cramer joined the meeting.
John Shirley asked if the Commission is interested in selling the lots on Antelope Street. Jack Frick made a motion to place the three county owned lots (Eastside Addition lots 1, 2&3, Block 1)back on the tax roll and place an ad in the local paper offering the lots for sale by sealed bid. The minimum bid must be $6,000.00 per lot and the buyer must purchase all three lots. James Minnix seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
4:10John Shirley left the meeting.
The Commission approved the following easements:
Lario Oil & Gas, Inc. – electric line @ S6, T18S, R33W & S31, T18S, R33W.
Mike Schmitt – electric line @ S8, T20S, R33W & S17, T20S, R33W.
The Kansas Department of Health and Environment has finally issued a permit for the new construction demolition pit at the landfill.
The Kansas Department of Health and Environment informed Richard that the County must move the roll-off containers from the landfill and place them at a different location. The Commission suggested the fenced in area behind the recycle center. Richard will find out if this location would be approved.
4:40Richard Cramer left the meeting.
Pam presented a proposal from Fire Alarm Specialist, Inc. to monitor and test the fire alarms systems at the courthouse and road department. The Commission felt it would be wise to include testing for the Law Enforcement Center. Pam will check with the company and bring information back to the next meeting.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned.