The Rotary Club of Colorado Springs

High School Scholarships

The Rotary Club of Colorado Springs is proud to offer High School seniors attending Palmer High School or Wasson High School the opportunity to compete for one of two $5,000.00 scholarships.

These scholarships are to help local students further their academic studies or vocational training and aid them in achieving their full potential in life. Scholarship award is based on a demonstrated financial need, commitment to community service, and scholastic performance. We seek to provide opportunities to a wide range of students who give of themselves to their communities. Our scholarships are not just for students entering traditional four year college programs but are also available for students entering vocational/technical schools and programs, apprenticeships, and two-year colleges.

Who is eligible? If you are a high school senior, planning to further your education in the fall of 2010, and you currently attend Palmer High School or Wasson High School we encourage you to submit an application. We know some individuals have hardships or take more time to get going during their school life. Use the Supplemental Information section of this application to explain to us why you have great potential to succeed professionally and as a good citizen and if there are any unique family or personal situations that affect your need for financial aid.

What is the application deadline date? Completed applications must be received by April 9, 2010. Scholarships will be awarded by April 28, 2010. Award winners will be contacted directly and names posted on the Rotary Club of Colorado Springs website,

The Rotary Club of Colorado Springs scholarship is based on financial need necessary to continue your development and education, your potential for achievement, and demonstrated commitment to Rotary values (see below). Other factors that will be considered include, but are not limited to, academic achievement, leadership, extra-curricular activities, and your service to your community.

Examples of community service include:

· Assisting the elderly or needy

· Tutoring other students

· Planning/performing school clean up, maintenance, or other cost saving assistance

· Planning/performing community clean up or maintenance projects

· Planning/performing environmental restoration or clean up

· Working with church or local agency to assist disadvantaged persons

Rotary International is an organization of business and professional leaders united worldwide who provide humanitarian service and help build goodwill and peace in the world. In more than 160 countries, approximately 1.2 million Rotarians belong to more than 30,000 Rotary clubs. Rotary club membership represents a cross-section of a community's business and professional men and women. The world's Rotary clubs meet weekly and are nonpolitical, nonreligious, and open to all cultures, races, and creeds.

The main objective of Rotary is service - in the community, in the workplace, and throughout the world. Rotarians develop community service projects that address many of today's most critical issues, such as children at risk, poverty and hunger, the environment, illiteracy, and violence. Rotarians also support programs for youth, educational opportunities and international exchanges for students, teachers, and other professionals, and vocational and career development. The Rotary motto is Service Above Self.

The Rotary Club of Colorado Springs is one club in this international organization. There are seven Rotary clubs in and around Colorado Springs. The Rotary Club of Colorado Springs has over 130 members made up of business people from the City of Colorado Springs and surrounding towns. The club meets weekly for lunch and a presentation on current issues important to our community. During the course of every year, the Rotary Club of Colorado Springs, through its charitable endeavors, raises funds that are widely distributed to worthy organizations, programs and individuals. These endeavors include the Club’s scholarship programs.

The Rotary Club of Colorado Springs

High School Scholarship Application – 2010

A complete application must include all of the following information:

· Completed application form

· Answer to essay question

· Supplemental information

· Unofficial copy of most recent high school transcript

· Evidence of acceptance into College/University/Technical School

· Letter of recommendation from guidance counselor.

Please double check application for completeness carefully. Incomplete applications will not be considered for scholarship award. If you have access to Microsoft compatible word processing software, please use this application form as a template to complete. If you do not have access to word processing software, please fill in blank spaces and use additional paper, as necessary.

Direct any questions to Matthew Otten, . Return completed application to Matthew Otten, email: , telephone: (719) 502-5301, or mail to:

Mathew Otten

609 Burke Hollow Drive

Monument, CO 80132

Any information contained in this application is strictly confidential and will only be used by the Rotary Club of Colorado Springs to determine scholarship award recipients. Completed applications and supporting documentation must be received no later than April 9, 2010. Scholarships will be awarded by April 28, 2010. Award recipients will be contacted directly and names posted on the Rotary Club of Colorado Springs website,

Name of Applicant: __________________________________________________

Date of Birth: _______________________________________________________

Home Address: _____________________________________________________


Telephone Number: __________________________________________________

Name of Parents or Guardian: __________________________________________

High School Attending: _______________________________________________

Date of Expected Graduation: __________________________________________

College/University or Technical School Entering: __________________________


College/University/School Address: _____________________________________


Academic Start Date of Follow-On Education: _____________________________

Intended Study Area: __________________________________________________

The following questions are used to determine the extent of financial need. Failure to accurately and completely answer these questions will impact your application.

Personal Income during Calendar Year 2009____________________________

Estimated Personal Income during Calendar Year 2010___________________

Describe your high school work experience: Please include any after school or summer jobs that you have held. Provide name of employer(s), length of employment, nature of work, and approximate hours per week worked.

If you have not worked to receive income in either of the last two years, please explain:

Gross Family Income during Calendar Year 2009________________________

Estimated Family Income for Calendar Year 2010________________________

Number of persons in Household_______________________________

Wage Earning Adults in Household_______________________________

Number of Children in Household_______________________________

Family Members Enrolled Full Time in Post High School Education Programs: Do you have any members of your household enrolled as full time students in post high school education programs? If so please indicate name(s), college, university or technical/apprentice program in which enrolled, major area of study, and expected completion date.

Activities: List organizations (schools, clubs, church, community, etc) in which you have been active and describe your participation in each. Please include all volunteer activities.

Special Recognition and Honors Received: Please include name of award, organization that presented the award, and achievement that the award signified.

Describe any financial aid awarded by your College/University/Technical School: Please include organization name and amount of aid.

List all other financial aid and/or scholarships you have received or applied for: Please include organization name and, if known, amount of aid.

Supplemental Information: Please tell us anything about yourself (personal background, hardships overcome, goals, etc) which would be helpful in evaluating your application.

Essay Question: Please use additional sheets as necessary. Write a short essay, one to two pages, that shares with us the following:

· What are your immediate academic goals after high school graduation?

· What are your life goals?

· Why this scholarship is important to you?

I certify that all information contained in this application is true and complete.

Name of Applicant: ________________________________

____________________________________ ___________________

Signature of Applicant Date

Please review application for completeness (see page 3 for supporting documentation). Incomplete applications will not be considered. Completed applications and supporting documentation must be received by April 9, 2010. Scholarship awards will be announced by April 28, 2010. Award winners will be contacted directly and names posted on the Rotary Club of Colorado Springs website,

Rotary Club of Colorado Springs

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