Chapter 14

1.  Who were the four kings?

2.  Who were the five kings?

3.  What are the opening words to a story in Tanach?

4.  What does the word "מרד" in Tanach refer to?

5.  Summarize the wars:

  1. Where were the first two fights between the kings? Who won?
  2. Where did the kings of Sdom and Amora hide?

6.  What does Rashi say on "ולוט יושב בםדום"? Where else does he give similar commentary? What is the כלל that we learn from these commentaries?

7.  Four homework questions:

  1. 14:13 – "ויבא הפליט" What is the difference between Ibn Ezra and Rashi in their commentary on these words? (Emphasis on the second word.)
  2. Look in Shmuel Bet 7:10 and with reference to this pasuk explain the word "שכן"?
  3. Who were Avraham’s friends according to verse 13? Are they related?
  4. What is the difference between Rashi and Ibn Ezra in their explanations of the words "שמונה עשר ושלש מאות" in verse 14? (Explain clearly the כלל that is found in Ibn Ezra about the word “חניכיו”.)

8.  Describe Avraham as a person, what is his character what is his job? (verse 14)

Brit Ben HaBtarim – Chapter 15

1.  What is the statement of R’ Elazar bar Avina? What is the Gemaras example as a proof of this statement?

2.  What does “והיא שעמדה” refer to?

3.  What is the statement of R’ Shmuel? What does R’ Tam say in reference to this statement? What is his proof?

4.  According to verse 6 we see that Avraham believes in Hashem, yet where is his patience when he asks “how will I know that I’ll have inheritors?” What happened to his strong belief?

5.  When did the brit take place?

Chapter 16 – The birth of Yishmael

1.  Why does Sarah say “אבנה ממנה”? Doesn’t the child belong to Hagar?

2.  What is the Halacha regarding a women who has not born children in 10 yrs.?

3.  Why did Hagar start to disrespect Sarah once she became pregnant?
