- Games should start at their scheduled start time. Players should be at the field 30 minutes prior to game time for warm-ups, unless otherwise notified by the Manager or Coach.
- The game duration shall be 6 innings, with a 2 hour limit from the scheduled start time.
- If one team is short players, players will be borrowed from the opposing team, with a minimum of 9 players per team.
- If both teams are unable to field enough players, or the game is rained out, the game will be rescheduled. The Home Team Manger should contact the Player Agent orLeague Director immediately to reschedule the game.
- The batting order shall contain the entire roster of players.
- The batter is out after 3 strikes or 8 pitches; what ever comes first.
- There are no walks.
- Three outs or 9 batters ends the inning. Note: When the ninth batter comes to the plate, do not announce to the base runners to keep running when the ball is hit; rather, treat this like any other at-bat.
- There shall be no base stealing.
- There shall be no bunting.
- Infield fly rule shall not be called.
- Runners are limited to one base on overthrows.
- A Manager or Coach may coach first or third base (or both). A player may coach the other base (or both).
- Sliding will be allowed. ONLY feet-first/NO head-first sliding allowed.
- Pitching: A Manager, Coach or Adult from the team at bat will pitch. The Coach/Pitcher shall pitch from the pitching rubber. He/She shall not attempt to field the ball or participate in the play. The player designated as the pitcher shall stand parallel to the pitching rubber, to the left or right of the Coach/Pitcher.
- Each player shall play an equal amount of innings in a completed 6 inning game. Free substitution is allowed. Every player should be given the opportunity to play each position.
- No player shall play a given position more than 6 innings per week.
- Players shall not catch more than 3 innings per game.
- A Manager, Coach or adult from the defensive team shall backup the catcher at the backstop and keep track of strikes and outs.
- Managers and Coaches are encouraged to work with the players on the field during the game for instructional purposes.
- The on-deck batter is not allowed.
- Before games, players shall warm-up only within the playing field or fenced areas.
- Male catchers must wear a protective cup.
- All batters, base runners and base coaches, other than adults, shall wear League approved helmets with face masks at all times.
- Unauthorized individuals are not permitted on the team benches or in the dugouts (i.e. friends, non-team members). “Bat Boys” or “Bat Girls” are not allowed.
- There must be one adult in the dugouts at all times.
- Any and all injuries sustained in games or during practice shall be reported to the Safety Director within 24 hours on a League “Injury Report” Form.
- No food or soda shall be allowed in the dugouts during the game, or consumed by any player during the game. No player shall leave the playing area during the game without the permission of the Manager or Coach.
- The use of tobacco or alcoholic beverages in any form is prohibited on the playing field, benches or dugouts.
- There shall be no throwing of equipment on the field or in the dugout. The Umpire shall issue a “bench warning” and eject from the game any subsequent player(s) from that team who throws a piece of equipment.
- The manager may bench a player for disciplinary reasons at any time during a game, and said disciplined player may or may not re-enter the game at the discretion of the manager. Note: the Manager must inform the League Director and Player Agent within 24 hours of any serious incident.
- No player shall be removed from a team without the consent of the Board of Directors.
- Before players are released after each game, both teams will patrol the team dugouts, fence perimeter and bleacher areas for trash.
- Infields shall be groomed before and after each game. Low sports should be filled in. Both Managers are responsible to accomplish this task; get the parents to help you.
- The Home Team Manager is responsible for returning all community equipment to the proper storage area after each game.
- The Home Team Manager is responsible for lining the infield prior to the game.
- Hitting balls into the fences (soft toss, etc.) is prohibited. Over time this will distort the shape of the fence.