Paraparaumu College
Senior PE
UNIT TITLE: 1.5 Working as a team (4 credits)
CURRICULUM LEVEL: 6 DURATION: 7 weeks (10 theory, 18 pracs)
IntroductionDemonstrate interpersonal skills in a group and explain how these skills impact on others,
Focus on touch rugby
Values highlighted in this unit / How students will be encouraged to develop the selected value or values during the unit
Excellence – aiming high, persevering / * High level of effort
* Always trying the best for you team.
Innovation, enquiry and curiosity / * Designing team drills/activities
* Planning team strategies
Diversity – culture, language, heritage
/ * Team country
* Team flag/chant
Respect – for themselves and others
/ * Team work – effort, inclusiveness
* Social responsibility – team contract
Equity – fairness and social justice / * Inclusion of all players
* Fair play charter
Community and participation for the common good
/ * High level of encouragement
* Team work
Care for the environment / * Equipment: balls, bands, cones
* Safety during lessons
Integrity – accountability, honesty, acting ethically
/ * Demonstrating sportsmanship
* Reflective journal
Key competencies highlighted
in this unit / How students will be encouraged to develop the selected competency or competencies during the unit
Managing self – self-motivation, personal goals, appropriate behaviour, resourcefulness, sense of self and importance of heritage / * Always bringing PE gear
* Reward for the ‘best’ team each lesson
Relating to others – listen actively, recognise
different points of view, negotiate, share ideas. / * Active listening exercises
* Sharing of ideas every lesson
Participating and contributing – balancing rights, roles and responsibilities, and responding appropriately as a group member. / * Teacher log of individual effort
* Team contract/roles
Thinking – using creative, critical, metacognitive and reflective processes, drawing on personal knowledge and intuitions. / * developing a team strategy
* designing a team uniform/flag/chant
Using language, symbols, and texts – interpreting language and symbols, using ICT, recognising how choices of language and symbol affect people’s understanding. / * team developing a team haka/song
* developing a team flag
Created by: Page 6 18/11/2010
Paraparaumu College
Senior PE
A Personal Health and Physical DevelopmentA4: Personal identity / B Movement Concepts and Motor Skills
B4: Challenges and social/cultural factors
C Relationships with Other People
C1: Relationships
C2: Identity, sensitivity and respect
C3: Interpersonal skills / D Healthy Communities and Environments
Achievement Objectives
Success Criteria
Achievement / Achievement with Merit / Achievement with ExcellenceDemonstrate Interpersonal skills in a group and explain how these skills impact on others / Consistently demonstrate Interpersonal skills in a group and explain how these skills impact on others / Consistently demonstrate a high level of Interpersonal skills in a group and explain how these skills impact on others
Learning Intentions
1. develop interpersonal skills in a group / - by writing a performance contract
- by doing team building exercises in class
- by learning about interpersonal skills in class
- by taking on a team role in practical lessons
- by playing touch rugby
2. explain the effects of interpersonal skills on a team
/ - by keeping a reflective journal of practical lessons- by drawing up a performance contract
DiagnosticWhat do they know?
What can they do? / Formative
Individual and group feedback & feed forward -
What are they learning?
What do they need to learn? / Summative
What have they learned?
Can the students explain how they learned it? (Opportunities for metacognition and student evaluation of activities.)
- pre test on knowledge of IP skills
- pre test on ball handling skills
- pre test on knowledge of touch rugby (rules) / - task one: by completing a performance contract
- task two: demonstration of IP skills
- task three: journal entries on how IP skills effected their team
* learning the different IP skills
* understanding what is required of their role / - learned the impact of IP skills on a group
- learned how to describe the effects of IP skills on their team
- reflective diary
Created by: Page 6 18/11/2010
Paraparaumu College
Senior PE
What will you teach?1.) Interpersonal skills: what they are, why they are important
2.) Team roles: what are the responsibilities of different roles, why do we need the roles
3.) Team objective: brainstorm what the team is trying to achieve
4.) Touch rules, ball handling skills, refereeing a game
5.) Team building activates (practical lessons)
6.) Leadership, Communication, feedback, fair play, problem solving, conflict resolution skills
7.) Team functioning: to increase performance, success, enjoyment, communication, and teamwork
Teaching sequence
Theory / Practical’sWeek 1 / Intro 1.5: tasks to do, touch tournament,
team roles
pre test on IP skills and touch rules / Team building exercises
Touch pre test of ball handling skills
Week 2 / Team lessons: assign roles, team country, team uniform/flag/chant
Task One: performance contract
Task three: reflective diary entry / Leadership and communication
Teacher directed drills
Week 3 / Interpersonal skill notes:
leadership, communication
Task three: reflective diary entry / Feedback
Student directed lesson/drills
touch games
Week 4 / Interpersonal skill notes:
cooperation, feedback, encouragement
Task three: reflective diary entry / Fair play & problem solving
Student directed lesson/drills
touch games
Week 5 / Interpersonal skill notes:
fair play, problem solving, negotiation
Task three: reflective diary entry / Student directed lesson/drills
touch games
Week 6 / Interpersonal skill notes:
mediation, conflict resolution
Task three: reflective diary entry / Student directed lesson/drills
touch games
Week 7 / Reflective diary due / Touch Rugby Tournament
Created by: Page 6 18/11/2010
Paraparaumu College
Senior PE
Other learning ideas for consideration
Possible ideas to switch students onto through the unit. / Other learning possibilities that students might like to explore- positives/negative of being in a team
(not just sport- work and outdoors)
- Why we need different team roles / - survey a successful sports team
- research various books on teamwork
1.) Year 11 NCEA PE study guide, S. Martin
2.) Year 11 PE learning workbook M. Calverley
Key Vocabulary
Leadership, communication, co operation, feedback, encouragement, inclusiveness, fair play, negotiation, problem solving, mediation, conflict resolution, social responsibility
Explain: to make clear the reason for something ‘Say why you think it happened’
e.g He did this so our defense was in a line to stop the other team breaking the line
Extension/enrichment activities provided for the following students:
Top 2 in every year 11 class / Activities provided:
Plan the touch tournament
Further support provided for the following students:
Bottom 5 students in every year 11 class / Support provided:
Wednesday Period 5 extra study with teacher
Teacher Reflection and Evaluation
1.) split up teams so students interact with others outside their immediate friends
2.) make sure students know roles/what is expected of those roles
3.) allow students to develop own leadership/negotiation skills (teacher hands off as much as possible)
Created by: Page 6 18/11/2010
Paraparaumu College
Senior PE
2011 Internal Assessment
Level 1 Physical Education
Achievement Standard: 1.5
Unit Title: Working as a team
Credits: 4
Resource: Demonstrate interpersonal skills in a group and explain how
these skills impact on others
Achievement Criteria
Achievement / Achievement with Merit / Achievement with ExcellenceDemonstrate interpersonal skills in a group and explain how these skills impact on others / Consistently demonstrate interpersonal skills in a group and explain how
these skills impact on others / Consistently demonstrate a high level of interpersonal skills in a group and explain how
these skills impact on others
Teacher guidelines
Activity requires students to demonstrate interpersonal skills in a team and reflect on the impact of their interpersonal skills. Students will participate in a touch rugby tournament as a culmination of training as part of a team in order to demonstrate the interpersonal skills
Part 1: Team performance contract (not assessed)
- team objectives, team roles and 3 interpersonal skills
Part 2: Demonstration of 3 selected interpersonal skills (assessed)
- can only get excellence in this task (must demonstrate a high level)
Part 3: Reflective diary on how the interpersonal skills impact on others (assessed)
- must have 2 entries per week on the positive/negative impacts on the team
Collection of Evidence:
- teacher record each practical lesson of students demonstrating interpersonal skills
- teacher weekly record of students writing in their diaries
Resource requirements:
- performance contract handout
- record sheet for the demonstration of the interpersonal skills
Created by: Page 6 18/11/2010
Paraparaumu College
Senior PE
Internal Assessment Resource
Subject Reference: Physical Education 1.5 Working as a team
Internal assessment resource reference number:
Phys Ed/1/_
Supports internal assessment for: 1.5 Interpersonal skills in a team
Achievement Standard: 1.5
Demonstrate interpersonal skills in a group and explain how these skills impact on others
Credits: 4
Achievement Criteria
Achievement / Achievement with Merit / Achievement with ExcellenceDemonstrate interpersonal skills in a group and explain how these skills impact on others / Consistently demonstrate interpersonal skills in a group and explain how
these skills impact on others / Consistently demonstrate a high level of interpersonal skills in a group and explain how
these skills impact on others
Student Instructions
School/Institution / Paraparaumu CollegeStudent name
Teacher or class
Before you start work, read through all the information given to you. Make sure you understand what you are being asked to do.
Part One: Team performance contract (not assessed)
Part Two: Demonstration of 3 selected interpersonal skills (assessed)
Part Three: Reflective diary on how the interpersonal skills impact on others (assessed)
Created by: Page 6 18/11/2010