The whole community working together
to meet human needs
Sector Connect
Sector Connect Inc.
Sector ConnectIncis the peak organisation representing not for profit organisations in the Macarthur and Wingecarribee regions. The organisation was launched in 1999, incorporated as 'Macarthur Community Forum' in 2000 and changed its name to 'Sector Connect Incorporated' in 2008 to reflect the expanding service area. Sector Connect operates with an elected Management Committee made up of representatives from across the region.
Our Vision
The whole community working together to meet human needs
To lead in:
- strengthening the not for profit sector for effective service to community,
- being a credible connected representative voice for the sector,
- building strategic relationships for influence and well informed advocacy for the region,
- facilitating partnerships for collaborative planning and efforts to impact key social issues and growth in the region.
Our Values
The values and beliefs central to all we do at Sector Connect include:
- Social justice- we challenge inequities and strive to close gaps for those experiencing disadvantage
- Respect - we respect the dignity and rights of all people
- Inclusion - we value and learn from diversity, and take an inclusive approach in all we do
- Integrity - we have an honest, reliable and principled position in our work
- Innovation - we seek creative effective solutions
Who we serve
We servethe not for profit sector in theregion including the four local government areas of Camden, Campbelltown, Wingecarribee and Wollondilly.
What we do
We provide strategic leadership, professional development, organisational and sector development, facilitate services networks/interagencies, advocate and represent the region, and deliver projects and planning processes to support a strong collaborative sector in the region. We also provide some community development and support activities for specific target groups which currently include the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community, volunteers and child and family work.
(a map of the difference we strive to make in Macarthur & Wingecarribee & our part in achieving it)
SECTOR CONNECT- Strategic Priorities 2014 - 19
- Increased capacity for the Not for Profit Sector
- Not for profits have strong organisational governance and policy foundations
- Build collaboration to sustain viability of small not for profit organisations
By 2019Sector Connect will have:
- developed the Governance and Policy Framework (including engagement strategy)
- developed and implemented the Learning and Development Plan
- built three or more collaboratives
By 2019 not for profit organisations will take some lead in future sustainability
- Collaborative sector planning established and used
- Macarthur and Wingecarribee will have a more collaborative approach to sector planning activities and data sharing
By 2019:
- there will be less duplication of planning efforts in the region
- sector cross-agency planning, that is evidence informed, will be in place and happening
- Strategic advocacy frameworkand process established and used
- The sector will be better able to influence issues of regional and local significance
By 2019Sector Connect will have:
- designed and implemented the Strategic Advocacy Framework
- Access to and influence with key decision makers in government and beyond the sector
By 2019 service networks in region will themselves engage in action on advocacy initiatives
- Not for profit sector well informed and engaged in major emerging issues and needs
- The region will be better informed and engaged on issues and needs that impact on their service provision
By 2019 Sector Connect will achieve:
- services report being informed and engaged in timely manner with emerging issues and needs that impact their organisation
- participants in events reporting subsequent positive changes or impact in their agency
- Social enterprise development
- Not for profits will have a better understanding of social enterprise
- Not for profits will view social enterprise as an effective way to deliver services and / or support the community
By 2019 Sector Connect will have:
- delivered five learning and development initiatives on social enterprise in the sector
- developed three Aboriginal social enterprise ventures (MuruNanga Mai)
- Sector Connect viability
- Sector Connect will continue to be financially viable
By 2019 Sector Connect will have:
- all positions funded
- reduced reliance on direct government funding - by 10% of operating costs
- positive staff retention and satisfaction
- new corporate sponsorship secured for Muru Nanga Mai
- core business current positions being full-time equivalent
Strategic Plan Progress Review
We will review and report on our progress on achieving the above priorities every 3 months
Sector Connect - Strategic Plan 2014-2019 1
Sector Connect - Strategic Plan 2014-2019 1