USNSCC Phoenix Division

USNLCC Battleship Arizona

Personnel Qualifications Standards

1. Overview – The Personal Qualification Standard or PQS program is a qualification system for officers and enlisted personnel where certification of a minimum level of competency is required prior to qualifying to perform specific duties. A PQS is a compilation of the minimum knowledge and skills that an individual must demonstrate in order to qualify to stand watches or perform other specific routine duties necessary for the safety, security or proper operation of a ship, aircraft or support system. The objective of PQS is to standardize and facilitate these qualifications. There are three different types of PQS within the Phoenix Division: General Knowledge, Sailing, and Watch Standing.

2. General Knowledge PQS – There are multiple levels of General Knowledge PQS through which personnel can display their experience to allow for a assignment to specific duties and responsibilities of higher authority. The General Knowledge PQS Levels are scheduled to be implemented as follows:

a. Introductory PQS – Designed for all new personnel reporting into the program and all personnel who have not yet started the PQS system. Expected completion time not to exceed three months. (Implemented May 2011)

b. Advanced Training Preparation PQS – Designed for personnel who have never attended an advanced training to prepare for NSCC Recruit Training or NLCC Basic Orientation. Expected completion time is not to exceed the first 12 months in the program. (Scheduled implementation August 2011)

c. Junior Enlisted Development PQS – Designed for cadets who have completed Recruit Training and are working their way through E-2 and E-3 towards the Petty Officer rates to enhance their knowledge of the program. Once implemented must be completed for consideration to the rate of E-4. (Scheduled implementation October 2011)

d. Junior Petty Officer PQS – Designed for E-4 to E-5 Petty Officers to develop their basic leadership skills and knowledge. Once implemented must be completed for consideration to the rate of E-6. (Scheduled Implementation December 2011)

e. Senior Petty Officer PQS – Designed for E-6 through Midshipmen to further develop senior enlisted middle management techniques and knowledge appropriate for the levels of authority to which they will be assigned. (Scheduled Implementation February 2012)

f. Staff/Officer PQS – Designed for Instructors and newly appointed Officers to develop their knowledge of the program and better their leadership skills. (Scheduled Implementation, August 2011)

3. Watch Standing PQS – Currently watch standing qualifications are completed through the use of testing. This form of assessment will be converted into a PQS format to better allow for completion at the individual level. There are three levels of PQS for watch standers:

a. Messenger of the Watch (MOOW) – All cadets begin as MOOW and will continue to be assigned that post until qualified to continue to higher levels of responsibility.

b. Petty Officer of the Watch (POOW) – Cadets completing MOOW qualifications begin standing POOW under instruction until all POOW PQS has been completed. Cadets must be fully POOW Qualified before they are authorized to sign off PQS on MOOW watchstanders.

c. Junior Officer of the Deck / Officer of the Deck (JOOD/OOD) – Cadets who wish to complete this qualification generally must hold the rate of E-6 or higher. All Staff and Officers who will be assigned duties as a watch officer are required to complete this PQS.

4. Sailboat/Seamanship PQS – This PQS is split into three parts to better facilitate completion of training in the use of the unit sailboat.

a. Part 1 – Crew Efficiency, First Aid, and Survival. Completed in a classroom environment with Powerpoint presentations.

b. Part 2 – Boat Equipment and Procedures. Completed in a combination of classroom and ashore hands on training.

c. Part 3 – Boat Handling and Navigation. Completed through some classroom but mostly on the water directed sailboat training. Successful completion of parts 1-3 authorizes cadets to use the sailboat without directed supervision.

d. Instructor Qualification – Additional PQS is available for those who wish to train others in the art of sailing and sign off on Sailing PQS.

5. Completion and Tracking – Upon completion of any level of PQS, the completed book will be submitted to the PQS Program manager for review and approval. The PQS Program Manager after determining that all signatures are provided by qualified personnel will annotate the specific PQS as completed on the PQS Qualification Chart. Once updated on the PQS Qualification Chart, completed PQS books do not need to be retained. Incomplete PQS books will be retained at drill by the PQS Manager for future completion.