11A: Green Space, Safety and AccessFacilitator Guide
Goal: / -Share with participants the latest design iteration and how it integrates the priorities identified so far by them.
-Determine a direction for the final conceptual design.
-Evaluate how well the preliminary design addresses participants’ vision about green space, safety and access to the building.
Time Allotted: /
  • Total time: 35 minutes
  • Design presentation: 5 minutes
  • Small group discussion: 20 minutes
  • Report back: 10 minutes

Materials: /
  • Slideshow of preliminary design.
  • Drawing set for each small group. Include site plan, elevations and perspectives.
  • Tables and chairs for small groups
  • Markers for small groups and notepad and pencils for notetaker.

Framework for Activity: /
  • Summarize the participatory design process so far and present the preliminary design to large group.
  • Break up into 3 to 4 small groups to discuss the preliminary design around the topics of green space, safety and access.
  • Small groups report back highlights of their discussion to the larger group.

Time/ Description / Activity / Presenter/ Facilitator
  • Gather large group for presentation.
  • Facilitator describes to participants the preliminary design and explains how their participation is influencing the design.
  • Facilitator breaks up the group into smaller groups to discuss how they feel about the design based on security, open space and access to building. Each group is assigned one of these three topics.
  • Ask each small group to select a presenter to share the highlights of the group discussion.
  • Each small group will have an assigned facilitator, translator and notetaker at their table.
  • Reconvene large group to share the highlights of group discussions.
  • Facilitator thanks participants and reminds them how their input will continue to influence the design to be unveiled at next meeting.

Guiding Questions: / Green Space
  • What activities do you envision happening in the green space?
  • What are your thoughts on the location of the play equipment?
  • Would you use the proposed walking path?
  • What are your thoughts on having benches in the open space?
  • What activities do you envision occurring under the trellis?
  • Where would you locate a community garden and why?
  • Does this seem like a safe project to live in? What aspects of the design make this (or not) a safe project?
  • Do you feel there is enough “eyes on the street” to make this a safe place?
  • Where would you locate cameras and why?
  • How safe do you find the location of the pedestrian and vehicular main entry points? Why? Would you have them in some other place?