Please ensure that all sections of this form are completed in full. This section will be copied for use by the Interview Board.

Name in Full:

Full title of Degree(s)/ Qualification(s) held. / Grade obtained (e.g. Pass; 2.2; 2.1; 1; etc.)
Please give results for each subject taken in final exam. / University, College or Examining Authority. / Year in which Degree/Qualification was obtained. / Full address at which you resided.

a) Employment

Give below, in date order (starting with the most recent), full particulars of all employment (and also any periods of unemployment) between the date of leaving school or college and the present date. No period between these dates should be unaccounted for.

Dates / Title of post held, description of duties, salary, etc. / Name and address of Employer / Address at which you resided during all periods of employment, self-employment or unemployment
Period in months / From / To
Reason for leaving:
Reason for leaving:
Reason for leaving:

Employment (cont’d)

Dates / Title of post held, description of duties, salary, etc. / Name and address of Employer / Address at which you resided during all periods of employment, self-employment or unemployment
Period in months / From / To
Reason for leaving:
Reason for leaving:
Reason for leaving:

SECTION B: COMPETENCIES - Supplementary Questionnaire

Information notes for completing the competency question overleaf

In the following section, you are required to describe some of your personal achievements to date that demonstrate certain necessary skills and qualities required for this position. The skills and qualities are outlined in the headings of Question 1 to 8 on the following pages.

For each area, you are given a description of a skill or quality. You are then asked to describe a situation, from your own experience, which you think is the best example of what YOU have done which demonstrates this skill or quality. It is essential that you describe how you demonstrated the skill or quality in question.

The information will form part of the short listing process, where necessary, and will also be used to help structure your interview, if you are invited to one. Therefore, compose your replies carefully and try to structure what you write so that you give specific information about what youhave done.

Try not to exceed the space allowed in the boxes.

For each of your examples, please include the following:

(a)the nature of the task, problem or objective;

(b)what you actually did and how you demonstrated the skill or quality (and, where appropriate, the date you demonstrated it);

(c)the outcome or result of the situation and your estimate of the proportion of credit you can claim for the outcome.

Please do not use the same example to illustrate your answer to more than two questions. Please note the board may look for additional examples under the competencies during interview.


  • You may use a word processor to reproduce these pages and type your replies.
  • All questions must be answered.
  • It is recommended that you keep a copy of this section of the application form.

Candidates Name:

In the spaces below, briefly describe what you consider to be a good example of demonstrating your ability in

each of the areas below, providing the information requested at (a), (b), and (c) above.

1. Leadership

Actively contributes to the development of the strategies and policies of the Department.Brings a focus and drive to building and sustaining high levels of performance, addressing any performance issues as they arise. Leads and maximises the contribution of the team as a whole. Clearly defines objectives and goals and delegates effectively, encouraging ownership and responsibility for tasks. Develops the capability of others through feedback, coaching and by creating opportunities for skills development. Identifies and takes opportunities to exploit new and innovative service delivery channels. Motivates and encourage staff and must be willing to deal with conflict if it arises. Understand how teams work together and the roles and responsibilities at each level of the organisation.

Please describe an experience, which demonstrates your ability in this skill area.
Please remember to structure your answer as per a, b, and c in the notes section.

Candidates Name:

  1. Analysis & Decision Making

Researches issues thoroughly, consulting appropriately to gather all information needed on an issue. Understands complex issues quickly, accurately absorbing and evaluating data. Integrates diverse strands of information, identifying inter-relationships and linkages. Makes clear, timely and well-grounded decisions on important issues. Considers the wider implications of decisions on a range of stakeholders. Takes a firm position on issues s/he considers important

Please describe an experience, which demonstrates your ability in this skill area.
Please remember to structure your answer as per a, b, and c in the notes section.

Candidates Name:

3. Management and Delivery of Results

Takes responsibility for challenging tasks and delivers on time and to a high standard. Plans and prioritises work in terms of importance, timescales and other resource constraints, re-prioritising in light of changing circumstances. Ensures quality and efficient customer service is central to the work of the division. Looks critically at issues to see how things can be done better. Ensures controls and performance measures are in place to deliver efficient and high value services. Effectively manages multiple projects.

Please describe an experience, which demonstrates your ability in this skill area.
Please remember to structure your answer as per a, b, and c in the notes section.

Candidates Name:

4.Interpersonal & Communication Skills

Presents information in a confident, logical and convincing manner. Encourages open and constructive discussions around work issues. Promotes teamwork within the section, but also works effectively on projects across Departments and Sectors. Maintains poise and control when working to influence others. Instils a strong focus on Customer Service in his/her area. Develops and maintains a network of contacts to facilitate problem solving or information sharing. Engages effectively with a range of stakeholders, including members of the public, Public Service Colleagues and the political system. Openness to Change.

Please describe an experience, which demonstrates your ability in this skill area.
Please remember to structure your answer as per a, b, and c in the notes section.

Candidates Name:

5.Drive and Commitment

Is self-motivated and shows a desire to continuously perform at a high level. Is personally honest and trustworthy and can be relied upon. Ensures the citizen is at the heart of all services provided. Through leading by example, fosters the highest standards of ethics and integrity.

Please describe an experience, which demonstrates your ability in this skill area.
Please remember to structure your answer as per a, b, and c in the notes section.

Candidates Name:

5.Specialist Knowledge, Expertise and Self Development

Has a clear understanding of the roles objectives and targets of self and the team and how they fit into the work of the unit and Department. Has a breadth and depth of knowledge of Department and Governmental issues and is sensitive to wider political and organisational priorities. Is considered an expert by stakeholders in own field/ area. Is focused on self-development, seeking feedback and opportunities for growth to help carry out the specific requirements of the role.

Please describe an experience, which demonstrates your ability in this skill area.
Please remember to structure your answer as per a, b, and c in the notes section.

Candidates Name:

  1. Technical Competency

Candidates for this position will be assessed on the basis of a 10 minute PowerPoint presentation (a soft-copy PowerPoint should be forwarded with the application form) followed by an in-depth exploration of issues arising. During this process candidates will be expected to demonstrate a critical understanding of the relevant, key competencies and the administrative functions of the particular role.

The theme for the presentation is:

Under the programme of public sector reform a new organisation, Tailte Eireann, will be established merging the Property Registration Authority, the Valuation Office and Ordnance Survey Ireland. OSi is also in scope for a major project establishing a Financial Management Shared Services Centre that will carry out the transactional elements of Financial Management processes for the Irish Civil Service and in-scope Public Service Bodies.

  • You are required to present on a business plan to achieve the above goals while ensuring a consistent service delivery by the Finance Department.


Please provide a 1 page résumé outlining your experience relevant to the role (this should be of a minimum of 2 years duration)


The Interview

The following sections will help you to become familiar with, and to prepare for the interview.

What is a structured interview?

Ordnance Survey Ireland is committed to the principles of good recruiting practice. These principles involve the fair and impartial selection of the best candidate for the job.

Building on our implementation of the Competency Framework, a list of skills and qualities required for effective performance in this role has been established. The list is made up of a number of skill areas (or competencies), all of which are listed in the supplementary questions section (B) of the application form.

The structured interview requires you to provide specific and detailed examples of past or current experiences where you have demonstrated the skills and qualities that are required for that job. All of the skills areas, listed in the supplementary questions section of the application form will be thoroughly and systematically explored during the interview in order to build up a picture of candidates’ suitability for the job. The same skill areas will be explored with all candidates but not necessarily in the same order.

There will be 3 – 4 people on the Structured Interview Board for this position. Each

Board member will be trained in the structured interview technique.

At the start of the interview you will be introduced to each member of the Board and the Chairperson will explain the structured format to you. At this point he/she may also ask you to clarify any outstanding issues relating to your application form.

Once this has been completed, one of the skill areas will be clearly introduced to you and one Board Member will ask you questions relating to your experiences of demonstrating that skill. The other two Board Members will have an opportunity to ask you questions at the end of that skill area. You will be told when the questioning for that particular skill area has ended. The interview will follow this pattern of events until the range of skill areas has been covered. Throughout the interview, one Board Member will be taking notes. This is to provide the Board with a fair and accurate account of the examples you give, and it is used during the assessment, which follows directly after the interview.

At the end of the interview you will be given an opportunity to add any additional comments in support of your application.

How do I prepare for the structured interview?

These guidelines, compiled by the Civil Service Commission, are intended to help candidates prepare for the interview and to do their best throughout the interview.

The structured interview involves the Interview Board assessing your ability in a number of skill areas by exploring specific examples of when you feel you have shown/used these skills in your life to date. In order to prepare for the interview, you should think of several situations where you have demonstrated the skills listed in the supplementary application form.

The Board may ask you about the examples that you have described in the supplementary application form or they may ask for another example. It is important that you think carefully about the skill areas in relation to your experiences to date, as you may find it difficult to come up with suitable examples on the spur of the moment, in the interview.

In considering the suitability of different situations from your experiences to date, you may find it useful to list out each individual step that you took and the reasons why. Consider the options that you were faced with at each step and why you chose to do what you did.

The Interview Board will not make assumptions about your ability based solely on the result or the outcome of the situation. Instead, they will be interested in exploring in detail how you demonstrated a particular skill and exactly what you did to achieve the outcome.

How do I maximise my performance during the Interview?

It may seem quite obvious, but during the structured interview it is vital that you listen extremely carefully to the questions that the Board Members ask. There is a limited time to examine each of the skill areas so it is best to spend the time focusing on your particular role in the example provided. The questions that are used during this interview are typically more specific than in interview formats that you may be used to, and will refer to a specific skill.

E.G. “How did you go about organising that task?”

As opposed to a less specific question;

E.G. “Tell me how you went about that task – from start to finish?”

This means that you must give specific answers to questions. If you are asked a question such as

“How did you go about organising that task?”

It is advisable to give a specific answer that demonstrates your organisational skills. Other details, such as the way you dealt with a particular person during the example, may be interesting, but are not directly relevant to the question and will not necessarily merit marks under that particular skill area in the assessment.

Tips to help you do your best at the interview?

  • DO use specific examples to demonstrate your skills in a particular area. (E.G. I had to work as part of a team of five to complete an interim report for the Senior Management Group).
  • DO NOT generalise (E.G. I tend to be a good team player).
  • DO give sufficient detail to ensure that the Board Members know exactly what steps you took and why (E.G. I identified the key tasks to be completed over the assigned time period. I prioritised the tasks to be dealt with immediately, and allocated work to other individuals in the group in order to ensure that the work was completed to a high standard).
  • DO NOT rely on the Board Members to assume that you behaved in a certain way or for certain reasons. (E.G. I organised my work in order to get a good result)