Essential Early Education

Essential Early Education (EEE) is early childhood special education services provided to children with disabilities ages 3 up to 6 years old by their local school district in Vermont. These services are mandated by federal and state law.If the child is found eligible, he or she may receive services from their local school district in a preschool setting or a home visit.

EEE services are individualized to meet each child’s educational needs. If your child is over the age of 3, and you believe that he or she may have a disability, you may refer your child for an evaluation by submitting a written request to the director of special education at:

Beth Hemingway, Director

Student Support Services

Grand Isle Supervisory Union

5038 US Route 2

North Hero, VT 05474

(802) 372-6921.

The Grand Isle Supervisory Union Essential Early Education Programs serve children with diverse needs in an integrated preschool setting. Our programs provide an early childhood experience that promotes social, emotional, physical, cognitive, and language development.

We believe in maintaining a family centered focus throughout all areas of the program. We facilitate support and information sharing with and among families and encourage each family’s role as the primary decision makers regarding their needs. Every child is viewed as an individual with unique strengths, needs, and learning styles.

Vermont Early Learning Standards

The Vermont Early Learning Standards (VELS) were developed to help parents, teachers and others share reasonable expectations for what preschoolers are capable of knowing and doing. VELS provides consistent, appropriate information about what many children are capable of as they enter kindergarten. Used by Head Start, public schools, child care programs and others, VELS focuses on eight (8) areas of development and learning:

Approaches to Learning

Social and Emotional Development

Language, Literacy and Communication



Social Studies

Creative Expression

Physical Development and Health

Teaching Strategy Gold Curriculum and Assessments

The Grand Isle Union Early Education Program implemented Teaching Strategies GOLD this school year. This program is endorsed by the Vermont Department of Education. It is based on the developmental continuum that helps teachers determine where each child is developmentally, track each child’s progress, and plan appropriate learning experiences.

Our curriculum is based on the Vermont Early Learning Standards (VELS) and the Teaching Strategy Goldprogram is used for assessment of ten (10) areas of development and learning that help teachers ensure that they are focusing on what’s most important, each and every day:


The System supports children’s social–emotional development in many ways. Intentional Teaching Cards™ feature child guidance strategies and small-group experiences, and Book Discussion Cards™ support interactive read-alouds. The Creative Curriculum® for Preschool, Volume 1: The Foundation outlines strategies for building a classroom community and developing positive relationships with and among children.


The System features a wide variety of physical activities designed to guide children to move their bodies purposefully. Intentional Teaching Cards™, Mighty Minutes™, and outdoor experiences highlighted in the Teaching Guides present new and interesting ways for children to develop strength, balance, coordination, and motor skills.


The System provides daily opportunities during choice time and small- and large-group times to intentionally engage in meaningful conversations with children about their experiences and ideas. Engaging experiences encourage children to communicate about what they are learning.


The studies that are at the heart of the System support children’s cognitive development through observation, discovery, exploration, and representation. Through studies, children connect experiences and use important process skills. For example, Intentional Teaching Card™ activities involving sorting and classifying encourage children to think logically. Opportunities for dramatic play are embedded throughout many of the resources. Children also have the chance to represent their learning, such as by creating charts, graphs, drawings, and models.


Using the Teaching Strategies® Children’s Book Collection; Book Discussion Cards™; Mighty Minutes™; Intentional Teaching Cards™; and The Creative Curriculum® for Preschool, Volume 3: Literacy, teachers engage children in literacy activities that focus on phonological awareness, comprehension, print awareness, and alphabet knowledge. The materials incorporate specific strategies for supporting English- and dual-language learners. Intentional Teaching Cards™ focused on writing skills provide a variety of activities that help children understand print concepts and encourage them to write for a variety of purposes.


The System offers detailed guidance for incorporating mathematics learning into everyday experiences and throughout the classroom. Research and practical teaching strategies are explained in The Creative Curriculum® for Preschool, Volume 4: Mathematics and mathematics activities are presented in daily practice resources. Children learn about numbers and operations, measurement, geometry, patterns, and data analysis through guided large- and small-group activities and choice-time exploration.

Science and Technology

Each Teaching Guide features studies, which are project-based investigations of meaningful topics. Children apply skills in literacy, mathematics, the arts, and techonology as they explore concepts in science and social studies. The System incorporates technology into everyday learning experiences through eBooks and particular Intentional Teaching Card™ activities. Children become familiar with technological tools and use them to find information and express ideas. The Creative Curriculum® for Preschool, Volume 2: Interest Areas includes guidance on setting up and implementing a Computer Area to help children explore the many uses of technology.

Social Studies

Through book discussions, site visits, classroom visitors, and dramatic play, children are encouraged to examine how people live and work. Exploration focuses on families, communities, and cultural diversity.

The Arts

Art, music, and drama activities are integrated into daily classroom experiences through Mighty Minutes™, Intentional Teaching Cards™, and choice-time opportunities. The Creative Curriculum® for Preschool, Volume 2: Interest Areas gives suggestions for fine arts experiences throughout the classroom.

English-Language Acquisition

These are the links to the schools serving our preschoolers in the Grand Isle District. Their school calendars and school communication can be found on each schools website:

Alburgh, Learning Adventure, Isle LaMotte, North Hero, and Champlain Island Parent Child Center - South Hero

Parent Resources:

Essential Links

  • BFIS Help Desk
  • Bright Futures Information System
  • Child Development Division (CDD)
  • Grace Program
  • Northwestern Counseling & Support Services
  • Step Ahead Recognition System (STARS)
  • Vermont Automated Library System (VALS)
  • Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC)
  • VT Child Care Providers Association
  • VT Department of Education