October 29th, 2015
7:30-9:00AM Parlor A, Olpin Student Union
2:00-3:30PM Parlor A, Olpin Student Union
- Welcome: Dean Dave Kieda
- Introduction of new administrative assistant, Danny Nelson (). Please contact him with dean’s office scheduling and other administrative matters.
- Reminders:
- DoGS and Faculty are reminded that deadlines for upcoming fellowships are approaching. Deadlines have been moved forward from two years ago, so Faculty should be aware that letters of recommendation and other paperwork needs to be prepared early. Deadlines are as follows.
- HHMI fellowships - nominations due November 9, 2015
- NSF-GRFP awards - discipline-specific deadlines:
- October 26, 2015 (Monday) - geosciences, life sciences
- October 27, 2015 (Tuesday)Computer and Information Science and Engineering,Engineering,Materials Research
- October 29, 2015 (Thursday) -Psychology,Social Sciences,STEM Education and Learning
- October 30, 2015 (Friday) -Chemistry,Mathematical Sciences,Physics and Astronomy
- November 5, 2015 (Thursday)Reference letters due by 8 pm EST
- Garr-Cutler Energy Award - nominations due November 30, 2015
- Stockham Medal for Conspicuously Effective Teaching - nominations due November 30, 2015
- A panel regarding Academic STEM careers is being hosted by Francine Mahak on Wednesday, November 4 from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm in 220 ASB. Faculty should encourage their interested graduate students to attend.
- 2nd Annual 3MT Competition Report – Donna White: Students participating in 3MT last Monday all did an excellent job. Prize money was increased from last year’s competition. Discussion was held on how to increase visibility of and participation in 3MT for next year; suggestions can be sent to . Videos and bios of the participants will be posted on the graduate school website.
- Discussion of Departmental Dismissal and Family Leave Policies – Dave Kieda: Official request read from the Sr. Vice President’s office that each department draft policy language to manage graduate student dismissal and family leave. Directors should review policy examples available on the graduate school website at and then draft an individual policy that is sensitive to the unique demands of graduate studies in their department. Directors should begin to address this project now, so that the school is protected in case of legal liability in the future. Once your draft of department policy language is complete, directors should send their dismissal policies to Robert Payne () in General Counsel’s Office and the family leave policies to Krista Pickens of OEO () who will review the legality of the policies and approve or amend as needed.
- Graduate Dashboard Feedback – Dave Kieda: All DoGS should have access to the Graduate Dashboard, located off the Office of the President’s main website: These overviews exist as tools to observe educational and funding trends over time.
- Newsletter – Donna White: The newsletter theme for Spring Semester will align with the 2nd Pillar in the strategic goals of the University of Utah: Develop and Transfer New Knowledge. DoGS are encouraged to send stories or news items to Donna White via Danny Nelson () in preparation for the newsletter.
- Blanket Petitions for Adding Non-Department/Career-Line Graduate Student Committee Members – Dave Kieda: Current situation is that adding a non-department member to a graduate student committee generates a great deal of paperwork; the graduate school is working with UIT to automate this process to reduce delay and paper waste. This automation is likely to go into effect next year.
- Open Forum:
- A question was raised why program reviews have both an internal and external review process. Internal reviews focus on consistency with University policy and procedure, while external reviews focus on rankings between universities.
- A question was raised whether there are expectations regarding department training in GSAC. Amy Wildermuth () can be contacted for official policy in the development of GSAC training.
- DoGS meeting minutes along with any supplemental materials will be posted by the Monday following the meeting.
- Please update DoGS contact information. There is a link to a form that allows for edits at the top of the page.