Meeting: Southampton JSNA Analyst Group
Date: Monday 22nd July 2013
Location: Conference Room 4, Civic Offices, Southampton.
Attendees:Paul Fuller (PF)
Dan King (DK)
Vanella Mead (VM)
Lisa Raison-Trehy (LR-T)
Julia Kennedy (JK)
Phil Lovegrove (PL)
Rebecca Wilkinson (RW)
Apologies: Enilson Mateus (EM)
Phil Lovegrove (PL)
Cerys Thomas (CT)
Colin Burton (CB)
Sara Crawford (SC)
Pat Jones (PJ)
Debbie Chase (DC)
Lorraine Johnston (LJ)
1. Minutes from last meeting
RW explained that the Public Health Information Team is providing a service of professional support to the IOW Public Health team rather than operating as a joint team.
RW asked group members to update the contacts list with details of the types of information they deal with if they have not already done this.
ACTIONS:All to make sure the contacts list is up-to-date for their team
2. Update from JSNA Manager
RW reported that she has been working on the update of the ‘Creating a Healthier Environment’ theme with input from colleagues in planning, transport etc. This theme is now split into three subsections:-
- Transport and accidents
- Community safety
- Place
VM mentioned that she has been working with Lindsay McCulloch on the green infrastructure strategy and is currently mapping house price data which she will share with the group.
LR-T asked about data on accidents in the home – in particular whether rates are higher in council properties than elsewhere. RW mentioned that Parvin Damani in the Public Health team is producing an accidents needs assessment and she will talk with her about what will be included. It may be possible for the PH Information team to do some analysis on this if postcodes of council properties are available but this is subject to the national resolution of Information Governance issues around local authorities accessing patient identifiable hospital activity data. VM agreed to supply a postcode look-up for council housing stock.
JK also reported that Nick Cross has asked her to do some work on accidents amongst older people and she will be working with Lee Simmonds on this – particularly supporting older people who have had falls. They will also be conducting a cost-benefit analysis. PF mentioned that he collects falls information from UHS.
VM also mentioned that the Index of Deprivation has been recalculated for the new Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs) by Public Health England. VM is going to produce maps of this and will circulate a link to them when finished.
RW reported that she is still working on the ‘Protecting People from Threats to Health’ theme. This will include communicable diseases, emergency planning and other threats to health. LR-T asked whether over-crowding will be included in this but this actually falls within the Economic theme of the JSNA along with other housing information. RW said that the 2011 Census data was the only source of over-crowding information currently included. JK mentioned that some should be available from waiting list and the CORE system and that she will circulate this.
RW mentioned work that is being done on monitoring the outcomes indicators for the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
RW also mentioned that lots of work has gone into developing the new Public Health website which will host the JSNA pages
ACTIONS:VM to share mapping of house price data
RW to talk with Parvin Damani about the accidents needs assessment
VM to provide RW with postcode look-up for SCC housing stock
VM to circulate a link to new LSOA IMD maps when completed
JK to circulate over-crowding information from waiting list and CORE data
3. Update from group members on current work streams.
VM Working on analysis of census data, house price data and surveys. RW asked whether James Marshall might be invited to the next meeting to talk about the surveys that are planned for Southampton.
PL Working with the Youth Offending Team on an assessment tool that they use. Commencing reviews of school nursing and sexual health services. Also planning a commissioner review of under 5 year olds as the health visiting budget transfers to local authorities in 2015.
PF Finished the first carer’s survey which will be repeated every 2 years. Also completed the annual adult social care survey. Now finalising year-end submissions. Working on a new return on short and long term care which will include certain health conditions. RW asked whether PF is monitoring the Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework which he is and will send a copy.
JKMaking sure all the data agrees with COPR and working on annual report which she will share with the group. Many changes in reporting due to new Government policy (e.g. bedroom tax). Has been working with Anna Morris (Public Health) on a draft report of the International Way Evaluation but lots of lessons learnt e.g. wrong time of year to do consultation. There will be a Phase 2 report in Jan/Feb next year with possible incentives for survey respondents. This led to a discussion around incentivising surveys and VM mentioned that James Marshall has written a framework on this.
LR-T Reported that Nick Cross is investigating developing a healthy homes team which could deliver projects around SCC estates (e.g. fuel poverty). There would be much potential in this for joint working. RW to raise this at next Strategic Group meeting because Nick Cross cannot attend.
RW read out the following updates from group members who were unable to attend the meeting:-
SC Trying to capture baseline and trends in welfare reforms and trying to develop a quarterly report based on the Hillingdon template.
CTReported a delay in the Safe City Plan and Strategic Assessment – now likely to be sept/oct. Also working on ICE bus end of year data. Other work going on includes Street Cred, linking with Families Matter project and a Safer24/Safersouthampton project.
EM Has been working on mental health division performance. He is leaving and will be replaced by Marcela Janowska.
ACTIONS:All to share work if appropriate
RW to invite James Marhsall to the October meeting
PF to share work on ASC OF with RW
RW to raise potential ‘health homes’ team at Strategic Group meeting
4. Road Traffic Accidents
DK presented a recent analysis of road traffic accidents in Southampton. Anyone wanting a copy of the presentation should contact DK directly
5. Re-use of council data and information governance issues – Vikas Gupta (VG) and Angela Sumner (AS)
VG explained that there had been no formal protocol in SCC for sharing of Person Identifiable Data (PID) between teams within SCC. A draft form has now been produced (attached to minutes) and staff are being asked to send comments on it back to VG. This led to a discussion of whether postcodes constitutes PID.
AS explained the process for consideration of a request for sharing data and mentioned that they plan to produce a spread sheet showing how data is shared both internally and externally.
ACTIONS:All to share re-use of data form with colleagues and send any comments back to VG.
6. Update of JSNA Themes
RW mentioned that the next themes to be updated are ‘Taking responsibility for health’ (which includes smoking, alcohol, sexual health and obesity) and ‘Mental Health’. Any relevant information on these should be sent to RW.
ACTIONS:All to send any relevant information on the next themes to RW
7. AOB
VM mentioned that she has been asked to update the Southampton Profile and this led to a discussion about how this links with the JSNA and how we might be able to collaborate to prevent duplication of effort and ensure that needs for this type of information are being met. RW agreed to contact Caronwen Rees to take this discussion forward.
ACTIONS:RW to contact Caronwen Rees about link with Southampton Profile
8. Dates of next meetings
Monday 14th October 10am Conference Room 4, Civic Centre
Monday 13th January 10am venue TBC
Distribution:Colin Burton
Vanella Mead
Cerys Thomas
Martin Davis
Marcela Janowska
Pat Jones
Lisa Raison-Trehy
Sarah McCann
Rebecca Wilkinson
Holly Matthews
Paul Fuller
Dan King
Jeanette Miller
Phil Lovegrove
Sara Crawford
David Lago
Dr Graham Watkinson
Adrian Richardson
Richard Alderson
Julia Kennedy
Lorraine Johnston