GA Monitoring Report Questions -3-year Funded Projects.docx



Grant Aid Monitoring Report: Questions for Reference

Reporting period

*Which reporting period are you completing this monitoring report for:

ð  1st July 2016 – 30 December 2016 (report to be submitted by 31st January 2017)

ð  1st January 2017 – 30 June 2017 (report to be submitted by 10th July 2017)

ð  1st July 2017 – 30 December 2017 (report to be submitted by 31st January 2018)

ð  1st January 2018 – 30 June 2018 (report to be submitted by 10th July 2018)

Section 1: About your organisation / project / service

·  Please note that the questions in this monitoring report relate to the work/activity/service/project for which you receive a Nottinghamshire County Council Grant Aid contribution.

*1. Organisation/Group Name:
*2. Project/Service name (if the project/service name is the same as the organisation/group name please enter 'N/A'):
*3. In which district is your project/service delivered? (If you deliver a service in more than one district, you can list the other districts in the next question). / ð  Ashfield
ð  Bassetlaw
ð  Broxtowe
ð  Gedling
ð  Mansfield
ð  Newark & Sherwood
ð  Rushcliffe
ð  Countywide (i.e. if your service/project is delivered to people from more than one Nottinghamshire district).
4. If you deliver a project/service in more than one district, please list please list ALL the districts here:
*5. Are you completing this report for a consortium (partnership) agreement that you have with us? / YES / NO
*6. Please provide a brief summary of the Grant Aid funded project/service/activity, i.e. what does the project/service do? (Approx. 50 – 100 words)
*7. Age categories (please note that only one age category can be selected – please select the category into which most of your service users fall. If your service benefits more than one age category, you can provide further details in the next question) / ð  0-15
ð  16-25
ð  26-35
ð  36-45
ð  46-55
ð  56-65
ð  Over 65
8. Additional age categories (if applicable)

Section 2: General project/service review

*1. How is your project/service progressing to date? / ð  We’re ON TARGET to achieve what we set out to deliver.
ð  We’re EXCEEDING what we set out to deliver.
ð  We’re NOT on target to achieve what we set out to deliver*
*If you’re NOT on target to achieve what you set out to deliver, please provide further information (e.g. what challenges /set-backs are your experiencing? How is your organisation addressing the challenges?):
*2. How many different* service users, have accessed (benefitted from) your project/service during this monitoring period?
*i.e. by ‘different service users’ we mean each individual service user counted once – not the number of times they used the project/service. For example: Service user ‘A’ attends 5 times and service user ‘B’ attends 7 times during this monitoring period – this should be counted as two different service users (not 12 service user attendances).
*3. How many times have service users attended / accessed / participated in (benefitted from), your project/service during this monitoring period?
Note that your response to this question can include the number of times a service user accessed / participated in your project / service during this monitoring period.
For example, Service user ‘A’ attends 5 times and service user ‘B’ attends 7 times since your last monitoring report, and therefore, this can be counted as 12 attendances.
*4. How many volunteers helped to deliver this service / project since during this monitoring period?
You can include volunteer trustees / committee members. An approximate number is fine and you can count people who have volunteered at some point during this monitoring period but have since stopped.
*5. In a typical week, how many volunteer hours have supported your service/project during this monitoring period?
You can include volunteer trustees / committee members. An approximate number is fine.
*6. How many new volunteers were recruited to support this funded project during this monitoring period?
*7. Please provide at least one case study to show how the funding has contributed to improving the lives of Nottinghamshire people – in particular, those least able to help themselves, vulnerable children & young people and vulnerable adults.
Within your case study, please include examples of how the funded project incorporates / embraces the Nottinghamshire County Council values, which are: treating people fairly, value for money and working together. Further information about these values can be found on the Nottinghamshire County Council website:
8. Please provide any additional & relevant information that you would like to share about this funded project / organisation. For example: You may wish to tell us about:
·  Innovative developments?
·  Achievements that you’re proud of?
·  Good practice / guidance that you’ve shared with other groups?
·  Examples of good partnerships working?
You may also wish to provide further information to clarify/support your responses so far, where appropriate.

Section 3: Funding

*1. Are your Grant Aid payments from Nottinghamshire County Council up-to-date? / ð  YES
ð  NO
*2. Please confirm how the Grant Aid from Nottinghamshire County Council has been spent during this monitoring period:
Grant Aid amount (£) / How the Grant Aid has been spent:
e.g. rent, salary for ‘X’ worker, phone bill, gas bill, electricity bill, professional fees for ‘X’ etc, staff training, volunteer training, volunteer expenses.
*3. To be completed for the July Report: Total amount of Grant Aid funding spent this Grant Aid year (i.e. from 1st July to 30th June).
N.B. If this is the January report, please insert ‘January Report’. / £
(or, if this is the January report, insert: ‘January Report’)
*4. Please provide information about other funding for this project that the organisation has received if not previously reported. Please list the name of the funder(s), the amount of funding received from each funder - and what the additional funding will contribute to (if none, please type ‘none’):
Funder / Amount (£) / What the additional funding will contribute to:
*5. Total amount of additional funding from other sources (not previously reported) - if this project did not receive any additional funding from other sources, please type ‘none’. / £
(or type ‘none’)
*6. If your organisation was able to secure additional funding, in your opinion, did having the Grant Aid from Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) help your organisation to attract the additional funding? / ð  YES
ð  NO
*7. Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) strongly recommends that all funded groups develop a sustainability plan (i.e. a plan to ensure that the project / service will continue after the end of the Grant Aid contribution). Does your organisation have a ‘project sustainability plan’ in place? / ð  YES
ð  NO
*7. Would you like further information about developing a sustainability plan? / ð  YES
ð  NO
8. Please provide any other relevant information about the project funding and / or expenditure, as appropriate. For example, this could be other information that relates to:
·  The Nottinghamshire County Council Grant Aid
·  Other funding
·  Project expenditure
·  Your sustainability plan:

Section 4: Compliance monitoring

*1. The organisation confirms that they are using the Grant Aid for the purpose(s), as specified in the Grant Aid Agreement: / ð  YES
ð  NO
If ‘no’, please provide further information:
*2. The organisation confirms that they are operating in line with the terms and conditions of the Grant Aid Agreement: / ð  YES
ð  NO
If ‘no’, please provide further information:
*3. Funding Declaration:
Nottinghamshire County Council encourages groups to seek additional funding – however, any additional funding must not duplicate the Grant Aid funding (i.e. additional funding should not be used to pay for the same thing(s) as the Grant Aid funding).
If permitted by the other funder, additional funding could be used as a contribution to the cost of items where there is a shortfall. For example: Room hire costs = £2,000; Grant Aid covers 50% of the cost; additional funding could be used to cover 50% of the cost).
ð  The organisation confirms that any additional funding received does not duplicate the Grant Aid funding received from Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC).
ð  Additional funding received duplicates the Grant Aid funding received from NCC.
If the additional funding duplicates the Grant Aid funding received from Nottinghamshire County Council, please provide further information:

Section 5: Changes & your details

*1. So that we can keep our records up-to-date, please inform us of any changes to the Grant Aided project / service if not previously reported. For example:
·  Changes to the authorised signatories on the Grant Aid Agreement
·  Changes to the key contact(s)
·  Changes to the correspondence and / or service delivery address / phone number / email
·  Changes to the days / times when the project / service is delivered
·  Any other changes?
Please provide details of any changes, or write 'none' if there are no changes to report.

Please provide your details so that we can contact you if we have any questions about this monitoring report:

*2. Your name:
*3. Your email address:
*4. Role in group/organisation:
*5. Monitoring Report completion date: / DD / MM / YYYY

Please note that the questions in the document are a guide – the questions in the online monitoring report may be subject to change and we may ask additional monitoring questions, as appropriate.

GA Monitoring Report Questions -3-year Funded Projects.docx