Project: Contraceptive technologies and reproductive choice among immigrant women
Chief Investigators: Lenore Manderson, Andrea Whittakerand Katie Vasey
I have been asked to take part in the Monash University research project specified above. I have read and understood the Explanatory Statement and I hereby consent to participate in this project.
Participation and Interviews
I understand that my participation in this research is voluntary. I understand that I am invited to participate because I meet the requirements outlined in the Explanatory Statement. I understand that I will be asked to engage in an interviewto discuss my understandings of the contraceptive needs of women from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, and the role of my and other organisations in meeting these needs. I understand that this interview may take up to an hour. I understand too that I can withdraw at any time.
Discretion and Data Usage
I understand that this consent form will be held in a locked cabinet separate from interview documents and texts at Monash University. I understand that, to protect my privacy, interview documents will use pseudonyms, pseudonyms will be used in publication, and all information that could potentially identify me will be modified to ensure my anonymity. I understand that the data will be used exclusively for the purposes and intentions outlined and will not be distributed to any other institutions or settings.
Potential Benefits and Risks to Participants
I understand that participating in this study will not have any direct benefit to me. I understand that discussion of myunderstandings of and experiencesin relation to cultural factors that impact conception, pregnancy, having children, and seeking contraceptive advice may be of benefit to the wider community.
I understand that a summary of the results of this research will be provided to me if I request this. I also understand that summaries will be available on the websites of the collaborating organisations: Family Planning Australia Alliance, Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health, and Centre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health. The information from the study will be used to develop policies and programs to improve women’s knowledge of and access to reproductive health care.
I consent to / Yes / NoParticipating in the interview
Audio-recording of the interview
On behalf of the researchers, thank you very much for your help with this project.
Name of Participant
Participant’s SignatureDate
Name of Interviewer
Interviewer’s Signature