ELDTAC Work Group Task Assignments/Deadlines
Meeting 2
Core Curriculum WG
Conference Line:888-251-2909
Access Code:4389201
Host Code:9406
Draft Model Curriculum for Class A and Class B CDL training programs at level of detail needed to appear in §380.615 Appendix A and B, respectively, of FMCSA outline.
[Same for Appendix C?]
Drafting leads: Carl Spatocco
Target date for initial work product: 2 weeks (April 2-3)
Passenger Bus WG
Conference Line:877-411-9748
Access Code:8377920
Host Code:2993
1. Answer two preliminary questions:
(a) Does MAP-21 require that new recipients of P endorsement receive (a) classroom/online training and (b) BTW training, specifically oriented to P endorsement, from a certified training provider?
(b) If MAP-21 leaves this decision discretionary, is such training nonetheless desirable?
2. If the answer to either (a) or (b) is “yes”, then draft the curricular requirements for certified training providers to appear in § 380.513 of FMCSA outline.
Drafting leads: Ken Presley
Target date for initial work product: 2 weeks (April 2-3)
School Bus WG
Conference Line:888-251-2909
Access Code:6015221
Host Code:3269
1. Answer two preliminary questions:
(a) Does MAP-21 require that new recipients of S endorsement receive (a) classroom/online training and (b) BTW training, specifically oriented to S endorsement, from a certified training provider?
(b) If MAP-21 leaves this decision discretionary, is such training nonetheless desirable?
2. If the answer to either (a) or (b) is “yes”, then draft the curricular requirements for certified training providers to appear in § 380.515.
Drafting leads: Bob Ramsdell
Target date for initial work product: 2 weeks (April 2-3)
HazMat WG (deferred)
Conference Line:888-557-8511
Access Code:2338007
Host Code:1096
1. Answer two preliminary questions:
(a) Does MAP-21 require that new recipients of HM endorsement receive (a) classroom/online training and (b) BTW training, specifically oriented to HM endorsement, from a certified training provider? No skills test for HM endorsement – only knowledge requirements.
(b) If MAP-21 leaves this decision discretionary, is such training nonetheless desirable?
2. If the answer to either (a) or (b) is “yes”, then draft the curricular requirements for certified training providers to appear in § 380.517.
3. If the answer is “no” then draft the appropriate language for §380.517.
Drafting leads: Boyd Stephenson
Target date for initial work product: 2 weeks (April 2-3)
Certification/Accreditation/Accountability Work Group
Conference Line:888-808-6929
Access Code:9422847
Host Code:6236
0. Which training providers should be covered? Should there be special provisions for very small training providers? What constitutes very small training providers?
Drafting leads: Scott Grenerth
Target date for initial work product: 4 weeks (April 15)
1. Draft the eligibility requirements for Driver Training Programs to be specified. These requirements will include curricular requirements established by the Curriculum Working Group but may include other criteria as well.
[Facilitators Note: It may be useful to approach by drafting the form that applicants for certification will have to fill out. This will require you to articulate clearly and specifically what information will be gathered from each applicant to ensure both eligibility before the fact and accountability after the fact.]
Drafting leads: Dave Money
Target date for initial work product: 4 weeks (April 15)
2. Make a recommendation on:
(a) who will do the certifying work (e.g., self-certification, third-party certification, FMCSA certification);
(b) if third-party certification, how costs of certification will be covered; and
(c) how credibility of certification process will be overseen.
Drafting leads: Lou Spoonhour
Target date for initial work product: 4 weeks (April 15)
Implementation/Enforcement WG (deferred)
Conference Line:877-402-9753
Access Code:3811523
Host Code:8231
1. [Deferred]
Drafting leads: Bob Tershak
Target date for initial work product: TBD
Data Needs WG
Conference Line:877-411-9748
Access Code:5495005
Host Code:9618
[Tasks to be defined based on today’s discussion]
Drafting leads: Brian Dahlin
Target date for initial work product: TBD