Changing Concept of Urban Transport Planning
Hirohide Konami (Mr. & Dr.)
Executive Director, The Research Institute of National Land Policy
During the past decades of years, how to overcome the increasing traffic demand has been the purpose of transport planning. But now, population in Japan began to decrease since 2006 and alsopeople are getting age. As a result, the concept of transport planning in Japan is gradually changing such as how to save the maintenance cost, how to supply transport service to aged and handicapped people, how to renovate the urban area into the more convenientand efficient pattern from the transportviewpoint, how to supply more high speed and comfortable transport and how to construct stronger facilities against natural hazards. This paper tries to introduce such tendency in Japan.
transport planning, transport management, transport service for aged people
1. Introduction
The fundamental key factors of urban transport planning would be as follows:
1) Estimation of urban size and population
2) Analysis on urban pattern and geographic condition
3) Estimation of land use, traffic generation and distribution
4) Estimation of the level of economy development, income level and car ownership
5) Consideration of the necessary service for the aged and wheelchair people
6) Environmental assessment
7) Counter measures for the risk of natural hazards
8) Choice of the affordable technology
9) Analysis of the land ownership and land acquisition system
Many years ago,in 1960's and 70's, we were mostly interested in the estimation of future increase of transport demand and the proposals based on the estimation. In those days, we were drawing new railway routes, new highway routes, urban development project areas, reservation areas and many other proposals on the map. But now, Japan is facing the population decrease since 2006, and attacked by huge earthquakes and tsunami in 2011. And also people are getting age and there appeared high aged society. This paper tries to examine these problems.
2. New requirements fortransport planning
We have studied a lotof techniques of transport demand estimation based on the data of traffic survey, population census, economy, various proposals of development, environment and many other data. And we proposed many new routes of railways and highways. But now we are facing the stabilized or decreasing traffic demand except in the metropolitan areas and facing the following problems.
1) Structures such as bridges and tunnels are getting age and need to reinforce in some way. This cost may require the large amount of public money and may cause the difficulty to share money for new projects.Therefore, transport planning in these days put more importance on the life cycle cost of the structures including the maintenance cost.
2) Aged drivers over 70 or 80 years old have the tendency of high risk of traffic accident and the government recommends them to return the driver’s license. Then it becomes necessary to provide some alternative transport services for them.
3) In rural areas, the population decrease and the abolition of local establishments including schools and manufactures caused the decrease of passengers of local railway and bus routes. Then those lines are facing the risk of abolition.
3. Suggestions for the new concept of transport planning
Planners may not be interested in the fact happening in Japan but it would be important for then to know it.
1) Life cycle cost
Bridges, tunnels and pavement are the main topics of life cycle cost. They are basically the design problems but planners would be better to know such matters. In fact, every bridge will come to the end of life about 100 years after the construction and the design engineer should pay attention for the easier maintenance by means of materials or paintings.(1)Advanced monitoring system of tiredness is alsoimportant because the earlier check of tiredness will save the maintenance life cycle cost by about 30 to 50%.(2)
2) Transport service in aged society
There are two kinds of the transport problems for aged people. One is the problem in the big city. Another is that of rural areas.
Aged people in the big city can use bus and railway but they cannot walk long distance and difficult to use staircases. It is the same in case of a wheelchair person. Therefore, Japanese government established Barrier Free Act in 2006 and promoting the improvement of transport facilities, public buildings, such as city hall, school, hospital, hotel, library and so on, and the barrier elimination in public parks.Every transport should be barrier free for aged people and wheelchair person. We constructed many overhead pedestrian bridges in the intersections about half a century ago but now we need to attacheasy slopesfor wheelchair to those over bridgesor prepare again the ground level pedestrian crossing. Elevators and escalators have been introduced in many railway stations. Planners should pay more attention to keep the space for those additional facilities.
Table 1 shows the change of transport mode from 1998 to 2008 in Tokyo metropolitan region, we may say Greater Tokyo with the population of more than 30 million.
Table 1 Transport mode in Greater Tokyo (%) (3)
Year / Car / Rail / Bus / Two wheel / Walking1998 / 33 / 26 / 2 / 17 / 22
2008 / 29 / 29 / 3 / 16 / 21
In the case of the trip transferred from some mode to different mode, only one mode is selected by the priority order of rail, bus, car, two wheelsand walking.
Rail Bus Car Motorcycle
Bicycle Walking
Fig. 1 Comparison of transport mode in Central Tokyo and Greater Tokyo
Table 1 and Figure 1 tell us that the rail and bus transport began to replace the car transport within these 10 years. This is the first experience for us, while we had been just considering the increase of automobile usage. There may be two reasons. One is the development of railway network and another is the people’s change such asaged people started to return their driver's license and young people have a tendency to live near from railway stations without cars. Along with another experience that the total population of the country started to decrease in 2006, the Japanese government is trying to renovate the cities into compact and networking ones. This is a new aspect of transport planning.
For this purpose, the governments are trying to supply better bus services including demand system or one coin (100yen or 1USD) communitymicrobus service. In case of Tokyo Metropolitan Government, aged people equal or over 70 years old living in the administration area can buy one year ticket good for bus of all companies and subways managed by the metropolitan government by only 1000 yen (about 10 USD) or 20,000 yen (about 200 USD) if the person have the taxable income of 1.25 million yen (12,500 USD) or over in the year before.
Aged people in rural areas are more desperate. They were living with their sons and daughters in decades of years ago but now living alone or just with an aged couple.Therefore, after returning the driver's license, they don't have any transport tool. The best way to solve the problem would be to recommend them to transfer to the town center where everyday life will be completed within walking distance. But many of them cannot do so because of the difficulty to shoulder the transfer cost or the sticky mind to stay in the same place. Then the municipality should continue to supplyfor them not only lifelines, such as road, water and electricity but also transport service such as demand bus or community bus. Delivery cost of daily supply such as food, mail, and medicine, if necessary, is also expensive.
As a whole, transport planning should also pay attention to the future society of aged people.
3) Abolition of existing transport service
There are many proposals to abolish the existing bus and railway services in rural areas. In case of railway, replacing by rail-bus or normal bus would be the most capable solution. In case of the abolition of existing bus service, the problem becomes more difficult. The introduction of the demand bus that will operate based on the request through telephone call, the community microbus managed by the people and taxi or membership vehicle would be the good solution. Automatic driven vehicle together with GPS technology may become the best solution in the future.
4. Other fundamental factors(4)
1) Level of economy development, income level and car ownership
The level of economy development gives the great influence on the transport planning in both ways. One is the construction and maintenance cost and another is the capability of fare payment of passengers.
New construction cost will be covered not only by the governmentalfund but also by private investment expecting the return from the fare and development benefit around the stations. In Japanese case, the share of maintenance cost is quickly increasing and new construction is facing difficulty because of the shortage of governmental money.
Capability of fare paymentdepends on the income level of passengers and also depends on the share system of commuting cost of each company. The company in Japan mostly shoulders commuting cost. Private railway company can expect the development benefit by means of the development project around the stations if they can purchase the cheap land before the railway construction.
In order to promote the public transport usage, governmental subsidies for the construction cost and partially management cost is essential. Then fare could be kept cheap and usage of rail and bus will be promoted.
It is also important to consider the speed of the urban growth. We experienced many problems as follows:
a) Because of the delay of infrastructure development, poor service of railway and bus caused unexpected congestions in peak hours and passengers should have kept waiting for a long time or packed like materials in the carrier.
b) During the process of national development, there happens the flood of two wheel vehicles. Then transport mode will be gradually changed to cars. The lack of road capacity will cause the unendurable traffic jam followed by the severe air pollution.
The study of “Traffic Demand Management” started last century in Singapore but the fruitful result hasn’t been found. Railway and urban expressway construction seems to be the only good solution if combined together with the land use control.
Car ownership has the strongest influence on the choice of transport mode. In fact, car ownership of rural areas in Japan is almost one vehicle for one person. On the other hand, people in the central area of big cities don’t feel the necessity of owning a car. Car sharing system is developing in those areas.
2) Environmental assessment
Global climate change is now critical situation. Transport sector is so much responsible for CO2 exhaustion and the share of transport sector is about 20%. Therefore, we should lead the modal change from car to bus or train and promote the introduction of environment friendly transport system.
3) Risk of natural hazards
The risk of natural hazards is becoming more important in Japan in these days because we experienced so a big earthquake and Tsunami in 2011 and also facing the unexpected heavy rainfall caused by the climate change. Transport system is the most important system to keep and rehabilitate the life in those areas. Therefore, double link or triple link of transport system, hopefully by different modes, are expected in main routes.
4) Level of affordable technology
The consideration for affordable technology is very important especially in the under developing stage. Speed, comfortableness, safety and construction technology should be carefully examined.
This may be not the planning problem but themanagement or administration problem. For example, the construction cost of automatic driven railway is very expensive if we compare with the manpower driven simple operating system, and elevated railway is good for road traffic but the construction cost is expensive. The traffic signals with the areal control system are expensive but it is worth for the traffic congested areas.
In such way, affordable technology changes by the level of economy of the region. Planners should carefully choose the suitable technologies.
5) Land acquisition system
Land acquisition or land ownership system is also important factor to plan the transport facilities. In Japan, land ownership is very strong and the land acquisition cost is increasing. Then transport planner should learn enough about those facts in advance. Land Readjustment Project works very well in Japan for the acquisition of land for highway and railway in urbanized areas because through the land relocation system, reduced land or pre-purchased land within the project area will be easily relocated to the right of way.
It was said that the city plan is carefully checked and decided by the authority and never been changed in general. Therefore, the roads decided by the city plan is on the map of the scale of 1/2500 and tall buildings are prohibited within the planned right of way and some of those roads remain without completed for more than 70 years. Then there happens such discussion as whether or not they should be reviewed again. This happens because of the strong private land ownership in Japan. In case of the urban renewal project or land readjustment project, the review of those city-planned roads is rather easy based on the discussion among landowners.
5. Conclusion
Traditional transport planning based on the traffic and economy data is still important in the under developing areas. But in the case of population decrease and the people got the age of 70’s and 80’s, the importance of public transport becomes lager and the maintenance cost becomes heavier year by year. Therefore, it becomes more important for transport planners to coordinate with the management groups such as road maintenance, bus and railway operating company, medical and social service, and so on. It would be also important to pay more attention for life cycle cost, natural environment, and natural hazards.
Barrier free transport system would be the basic concept in the future.
(1) "Examples of Saving Life Cycle Cost", Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and
(2) "Comparison of Life Cycle Cost of RC Bridge and PC Bridge”
(3) "Person Trip Survey Reports",Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
(4) “Urban Transport Policy”, Text of JICA training course “Comprehensive Urban Planning”, Hirohide Konami, 2016
Author: Hirohide Konami (Mr. & Dr.)
Born in 1942 in Tokyo, Japan. After graduated from the University of Tokyo, Faculty of Urban Engineering in 1966, studied at the Graduate School of Design, Harvard University in 1971-72, and worked for the national government for 31 years. After retirement from the government, experienced the professors in the University of the Philippines, Toyo University, Tokyo Jogakkan College and Teikyo Heisei University for 17 years. Then assigned to the present position in 2012.