Principal: Mrs. V. McKinnon1530 Springwell Avenue
Vice Principal: Ms N. GonsalvesMississauga, Ontario
Phone: 905 822 1657L5J 3H6
All students are required to attend school on a regular and punctual basis. Any student absence requires a written or verbal contact with the school from a parent or guardian. Students with excessive absences will be reported to the school Social Worker.Late for School: Students who are late for school must report to the office and obtain an "Admit" slip to give to his or her teacher upon entering class. Parents will be notified after 10 lates. Frequently late students will be asked to make up additional time. Excessively late students will be referred to the school Social Worker.
Leaving School Early: Students who must leave school early are required to bring a note, signed by a parent/guardian and indicating the departure time, to the office before school begins. Students will be called down to the office once a parent/guardian has arrived. All students who are leaving the school early must sign out at the office prior to leaving the building. / Sickness During the Day: Students who become ill during the school day should advise a staff member. The student will be directed to the office. If the student appears to require on-going attention, a parent/guardian will be contacted. Please ensure that emergency contact numbers are recorded in the office records and that these are updated in the event of a change.
Office staff check attendance daily at 9:10 am and at 1:00 pm. If a student is absent and the school has not been made aware of the reason, a parent/guardian will be phoned immediately.
Please notify the school at 905 822-1657 if your child will be absent from school. Parent/guardians may also leave a message on the school’s answering machine between the hours of 4:30 pm and 8:30 am.
September 1September 2
October 10
October 13
November 14
December 22 – January 2
January 19
February 16
March 16 – March 20
April 3
April 6
May 11
May 18
June 8
June 26 / Labour Day
School begins for students
Professional Activity Day (No school for students)
Thanksgiving Day
Reporting to Parents (No school for students)
Winter Break
Report Card Writing/Assessment Day (No school for students)
Family Day
Spring Break
Good Friday
Easter Monday
Professional Activity Day (No school for students)
Victoria Day
Report Card Writing/Assessment Day (No school for students)
Last day of school for students
Ministry and Peel Board guidelines are followed at Hillcrest. Parent/guardians may obtain Ministry curriculum documents upon request from the Ministry of Education at 416 326 5300 or access them online at www.edu.gov.on.ca.The Home Room teacher keeps parents informed of progress through two regular ministry report cards, a first term progress report and other contacts, either written or by telephone, as required.
Learning Materials provided for student use during the school year must be returned to the school in good condition. Loss or willful damage to school learning materials will result in a levy for the replacement of these materials.
Excursions and Field Trips to enrich school learning require parental permission for the student to attend. Any student who does not regularly demonstrate behaviour that is consistent with the Hillcrest Code of Conduct may be excluded from these excursions. / Standards for Student Notebooks will be set each year by classroom teachers.
A Student Agenda should be used by all students as an organizational tool.
Hillcrest teachers are committed to assisting and supporting individual students in their classrooms. Guidance and Counseling Services are available for students with specific needs. Students may be referred to the school Guidance Counselor by the homeroom teacher, parent/guardian and/or other Hillcrest staff. All issues will be dealt with in a confidential manner.
The School Council is a group comprised of elected Hillcrest parents, the school Principal, a community member, a non teaching staff member and a staff representative. It is an advisory group to the school principal and deals with educational matters within policy set by the Ministry of Education.School Council meetings are open to all parents. Elections are held each September. The meeting schedule is announced at the beginning of the school year.
The School Council organizes various events to raise money to support school initiatives that are aligned with the annual School Success Goals.We welcome all your support! /
Parent volunteers assist with various in-school activities, accompany students on excursions and assist in our classrooms. Volunteer positions are listed in the September newsletter and at the Open House/ Community BBQ in September. Criminal Record Checks, specific to the Peel District School Board, are necessary for all volunteers. Applications for Criminal Record Checks are available in the school office.We welcome your questions and personal involvement in your child's education. Please take the time to read our school newsletters carefully. We encourage you to check your child's agenda each day and discuss any assignments.
Your involvement in your child’s middle school years is very important to his or her success.
PARENTS Open Door Notices/ School Fundraising Volunteers
Policy Newsletters Council
8:509:00 - 9:05
9:05 - 9:17
9:17 - 10:05
10:05 - 10:53
10:53 - 11:41
11:41 - 12:34 / School yard supervision begins
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Lunch / 12:34 -12:41
12:41- 1:29
1:29 - 2:17
2:17 - 3:05
3:20 / Entry
Period 4
Period 5
Period 6
School yard supervision ends
Hillcrest Middle School will follow a 6 Day Cycle in 2014-2015
Home room teachers will clarify which doors students may use. Beginning in September 2013, the Peel District Board Safe Welcome Program requires the front door to the school to remain locked throughout the school day. Students who are late for school must report to the office and receive an admit slip before proceeding to class.SCHOOL CLOSING ADVISORY
During the winter months, inclement weather may cause school closings. This decision will be made by 7:00 a.m. and will be announced on: CKFM, CHIN, CBL, CHUM, CJCL, CKMW, CFTR, CHFI, CBC (Fr), CFNY, CFRB, DC103FM, CKYC, CHAY, Q107/AM640, CHWO/CJMR. Buses Not Running means schools are open but Peel Board transportation is cancelled that day. The School System is Closed means schools and other Board worksites are closed to students and staff.Information about school closures is available on the school website at or under Transportation or at /
Please observe the designated ‘Fire Route’ and ‘No Stopping’ signage in front of the school, on Springwell Avenue and on Robillard Road. Do not park on the school driveway or in front of the school.For safety reasons, no cars may enter the school driveway from Robillard Road after school while students are boarding the school buses.
Students must refer to the Rules of Safety and Code of Behavior on School Buses listed on their bus card.- Students will board and exit buses at designated stops only.
- Students will remain seated while on the bus.
- Bus privileges will be revoked for vandalism and violations of the Hillcrest Code of Conduct.
- Bus students must carry a Hillcrest bus card at all times.
ATTENDANCE Safe Entrance &Student Drop- School Busing
ArrivalExitOff By ParentClosing
CODE OF CONDUCTThe Hillcrest Code of Conduct applies to all members of the school community including students, parents and guardians, volunteers and school staff, whether they are on school property, on school buses, at school-authorized events or activities, or in any other situation that may impact the school climate. The Hillcrest Code of Conduct is aligned with Bill 212 of the Education Act.
Please review your child’s student agenda and the Hillcrest Code of Conduct with your child and sign, where indicated, that these pages have been reviewed.
Students are expected to respect the personal property of others. Personal materials brought to school are the sole responsibility of the student.All electronic devices, including IPODS, MP3's, iPads, eReaders, cameras, tablets and cell phones may not be used during school hours (8:50 am - 3:20 pm) without teacher permission.
Personal electronic devices found at school will be kept for safe-keeping in the school office. Students may retrieve these items from the school administration, if available, at the end of the school day. Parent/guardians may be contacted.
Bicycles must be locked in the racks provided upon student arrival on school grounds. Bicycle riding in the schoolyard is not permitted. Students must walk their bicycles on school property.
Skateboards, scooters, and roller blades are not permitted on school property.
Lockers are assigned by location. Only approved combination locks may be used. Combination locks may be purchased at the school.Lockers may only be used:
- Before class at 9:05 am and 12:34 pm
- During noon break between 11:41 am and 12:01 pm
- With staff supervision
Hillcrest Middle School is a place of learning. Our Dress Code reflects the standards of our school. It has been shared with all members of our Learning Community: School Council, staff and students. We ask that all members of our Learning Community make respectful and responsible choices when dressing for school.
- Shirts and pants must be free of discriminatory, sexual, racial, religious, alcohol and drug related slogans and pictures
- Midriffs and cleavage must be covered at all times
- Underwear must not be visible – i.e. boxer shorts or bra straps showing
- Tank tops with shoulder straps three fingers in width are permissible. Spaghetti strap tops, racer back tops, halter tops and tops that tie at the neck are not permissible
- Shorts, skirts and dresses must reach the finger tips when arms are hanging at the sides even if tights or leggings are worn.
- Hats and bandanas may not be worn in school
The school is not responsible for students’ personal belongings. It is recommended such items be labeled with the student’s name. A box of unclaimed items and clothing is kept in the hallway near the gym. Items of considerable value, when turned in, are kept in the office.SAFETY
Students are in Hillcrest’s custodial care from 8:50 am until 3:20 pm. We rely on student co-operation to ensure the safety of all.- Playground etiquette must be maintained. Projectiles are not allowed.
- Entrance doors will remain closed and locked once school begins until dismissal time.
- Lunchroom etiquette must be observed.
- Students may not leave the school property during the lunch hour without written and dated permission from a parent/guardian.
- Students are required to sign in and out of the classroom during the school day and use a hall pass.
- All visitors to the school are required to report to the office. A “Visitor” badge must be worn by all visitors to the school.
- Occasional teachers are required to wear an “Occasional Teacher” badge.
- Anyone not wearing a badge will be questioned by school personnel and referred to the office.
Our goal is to work together as a community to provide an optimal learning environment for all Hillcrest students. We welcome and value input and questions from parents at any time.Reports / Communication Nights
Regularly scheduled reports and student-led conferences are as follows:
September 18, 2014 BBQ and Open House
November 7, 2014 Progress Reports
November 13/14, 2014 Progress Report/Student-led
February 6, 2015 Term 1 Report Card
April 20-24, 2015 Education Week
June 25, 2015 Term 2 Report Card
Parents are encouraged to contact the homeroom teacher should they have any concerns regarding their child's progress.
Students in Grade 6 will take part in the EQAO provincial testing. These tests are administered to students each year in the last week of May or first week of June.
ISRC (In School Review Committee)
The ISRC meets on a regular basis. It is comprised of Board staff, Administration, Special Education staff and the classroom teacher(s). Students with specific needs are presented to the committee and plans are established to assist the student. /
Monthly newsletters, which include event announcements and policy information, are sent home on the first Friday of each month and posted on the school website atA monthly calendar will be sent home with all students on the last Tuesday of each month. The monthly calendar, found on the school web site, will be maintained and current.
If you do not receive your monthly newsletter or calendar, or have any questions or comments, please contact the school.
Important notices will require the signature of a parent or guardian to acknowledge that they have been received.
IPRC (Identification, Placement and Review Committee)
The IPRC is a legal Committee which meets at the school or regionally. This committee can deem a student Exceptional and recommends appropriate placement or programming.
The Grade 6, 7 and 8 division at Hillcrest Middle School is made up of 2 tracks – English and French Immersion. All students study the same learning expectations whether they study in English or French. Subjects taught in French are: Language Arts, Social Studies (Grade 6), History, Geography, Science, PE, Dance and Drama.
From time to time students decide to change from a French Immersion program to a full English program. At the Grades 6, 7 and 8 level, students who leave the French Immersion program will be expected to return to the English Program at their neighbourhood senior public school.
Hillcrest’s computer lab is located in our Library Resource Centre. Mobile computer labs are also located in many of our classrooms. Computers are a vital tool for student learning and an important means of communication.The use of computer technology at Hillcrest Middle School is based on an integrated “subject-related approach” to learning. In September, each student will bring home an Internet Use Agreement and BYOD contract which must be read and signed by both parent/guardians and students.
Students are expected to respect the personal property of others. Personal materials, including IPODs, IPADs, eReaders, cameras, tablets and cell phones etc. are the sole responsibility of the student.
A Health area close to the office is available for students who report sickness to a staff member. If a student appears to require on-going attention, the parent/guardian will be contacted by the school. Parents are asked to ensure that an updated phone number and an emergency contact number are on file in the school office at all times. Students who become ill during the school day, must come to the office in order to call home.Several Hillcrest staff members hold First Aid/CPR certificates. School personnel will assume custodial responsibility for minor cuts or injuries. Parents will be contacted for head injuries and/or other serious injuries.
Medication, either prescription or over-the-counter, may not be sent to school with students. If a child has a headache or a cold and needs medication while at school, it must be dispensed at school by the parent or guardian.
In the event that medication is required to be dispensed at school on an ongoing basis, a medical form must be completed and signed by a physician before the medication can be dispensed. Medical forms are kept in the school office. /
The library program at Hillcrest includes learning situations where students use research and information skills to acquire knowledge. Ongoing events such as book fairs, author visits and other special presentations are arranged to promote literacy and to enrich our school programs.Students may use the library during school hours on an individual basis for borrowing materials, browsing and researching their own interests. Students may borrow two items for a 2-week period. A replacement levy will be charged for lost or damaged items.
Anaphylaxis is a potentially life-threatening allergic reaction which involves several body systems (skin, upper and lower respiratory, gastro-intestinal and cardiovascular). The most dangerous reactions are breathing difficulties and a drop in blood pressure. The reaction can develop within seconds of exposure; it is severe and can lead to rapid death if untreated. A life-threatening reaction can be triggered by: foods, insect stings, medication, exercise, and latex.Food accounts for approximately 50% of all anaphylactic reactions and this proportion is higher in children. Any food can cause anaphylaxis but in North America, 9 foods account for more than 90% of all reactions. These are: peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, fish, milk, eggs, soy, sesame seed and wheat.
To create a safe environment for our students, it is important that Hillcrest staff:
- know which students and staff have allergies
- request that parent/guardians complete an anaphylaxis emergency plan with information specific to their child
- ask that allergic individuals always carry epinephrine (Epi-pen) and wear Medic Alert identification
- Inform our community about anaphylaxis