Statewide Low Fee Family Law Project
2018 Attorney Application
(LRIS listings are by individual attorney, not law firm/affiliation)
Last Name: / First Name: / MI:
Firm Name: / Website:
Business Address: / Suite:
Business City: / State: / Zip:
Business Phone: / Fax: / Cell:
I am willing to consider Low Fee Family Law cases in the following areas:
Separation or Contested Dissolution Child Custody and Parenting Time
Child Support- Expedited ProcessDomestic Abuse and Orders for Protection
Name Change Paternity
Post Decree issues Uncontested Separation/Dissolution
I am willing to consider Low Fee Family Law cases in the following geographic areas (see page 6 of a county list):
Central Hennepin Metro North East North WestSouth
I am interested in providing limited scope/unbundled services: Yes No
In order to participate in the Low Fee Family Law Project, attorneys must be members of the HCBA LRIS. No panel fees are required for attorneys only accepting cases through the Low Fee Family Law Project. Additionally, no percentage fees are due to the HCBA for Low Fee Family Law Cases.
I am an attorney participant in the Mitchell Hamline Partnership CCLI: Yes
By checking yes, Iam certifying that I am currently mentored by a program sponsored attorney who meets the following experience requirements:The attorney shall have been in practice a minimum of five years; three years or practice within the last ten year must have been in the area of family law; and shall have completed three CLE credits in family law in the last three years.
LRIS Application Requirements:
- All provisions of LRIS membership are applicable to participation in the Low Fee Family Law Project including the following: (See LRIS Application & Agreement for requirements)
- Attorneys must have professional liability insurance coverage of at least $200,000 per claim / $600,000 aggregate and maintain coverage throughout the year.
- Callers seeking referral through the LRIS agree to pay a $30 administrative fee. In most cases this fee is collected at the time of the initial consultation and is returned to the LRIS with the referral report.
- It is the responsibility of the participating attorney to inform the client whether or not the attorney will be doing further work for them (in compliance with the Minnesota Rules of Professional Conduct).
Client Screening and Eligibility:
- Clients will be eligible for this service if their gross income less allowable expenses is between 125% and 250% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.
- Potential clients will be screened for eligibility by the LRIS staff.
- There is no fee charged to the client for the first one-half hour consultation.
- In most cases the attorney collects a $30 administrative fee that is forwarded to the LRIS.
- After the initial meeting, the client and attorney will discuss whether or not the attorney will provide further legal services.
- The attorney agrees to charge an hourly rate no more than $55 per hour.
- The client agrees to deposit a $500 retainer with the attorney before work is performed on the case.
- The attorney will make the final decision on case acceptance.
Retainer Agreement Provisions: (See sample Retainer Agreement)
- If further legal service is to be provided, the attorney and client will establish a written retainer agreement, specifying a retainer of up to $500 (as an advance against client fees) and either a flat fee for service or an hourly fee for service of no more than $55 per hour.
- If a flat fee agreement is made with the client, the fee arrangement may only revert to an hourly rate if the retainer agreement specifically allows for such should the complexity or difficulty of the case cause significant variation from the estimated time guidelines. This arrangement must be fully explained and agreed to by attorney and client, and must be specifically stated in the retainer agreement.
- If the attorney normally charges for the services of legal assistants, that charge will be specifically discussed with the client and the attorney shall discount the legal assistant hourly fees appropriately.
- The retainer agreement should state that fees may revert to the regular hourly rate of the attorney if attorney fees are awarded from the opposing party; if the client's financial situation changes; or if the financial information the client has provided is found to be false.
- The retainer agreement will delineate costs, including filing fees and other normal costs that will be paid by the client.
- The attorney who has accepted the case will provide periodic billing statements.
- LRIS will have no continuing obligation on the file. The attorney will collect fees and costs.
- The LRIS percentage fee agreement does not apply to Low Fee Family Law Project cases.
Attorney SignatureDate
Please return the completed application to Dana Rindahl by email at or mail to the LRIS at Hennepin County Bar Association, 600 Nicollet Mall, Suite 390,Minneapolis, MN 55402.
Statewide Low Fee Family Law Project
Collaboration between the Minnesota State Bar Association
and the Hennepin County Bar Association Lawyer Referral and Information Service
Program Overview:
The Statewide Low Fee Family Law Project is a collaboration between the Minnesota State Bar Association (MSBA)and the Hennepin County Bar Association’s Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS). The program seeks to expand the LRIS’s current Low Fee Family Law Project to include representation for individuals in all jurisdictions within Minnesota. Participants in the program are individuals who are not financially eligible for pro bono legal services yet cannot afford the market rate for full representation by private attorneys. The goal of this program is to make quality legal services affordable to persons who may not otherwise be able to afford an attorney.
Administration of the Low Fee Family Law Project:
The maximum hourly rate and retainer for cases placed through this project was approved by the Minnesota Supreme Court in 2000. The maximum retainer allowed is $500 with an additional $30 administrative fee which is forwarded to the LRIS. The maximum hourly rate is $55 per hour. As of February 4, 2008, the upper income limit for eligibility in the program is 250 percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, as noted below.
Client eligibility and income screening:
LRIS staff members screen clients by phone for initial financial eligibility. In order to qualify for services, clients must have household incomes between 125 and 250% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines (See chart below). Attorneys should verify each client’s eligibility as income information is collected as part of case development.
Legal services programs have traditionally accepted clients with incomes up to 125% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines for full representation. However, these organizations may be unable to assist persons due to conflict of interest, case type, time limitation, and/or limited resources.
Family Size
/ Annual Income / Monthly Income2016 – 2017 Federal Poverty Guidelines / 125% / 250% / 125% / 250%
1 / $14,850 / $29,700 / $1,238 / $2,475
2 / $20,025 / $40,050 / $1,669 / $3,338
3 / $25,200 / $50,400 / $2,100 / $4,200
4 / $30,375 / $60,750 / $2,531 / $5,063
5 / $35,550 / $71,100 / $2,963 / $5,925
Add’l Person / Add / $5,200 / $10,400 / $433 / $867
Legal Issues:
Clients are accepted in the following areas of family law practice:
- Separation or Divorce
- Child Custody and Parenting Time
- Paternity and Child Support
- Domestic Abuse and Orders for Protection
- Post Decree issues
Attorneys may opt out of participation in any of the above case types.
The following legal issues are NOT accepted by the Low Fee Family Law Project:
- Child Protection or Juvenile Delinquency
Criminal matters
- Appellate issues
Each client is told that the Low Fee attorney will require full disclosure of income and assets before agreeing to charge the reduced rate of $55 per hour.
During the financial screening, an LRIS staff member completes a worksheet listing income, expenses and assets.
If the client meets the income and case type guidelines, staff arranges an appointment with a panel attorney.
The worksheet is sent to the attorney when an appointment is made.
The client is told that the attorney will collect the $30 administrative fee at the initial appointment.
The client is told that the attorney will not start working until the $500 retainer fee is paid. The client must have the retainer available before staff makes an appointment for them.
If you discover, upon full disclosure, that a client’s income is more that 250% of Federal Poverty Guidelines:
Inform the client that he/she is not eligible for the Low Fee Family Law Project.
Explain that the client can call the LRIS to schedule an appointment with a full-fee attorney who may be able to take into consideration financial circumstances when setting fees.
You may also choose to provide the client with your regular fee structure and retainer agreements.
Please note on the client referral report that the client was NOT eligible for low fee services.
Indicate whether the client hired you or may retain your services in the future.
The Low Fee Family Law panel attorney makes the final decision on whether or not to represent the client. If, after conducting a thorough screen of income and assets, the attorney determines the client is not eligible for services, a different fee schedule may be arranged.
Model Retainer Agreement--Low Fee Family Law Project
{Client Name}
Dear {Client Name}
In accordance with our conversation today, this document details the agreement between us for this law firm to represent you in connection with
Consistent with our conversation, our representation of you will be on the following basis:
- We will record time spent on the above matter, and we will bill you at the hourly rate of (not more than $55) . If we determine that the adverse party will be responsible for the payment of your legal fees, we reserve the right to raise our hourly rate for all time spent on the above matter to our standard hourly rate of $______.
The reduced rate we have agreed upon was set after representations by you that your income does not exceed 250% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines currently in effect.
We reserve the right to raise our hourly rate up to our standard rate of $______per hour in the event that your income increases above 250% of those guidelines, or if it becomes evident that the financial information you provided to the Lawyer Referral and Information Service Low Fee Family Law Project was false.
- Our fees for service will be billed periodically along with separately listed out-of-pocket expenses. You agree that you are responsible for paying all costs related to your case. These costs might include filing fees for court papers, serving (delivering) court papers to the opposing party in your case, copying charges, long distance telephone charges, court reporter charges and other such costs. Such costs, when advanced by us, will be shown separately on the monthly bill. Payment of each statement is due within 30 days of the statement date.
- We acknowledge receipt of a retainer payment, as an advance against fees, of $______. The retainer payment will be reflected on your monthly statements until it has been used. Once the retainer payment has been used, a net balance will be shown on the statement each month. That balance must be paid as provided in paragraph 2 above.
- We reserve the right to withdraw from our engagement as your attorneys upon reasonable notice when any fees, expenses or charges are past due or in other appropriate circumstances.
- You retain the right to terminate our representation of you at any time. Amounts incurred for legal services rendered prior to termination will remain payable.
If the foregoing arrangement is satisfactory to you, please sign one copy of this letter and return it to this law firm at your earliest convenience.
Yours very truly,
J.Q. Lawyer and Associates, P.A.
Accepted this ______day of ______, ______
Counties per Geographic Area
Central / Metro / Northeast / Northwest / SouthBenton / Anoka / Aikin / Wadena / Blue Earth
Big Stone / Carver / Carlton / Becker / Brown
Chippewa / Dakota / Cass / Beltrami / Cottonwood
Chisago / Ramsey / Cook / Clay / Dodge
Isanti / Scott / Crow Wing / Clearwater / Faribault
Kanabec / Sherburne / Itasca / Douglas / Fillmore
Kandiyohi / Washington / Koochiching / Grant / Freeborn
Lac Qui Parle / Wright / Lake / Hubbard / Goodhue
Lincoln / Pine / Kittson / Houston
Lyon / St. Louis / Lake of the Woods / Jackson
Meeker / Mahnomen / Le Sueur
Mille Lacs / Marshall / Martin
Morrison / Norman / McLeod
Renville / Ottertail / Mower
Stearns / Pennington / Murray
Swift / Polk / Nicollet
Todd / Pope / Nobles
Yellow Medicine / Red Lake / Olmsted
Roseau / Pipestone
Stevens / Redwood
Travers / Rice
Wadena / Rock
Wilkin / Sibley