Unit 3 – Review Sheet (RS)
Industrialism and Imperialism: A New Age- (1800-1914)
Text Chapter 9-12
Enduring Understandings
1. The motives of competition and profit often prompt people and groups to expand into new areas of opportunity.
2. Changes in technology and exchange during the 18th and 19th centuries led to the social and economic changes around the world that are still relevant today.
3. Technology, transportation and communication enabled European nations to become the dominant world powers in the 19th century.
4. Centers of global economic and political power shift over time.
5. Technology and industrial advancement can alter existing social and economic systems.
Review Questions
- Identify the key advancements that were part of the industrial revolution.
- What factors are needed for industrialization to occur?
- Why did the industrial revolution begin in England?
- How did the industrial revolution impact each of the following?
- Urbanization
- Environment
- Factory system
- Working conditions
- Children
- Unions
- How did industrialization spread? How did it affect the rest of the world?
- How has technology and exchange transformed societies and the human experience?
- Identify the important concepts in the following economic theories. How did each view the role of labor, producers, the market and government? What was the end goal of each of these theories? What impact did each theory have on Europe and the world? (developing a comparative chart may be a good idea.)
- Capitalism
- Utilitarianism
- Socialism
- Marxism
- Laissez-faire
- Identify at least three significant reforms to result from industrialization and explain how these reforms impacted the people and governments of Europe.
- How did industrialization impact Europe’s democratization movement?
- Describe the home-rule movements in the British colonies around the world. Explain the similarities and reasons for differences amongst these movements. How do these movements compare to the Latin American and European revolutions of the mid-19th Century?
- Explain the effects of the following scientific advances:
- Communication
- Assembly line production
- Entertainment
- Medicine
- Evolution theory
- Chemistry and physics
- Social sciences
- Define Imperialism. Why did Europeans want to colonize Africa?
- Identify the key factors that made European colonization of Africa possible.
- Describe the impact of the Berlin Conference on both Europe and Africa.
- Who was King Leopold? What kind of ruler was he? Was he typical of European imperialists?
- Describe the different methods of imperial control over a colony. Describe and compare the effects the different methods of colonial control had on colonizer and colonized.
- Where is the Suez Canal? Why was it built and why is important even today?
- How did European imperialism affect the Muslim lands in the Ottoman Empire, Egypt, and Persia? How did geopolitics affect European imperialism.
- Why did Britain colonize India and why was it called the “jewel in the crown?” How did Britain control India?
- Describe the impact of colonialism on India and how the Indians responded.
- Explain the differences in Dutch, British, French and American imperialism in Asia and the Pacific Rim.
- Describe the Chinese response to foreign imperialism. Compare China’s economic, national and political systems to those of European countries.
- How did Japan respond to Western imperialism? Describe the similarities and differences between European and Japanese imperialism.
- Define and explain the importance of the following terms:
- factors of production,
- textile,
- enclosure,
- steam engine,
- stock,
- cartel
- means of production,
- proletariat,
- middle class,
- suffrage,
- temperance,
- Social Darwinism
- protectorate,
- sphere of influence
- Social Darwinism,
- market,
- raw materials,
- missionary